Reviews from

in the past

O Panda mais brabo dos cinemas no mundo dos jogos

Nunca assisti nenhum filme do Kung Fu Panda mas sempre que eu via os trailer eu achava o máximo, e recentemente descobri que tinha jogo do Kung Fu Panda então.. eu não poderia ignorar de maneira alguma.

Eu iniciei a versão do Wii desse jogo e achei muito ruimzinha então decidi trocar pra versão de PS3, ai sim a coisa começou a fluir melhor e a experiência foi bem mais satisfatória. Gráficos do jogo é bonito, sua jogabilidade é boa e funcional apesar de irritar um pouco e sua história pelo que li na internet segue a mesma base que o primeiro filme, então nada de reclamar da histórinha dele por aqui.

A única coisa que eu tenho a reclamar Kung Fu Panda de verdade é a forma que ele faz pra contar os meios da história, ele bota ali o Po pra ir contando as coisas antes de iniciar um capítulo e as vezes ele conta pontos importantes pra que você saiba o porque dele ta naquela fase ali e naquele cenário, olhando assim isso não parece um problema, só que quanto mais você vai jogando mais chato vai ficando ter que ouvir o que ele vai contando pra saber o motivo dele ta no lugar, tipo.. 2008 mano, CGI existe saca? custava terem botado algo de CGI só pra ilustrar melhor pra quem nunca viu o filme?

Enfim, tirando esse ponto chato do jogo ele é realmente divertido de jogar ali num dia frio e quando tu ta afim de finalizar algo rápido, uma pena que ele é um tanto repetitivo então se for joga-lo recomendo pegar e zerar numa tacada só pra não ficar guardando ai ele por 4 dias, se não tu vai acabar enjoando de verdade do jogo.

(esse vai entrar pra minha lista de jogos ruins que são bons)

God I remembered playing this game for PS3 when I was young alongside the 2007 Transformers game from my childhood, this game is so fuckin’ sweet, the graphics are cool, the combat system is so amazing, the music is so intense it’s so good, the levels are so easy to beat, the final level (which is tai lung) is a little bit hard, but it’s amazing, both the movie and game are certified masterpieces, DreamWorks & Activision did made some shovelware Wii games like that but this one is an banger on how well the devs of this game cooked on this game.

100/10 for this childhood masterpiece from DreamWorks from the awesome movie of the same name!

Alright, let's talk about "Kung Fu Panda" for the PS2. Now, I used to be head over heels for this game when I was a kid. I mean, who didn't love the movie? But let me tell you, revisiting it last year was a wake-up call, to say the least.

Where do I even begin? The levels are about as generic as they come – same old platforming, same old enemies, same old, same old. And don't even get me started on the music – it's like they just slapped together a bunch of stock tracks and called it a day.

But the real kicker? The combat. Oh boy, where do I even start? It's like trying to fight underwater with your hands tied behind your back. The controls are clunky, the combos are repetitive, and don't even get me started on the hit detection – it's about as reliable as a broken compass.

In the end, "Kung Fu Panda" for the PS2 is like a sad panda – all hype and no substance. Sure, it might've been fun back in the day, but revisiting it now is like getting kicked in the face by a kung fu master. So, unless you're feeling particularly nostalgic for frustration and disappointment, I'd steer clear of this one.

If I had a nickel for every licensed movie game featuring a character originally played by Jack Black that had no business being as fun as it was I would have two nickels etc.

This game is kind of a generic beat em up that I barely remember playing. I bought it used for about 3 bucks on a whim and beat it around Christmas time in 2022.
It should be noted that this game barely functions on the Wii. It is probably around a 6/10 on the PS3/360. The game has a lot of framerate issues on this version that clearly come from trying to downport a game to older hardware specs. There are nonsense motion controls throughout the game for attacks that do not function. Sometimes the music would just cut off randomly in the levels (I thought this was a console issue until I found a 2008 review also saying this). The game crashed right as I beat it (this is a disc issue for sure). Disaster port of a game that is likely completely fine in other ways. Also honorary review for the DS version that I remember being kind of decent.

this game is pretty good at being just alr for a movie adaptation its rlly good

I had this on my nintendo ds I loved the SHIT out of this game. I lent it to a supoosed """friend""" at the time, in primary school, while she lent me mario and sonic and the 2008 olympics. We were supposed to give the games back in like two weeks or a month or something. After the stipulated time period was over I gave her back the olympics game and SHE LOST MY FUCKING KUNG FU PANDA GAME. At least she said she did. Bitch.

This is game is super underrated. I might regret saying that if I ever replay it though lol

Esse jogo cheira a infância e ps2, que era repleto de jogos exatamente iguais a esse.

played this shit out of this, but got incredibly sad when my disc got ringed that i never got to finish the game. but rolling around and hearing the dialogue was amazing

A very VERY generic action game based off the Kung Fu Panda movie. NOTHING in this game particularly stands out but then again nothing in this game is actually bad. Its all serviceable and I had fun overall.

Lembrei desse joguinho esses dias enquanto conversava com alguns amigos pelo Discord e fui dar uma conferida. Joguinho super simples e bem curtinho mas que ainda diverte. Hack n' slash simplesão, jogo de apertar quadrado até limpar a sala e avançar pra próxima.

Tem detalhes muito bons, a qualidade da água desse jogo é muito boa para um jogo esquecido de filme. Ele peca um pouco nos quicktime events, dando pouco tempo para o jogador tomar uma decisão.

panda roll was crazy. cant believe this got a ps2 release but overjoyed that it did

Surprisingly solid beat em up. Played through it more than once as a kid and remember having a good time.

got this bundled with lego indiana jones as a kid
guess which one i played

Game I grew up with that holds up surprisingly well. A big interconnected sidescrolling world is always fun. But it's short and pretty easy.

I don't remember but it was fun.

Dont remember much about this game, just know i played it.

Nothing special to me, just boring.

Everything about this game was perfect

I was surprised at how good this game was in terms of game mechanics! It's not just funny walking with a silly panda bear. full-fledged 3D action like Oni! 

The fighting and the environment was good and followed the movie well. The 3d platformer sections not so much.

Mi primer juego de Xbox fue un Hack N Slash. Se podían romper vasijas, así que eso quizás lo convierta en un Souls. No me acuerdo de más