Reviews from

in the past

I love Ultra Instinct Shaggy but this game won’t be a 10/10 until they add Wiz and Boomstick from the Death Battle franchise

I dislike this revisionist history going on here
this game is good
why do we all the sudden gotta act like we hate it because its not popular anymore and the servers went down

Add walter white and i will up the rating

You can play as LeBron James in this...


The Good:
It's got a bunch of characters I guess and the art style is fun
The Bad:
It's just another trash free to play game. MTX ridden and pure cancer like the rest of them. The gameplay is not fun enough nor are the levels and characters to make it worth while.
Unless you really care about WB IP and want to watch Shaggy fight Wonder Woman or something, this game is a hard pass

****note on my ratings:
half ⭐: hot trash garbage
⭐: below average, needs work
⭐⭐: average
⭐⭐⭐: pretty good
⭐⭐⭐⭐: excellent
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: all time favourite
half star ratings between those mean it's slightly better or worse than stated in this list.

Why do the characters look like a Fortnite TF2 love child?

MultiVersus is the definition of a mediocre fighting/party game. A crossover with all of the Warner Bros IPs sounds cool on paper but falls flat in its gameplay. If I can describe the gameplay for MultiVersus, it'll be the "button-mash to win" type. It's definitely like Smash Bros, but for that series there is some skill involved to take down other players; MultiVersus has none of that. I wish I spent more time on this before the Open Beta was shut down until its eventual full release in 2024, but I've seen about everything the game has to offer. I also hate how the developers monetize an Open Beta with microtransactions and offer Deluxe Editions, and the fact that this won Best Fighting Game last year that could've been given to other games such as King of Fighters XV is beyond me.

Esse foi o pior jogo que eu já joguei, inclusive nem estrelas dei. Tu entra no jogo, e tem que logar com tua conta Warner (Eu não tenho conta Warner (Eu não pude jogar o jogo (Ninguém tem conta Warner (Ninguém joga esse jogo))))

I wish more games were halfway as good as smash cause this could’ve been fun

Falando em jogos abandonados, cá estamos nós com ele.
Passei muitas horas aqui com amigos brigando e tomando surra de viciados com personagens brokens.

Mas o que importou para eu foi a diversão que se construiu através dos amistosos entre amigos... acho que acabei de descrever animes shounens.

Worth every penny (it’s free to play).

This game has great potential, but it keeps making the dumbest decisions I have seen.

"This new game's gonna be the Smash killer" mfers when I tear open their ribcage and pull out their organs

Smash Bros but lebranjame.

Isso não foi um jogo, foi um experimento social com validade de 1 ano.
É incrível como durante todo o tempo de vida de Multiversus (eu prefiro já considerar esse jogo como morto), o balanceamento foi uma merda, as atualizações eram raras, basicamente lendas urbanas e a gameplay foi a exata mesma desde a beta, rasa, sem nenhuma personalidade ou tentativa de melhora.

The artistic choice to base Shaggy's moveset almost entirely on ultra instinct memes from 2019 will forever be a ball and chain on this game's ankle


They were so embarrassed by this game that they shut it down. Making a platform fighter that is more fun than Smash Bros. proves once again to be improssible.

A ideia é muito incrivel, só que nao é mt bem executada pq tem muitos personagens q são mais fortes e fica impossivel, e tbm tem muito pouco personagem, mas tirando isso é mt divertido e tem um puta potencial

I miss my blud Jake
I miss him a lot

This game again showed me that I don't like fighting games.
So it's just nothing for me also I think this game isn't playable at the time I'm writing this.(28.10.2023)

Concept très cool. Une reprise de smash mais avec des perso Warner Bros c'est incroyable. Les perso ont tous des move set très originale et cool a jouer. Problème soit tu paye soit tu farme et jai pas envie de payer 10 euro pour un perso, au moin sur smash c 5 euro et ta 60 perso gratuit (apres le jeu est chere aussi). Un mmr inexistant pour se jeu, le mmr est mauvais dans la plupart des jeu, mais c'est important pour un jeu ou tu doit combattre un adversaire de ton niveau

Have admittedly yet to sink much time into 2v2 but it is not suited for 1v1 play at all, which no matter how hard you want it to be the devs should have paid more attention to this. 2v2s are fun but no matter how hard you push them you shouldn't leave 1v1s in this bad of a state. I don't like the game's physics very much but this is the only roster I expect to ever truly rival Smash's at what it's trying to do.

Surprised that Backloggd even remembered to add this game.