Reviews from

in the past

As a child, the concept of immortality seemed like a dream. Not anymore, that perception has now shifted.

Very good story, quite philosophical. Good characters and shiz too

É interessante mas ainda n me aprofundei no jogo pq esse comecinho é meio puxado e confuso

Really sad to have shelved this one but circumstance has forced me to. Was about halfway through this game and enjoying it a lot when I got the worst flu I’ve ever had and would have ended up in the hospital for dehydration were it not for my partner’s physician dad giving me prescription anti emetics he had lying around the house. Tried playing more of this game when I was laid up in bed which was a huge mistake. Literally can’t even think about this game without feeling nauseous now. Huge shame because I was enjoying it quite a bit.

Muy interesante y una buen traslado de lo que es el uso de las mecánicas de D&D en un videojuego. A pesar de ser antiguo para los estándares digitales se siente fresco gracias a una narrativa intrigante y variedad a la hora de elegir el equipamiento. El combate está bien, con sus cosas buenas y malas. Pero lo que más destaca de este juego es que las misiones secundarias están muy bien dispuestas, y que se necesita que el jugador esté atento para seguir avanzando en algunas. Es muy interesante como algunas nimiedades recobran sentido más adelante. Considero que es una buena entrada a los CRPG, y un videojuego que por lo menos, es interesante.

I really wish I could just skip all the boring combat and dungeon crawling in this game.

An extremely high quality video game where almost every little side task people ask you to do adds to the magical sense of setting and place.

Was very intrigued by the initial story setup and excited to play more but the game can't seem to decide whether it wants to let me boot it up or not. Can't give it any particular rating in good faith given that I've barely touched the thing lol

Bitirmeme az kaldı yaklaşık 2-3 aydır oynuyorum bu süreç içerisinde kesinlikle favori oyunlarımdan biri olucağı belli hatta oldu bile .Gördüğüm en iyi yazılmış oyun.Hikaye anlatamı çok iyi,karakterler çok iyi,dünyası çok iyi yani oyun bu konularda gördüğüm en iyi oyunlardan biri oldu.Bunun dışında biraz oynanış sıkıntı ama o da eski yani ne beklersin ki