Reviews from

in the past

A primeira versão mobile que o Minecraft teve. Me diverti demais nessa versão, na época minha cabeça tinha estourado em pensar que dava pra jogar o Minecraft em seu celular e levá-lo para onde você quisesse, ter o poder de jogá-lo em qualquer lugar e na hora que você quisesse era incrível. Ótimo jogo, é literalmente o Minecraft versão de bolso kkkk.

A época do MCPE era bem legal, lá no começo pra 2013/14 q ainda existia limite no mundo oq era foda pq n tinha tanto pra explorar mas msm assim era divertido. O nether tbm era apenas um aglomerado de blocos com vários zombies pigman.
Lembro q era bem chato de entrar em servidores e principalmente para colocar mods ( nunca consegui naquelas versões ). Fora q eu tinha medo de achar o Herobrine por causa dos videos do youtube na época, slk altas lembranças...

>> Prós
• DIVERTIDO : Passar o tempo construindo coisas no criativo ou explorando no survival.

>> Contras
• LIMITE NOS MUNDOS : Isso nas antigas versões.
• ADDONS/MODS : Eram bem difíceis de conseguir colocar.
• SERVIDORES : Eram bem chatinhos de entrar.

I still have a nether reactor!!!

Controls: awful.
Inventory: ugly.
Peak mobile Minecraft experience; fantastic
Wish I could play this version again as I prefer this over any day compared to Bedrock edition.

TL;DR: Not a game you can properly review with a rating. Not in this day and age, anyway.

The original Pocket Edition is truly a product of this time and nostalgic to look back to, though predictably it doesn't compare to modern versions of Minecraft. And it doesn't have to. It was never supposed to. It was a serviceably solid mobile port of the Minecraft version of its time, and it did it well. From hardware-restrictive workarounds like the cyan rose and the Nether Reactor, to the tiny worlds and small local multiplayer rooms that you were confined to, everything about this game screams "childhood". You can't put a price on that, much less a review score.

I remember one of my first notable builds being an upside down house that hanged from a cliff's underside with chains made out of cobblestone stairs, and another one built on the side of a natural hill to hide the secret vault room I'd constructed behind a painting to hide it from the only other friend who played in that world with me. To this day, I'm proud of myself for finding out that trick without an online video or some other source. All me, placing paintings on open doors.

One time I created a cool temple and spawned it full of bats cuz i thought it would be cool but the bats lagged the game so much that I had to blow up the temple to get rid of them :(

I had to play this one back in the day because my PC could not handle it at the time. Fun version, but of course lacking in so many ways.

só a era de criança q jogava por causa do aptoide vai entender ☝🏻 nossa mtas memorias jogava direto mesmo o jogo sendo MUITO limitado

I played it when it fist came to IOS. It only had zombies as the enemies and the menu had items that where infinite. also steak did not stack and it regenerated hearts instead of hunger since hunger was not a thing back then.

THE android game of my childhood. I didn't know how to make tools and there were only 4 monsters and 4 animals. Those were the times...
I remember once when I built a nice house and went out for a few minutes. When I came back, the first floor was full of monsters (I also didn't know how to make torches)

I just won't give it 5 stars because, even with the obvious limitations, I think the game could have had something more at the time

I used to play minecraft pocket edition with my sister, we'd sit in the same room and join each other's worlds :,) Thems some good times fr fr

Quite lacking in comparison to the other versions of the game.

A game with less than ideal controls, but some surprisingly original content that isn't in the normal minecraft game. one of the best ways to play classic minecraft.

I wish I didn't have a habit of throwing my ipod up the stairs for some reason. Literally no clue why I did that, but there's so many dead pixels on that screen. This game won't even launch anymore, which is a shame. I had very fond memories of playing with my best friend. I still remember this weird multiplayer quirk where one player could have the game on peaceful and the other could have it on something else, which led to one player getting killed by invisible mobs. My poor friend detonated from an invisible creeper as I tried to warn him to the best of my ability. There's so many worlds lost to time that once resided on that device. I had mansions, mineshafts, and more. It's like a time capsule that got launched into the sun.

Minha infancia inteira esta diante dos meus olhos

I wish lite was one here. I played lite and this

Eu jogava com os manos na escola, tempos que não voltam

foi bom enquanto durou....
era mt bom os servidores, os youtubers, as atualizações, os bugs

Serás para sempre a versão definitiva do minecraft... SILÊNCIO para aqueles alienados que discordam ✋🙄

I was never a huge fan of pocket edition because I had Minecraft on my xbox and laptop so I never really played it much plus the controls are really janky

pior que a normal, mas boa tbm e classica, so que no futuro foi substituída pela bedrock

Throwback to when I recorded cringy let's plays with my friend back in 2015/2016

played this on my nokia smartphone before the chimpening begun

Apesar de boa a versão pocket de minecraft não e tão boa assim, comparado com a Java ela e com certeza inferior, porém, ainda e uma boa opção pra quem não tem um PC pra jogar.

Así comencé a jugar al mainkra, estaba divertido, sobre todo cuando jugaba con camaradas.