Reviews from

in the past

A wonderfully unique puzzle game with some really well-made graphics. I love the political fiction story it tells of a country similar to Cold War era Soviet Union.

Would replay sometime to get a different ending.

Ser fiscal de fronteira e mandar pessoas com documentos vencidos pra cadeia é mais divertido do que eu pensava

All'apparenza sembra un titolo noioso, ma come darvi titolo? l'idea è quella di fare l'ispettore di frontiera, però il concetto che sta alla base trae inganno, perché è in grado di intrattenere il videogiocatore per ore.

Very chill and interesting game with very few simple mechanics.

Damn, who knew Border Patrol was so FUN?

This game can be a bit of a mindfuck having to memorize certain features and locations, but once you get the hang of it, it's pretty fun.

One of the best experiences I have had the pleasure of playing.
The difficulty curve was perfect, and the game just keeps adding new mechanics incrementally without making the player feel overwhelmed or the game convoluted. In the later days you'll find yourself mechanically and deliberately analyzing all the documents to pass on your judgment.
Some of the later mechanics were really surprising, but I don't want to spoil it.
The upgrade system was also a genius addition and made them feel owned for your efforts not to get (too many) citations. I found the third upgrade not really worth it, but no matter.
For my playthrough, I decided to uphold the law thoroughly and not get any citations. Some days I repeated two or three times, but mostly it was a breeze. In the later days I decided against this because it didn't really affect the ending and I've already got the two plaques, and I wanted to help Segiu. So, I've finished the whole thing with only 6 citations (skill issue, I know)
Will gladly do another 4 playthroughs.
The victory theme at the end was such a goddamn banger.

sooo fun but terrible for the fellow adhders

Lucas Pope é um um verdadeiro artista dos jogos.

a concept you'd never think would work as a video game, yet so beautifully executed. somehow creates a fun exercise out of stressing over little details.

the neurodivergency in me made this game very enjoyable

my entire family died because of my incompetence

Stamping papers and checking passports have never been more fun.

Um bom jogo, com um ótimo design e funções que vão se aprimorando a partir que o jogo vai se desenrolando. Essa obra conta a estória de um inspetor, que pode escolher o que vai acontecer com a vida dos outros e com a sua própria vida. Mesmo que as funções fossem renovadas, o jogo sofre muito com o tédio que a gameplay proporciona.

Mai un gioco mi ha trasmesso così tanto l'angoscia di dover prendere certe decisioni.

Glory to Jorji!

My ADHD ass cannot handle this game.

How is this stressful, tedious, and repetitive gameplay some of the most fun I've had in a game? Who cares? GLORY TO ARSTOZKA!!!

Very chill game, in the sense that it gives you the chills.

This game is fantastic! What a perfect little game. Multiple endings makes replayability a blast! And being part of a bureaucratic cold war monster is, shockingly, wonderful. I can't recommend this one enough.

Simples e perfeito.
O jogo pode ser bem dificil se você não prestar muita atenção, e aos poucos a soundtrack vai entrando na sua mente, quando você menos esperar, ela ja vai fazer parte de você!

Sorry but my mother in law is not getting her meds this week, gotta keep the heating on

Objectively, I spent more than 6 hours in panic, fearing penalties and the death of family. The sound of the fax indicating my mistakes will remain etched in my memory like a sound of terror. For 6 hours, I was lied to straight to my face, corrupted, broke up families, and allowed the law of retaliation and drug trafficking.

But for 6 hours, I also saved lives, offered a box of pencils (which costs as much as rent, that damn kid better take care of it), allowed a couple to reunite, and sparked a revolution. In short, I had a good time.

Note: I do not recommend playing this game on a smartphone or tablet – digital paperwork quickly becomes unmanageable on small screens. For a VR experience of the game, play it on an ill-suited desk and an unbalanced stool. Let a draft cool the room and drink bad chicory.

FR : Papers, please
Objectivement, j’ai passé plus de 6 heures en panique, craignant les pénalités et la mort de famille. Le son du fax indiquant mes erreurs restera ancré dans ma mémoire comme un son de terreur.
Pendant 6 heures, on m’a menti au visage, j’ai été corrompu, j’ai brisé des familles et autorisé la loi du talion et le trafic de drogue.
Mais pendant 6 heures, j’ai aussi sauvé des vies, offert une boite de crayons (qui coute le prix d’un loyer, il a intérêt à en prendre soin ce foutu gosse), permis à un couple de se retrouver et qu’une révolution se mette en place.
Bref, j’ai passé un bon moment.
Note : je ne recommande pas de jouer à ce jeu sur smartphone ou tablette : la paperasse numérique devient rapidement ingérable sur des petits formats d’écran. Pour une expérience VR du jeu, jouez plutôt sur un bureau mal adapté et un tabouret déséquilibré. Laissez un courant d’air refroidir la pièce et buvez de la mauvaise chicorée.

jogo interessante, mas pela repetitividade me deu preguiça de pegar os outros finais

Decisiones y situaciones muy chulas. La forma de darte las elecciones me parece muy original

simulador de funcionário público
tá faltando documento vai ter que voltar outro dia 💭 (oh yeah)

Great little Indie game with a surprisingly deep story. The game has some great world-building. Gameplay is safed from being repetitive by the different things to look out for each day.
Glory to Arstotzka!

Consequences and choices actually matter, and the free will you have in this dystopian, communist storyline makes this game a strategy masterpiece.