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Amongst the countless LEGO games released throughout the last 18 years, we’ve gotten some absolute bangers with LEGO Batman: The Videogame, LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, and my favourite—LEGO Marvel Superheroes; however, there are always bound to be some that are nothing more than average, and this is one of them. I’m amazed at how consistently Traveller’s Tales picks franchises that simply don’t translate well to their formula. I mean sure you can have the witty humor, the massive character rosters, and abundance of collectibles; but none of that really matters if the foundation is shaky at best.

Some of this really works! The story levels are fun to go through for the first three movies, with World easily being the weakest for reasons we’ll go through later. Jurassic Park, The Lost World, and Jurassic Park III are adapted almost perfectly; the levels are kept short, they contain engaging puzzles that aren’t too repetitive, and are mostly entertaining—with humor that occasionally works. Although I’m bothered by the fact that the opening scene of The Lost World isn’t adapted at all—strange, considering it has the most potential for a funny moment with the hilarious transition of a woman screaming turning into Jeff Goldblum yawning… but whatever I guess. Jurassic World on the other hand isn’t that good… It’s honestly a fucking snore-fest, which is odd considering the game is named after the movie; it’s clear that almost no effort went into those five levels, as they completely throw pacing out the window, they drag on endlessly with monotonous objectives and boring gameplay mechanics (the camouflage). I like the dino fights though! Those are definitely fun for the sheer spectacle of it all, but they don’t offer much in terms of gameplay besides spamming QTEs. There are also these out-of-level segments where you have to clear a path to progress to the next level, and they suck; I sort of miss the days where you’d have a set of doors to walk through or a quick menu, because anything other than that just aims to waste your time. Bonus levels are present here too, and those are a joke; they’re literally just the chase sections ripped from the main levels, all six take about 10 minutes to do and they’re laughably stupid.

I’d say the biggest issue with this game is the voice acting, or should I say lack thereof. It’s all taken from the movies; and it sounds like shit. It never stopped taking me out and was incredibly distracting throughout the entire game. Just hire some fucking actors please! It all sounds so cheap and fake, not to mention that it takes away from the humor since they’re constrained by the movie’s lines. They can’t add any jokes that aren’t just mindless mumbles, and it’s noticeable when compared to their other games. One thing that I’m happy they took from the movies is the soundtrack though, it’s always nice hearing those iconic themes as you’re doing typical, mundane LEGO stuff—and it never really gets old.

As I said before, the foundation for this game is a bit iffy, as it’s just Jurassic Park—like what can you really do with the character roster? The world? And this exact reason is why the game is so middling. Is it cool that it contains 140+ characters? Yeah. Is it cool that it has all four islands? Yeah. But it’s not cool that all of those things are boring as hell. This is one of the worst LEGO rosters because these characters are not fun to play as. The Dino’s are nice though—but again, there’s not much you can do with any of them. And two of the hubs—which are forests (I hate forests) are essentially just narrow lines that have some of the most repetitive activities I’ve seen in a LEGO game. Oh and since this is indeed a LEGO game, expect loads upon loads of bugs that softlock/hardlock your progress. Like fucking hell, can they ever optimize a game? Guess not.

Playtime: 21.2 hours

Every Game I’ve Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
LEGO - Ranked
2015 - Ranked

The sound clips from the movie were way too distorted and loud. Should have just kept it silent.

beat the first movie and decided it wasn’t worth finishing. not a whole lot of charm here for me. gameplay is inoffensive but the environments look kind of bad and i despise that they just use audio from the movies instead of adding any type of real character that compels me to keep playing.

I once played it for so long my thumb got cut by the controller grip. This was my first xbox game and playing it in coop with my bro was an experience to remember. The tame lego violence and suspense was a gatway drug into much worse, but in true lego fashion there were some funny ass moments. I also remember this hyper specific glitch I discoverd where if you turn into a flying dino bird thingy in this one enclosure and glitch out, you can traverse the open world as the unplayable bird. Back to the game. The sound track of classic Jurrasic park tied in perfectly to some of the environments. Some enclosures genuinely felt like a fever dream upon reflection, maybe my memory is just bad overtime but the whole oversaturated-green lego foilage thing makes me feel like a dumbass kid.

Not a remarkable game, just another really fun LEGO game. Being able to play as the dinosaurs is amazing.

Platinei ele na steam e foi bem gostoso de fazer 100%

Jogo videogame a muitos anos e de um tempo pra cá decidi jogar videogames de uma forma mais calma, e pela primeira vez fui em busca da platina de forma "consciente", pois, as duas platinas que eu tinha eram de jogos multiplayer, então eu não tinha a intenção de platiná-los.

Mas que grata surpresa foi jogar LEGO Jurassic World e passar por todos os filmes da franquia, me diverti bastante e a platina foi super tranquila!

Então se você gosta de dinossauros e também da LEGO, esse jogo certamente é para você!

I liked it when i was 10 I think, idk that's what Steam says

Sepa esse é o LEGO mais longo, nunca voltei nele e não sei se vou.

isso aqui é bom, mas tambem é ruim nao sei explicar. so sei que eu gostava de criar dinossauro

the first lego game that i ever completed. very fun. does justice to the movies and even heightens my enjoyment of some of the movies.


One of the best Lego games and that's seriously saying something.

Perfect open world, perfect vibes from the films, perfect humor, and YOU GET TO PLAY AS THE DINOSUARS!!!

Love love love it!!!

I got this on the Wii U shortly before I got my ps4 so I never completed it. Next time its on sale I will most likely get it because I've always wanted to complete it.

This game is the start of the Chris Pratt voice acting pandemic

Zerei com meu primo, mas esse não me prendeu tanto não... Confesso, acheio meio sei lá o jogokkkkkk óbvio que é divertido, provavelmente quem é fã dos filmes vai amar, mas pra mim mesmo não funcionou legal


I love the Jurassic park franchise and this encapsulated the vibes perfectly

Simples porém divertido, platinado!

Maybe a little more combat and it could have been one of the best

A fun time when my sister and I played it many years ago.

i liked that you could be a t-rex

Very cool Jurassic World Lego game, can control the dinos too