Reviews from

in the past

This is actually better than most gacha games, but it's still a gacha game so i would still rather play almost anything else.

Fun Pokémon game with cool trainers/Pokémon to collect. Has a decent story for a mobile game. Def try it out if you got time to kill and love Pokémon.

A única parte legal desse jogo é a possibilidade de ver interações entre os protagonistas e demais personagens da franquia porque é bem chato no geral.

>> Prós
• PERSONAGENS : Quem jogou os games vai gostar de ver os protagonistas, rivais, líderes de ginásio, vilões e os demais personagens da franquia.
• DIÁLOGOS : A interação entre alguns personagens q nunca se viram é bem legal.

>> Contras
• MECÂNICA DE BATALHA : Dps de um tempo acaba ficando mt chato.
• JOGABILIDADE : É igual à mecânica de batalha ( já q é apenas as batalhas onde vc realmente joga nesse jogo ).

>> Perso Favorito = Red, Zinnia e N.

Played this for about three months and found it to be... pretty okay, actually? It's cool that we got a game centered on the series' human cast, even if it is gacha slop. But while Pokémon has proven time and again that it's got the chops to put out some really compelling characters, it's hardly evident with the way PMEX is written.

The "story", if you can even call it that, basically only exists as a vehicle to advertise whatever shiny new sync pair they're trying to sell. Like sure, there is something with a semblance of a plot here, but it's very much a nothingburger outside of a few exceptions.

The gameplay, though? Actually solid. The ATB-like combat is very fun and there's a decent amount of depth to it, too. It especially shines in harder content like the Legendary Gauntlet and Champion Stadium where you're forced to carefully plan around your roster.

But there's one thing I will absolutely rag on though, and it's the dogshit availability of gacha units. The majority of sync pairs released nowadays, i.e. the ones people give a shit about, are exclusive to Poké Fair banners, meaning they're not added to the general pool after their debut banner ends and you have NO IDEA when they'll be coming back. Even seasonal sync pairs are more predictable because at least you know when in the year they'll show up again.

It's even worse with Master Fairs, which comprise of some of the most powerful sync pairs in the game, because some of these guys have gone missing for more than a year. Leon was unavailable for TWO YEARS. TWO.

Maybe I'm just spoiled because Granblue and Dragalia's equivalents to Master/Poké Fairs all receive monthly reruns and outside of those, only seasonal characters were omitted from the general pool. Because compared to that, it is so fucking dire down here.

It's not the greatest game in the world, it's just one of the gacha games I enjoy.

A great character enhancement compared to the mainline game (and probably anime) incarnations and great OST

Lets you pick the home screen theme from a huge list of returning series music that inexplicably features nothing but battle themes

My favorite gacha game. Do not play it please

it gets boring after a while :(

For a mobile game, is it very good.

it has the subway masters on it

It's a nice game for pokémon players who are interested in the various characters the franchise has, I feel like they did a good job giving them more depth. As a hardcore Silver fan, I really appreciate how much time and thought they put into his character redemption arc, shit was beautiful, fr fr.

I can definitely understand why masters has such a low rating tho. It's definitely a tad underwhelming gameplay-wise, and the gacha system is ASS. Like, straight up disrespectful, man.

shitty gameplay but at least i can kiss my favorite trainers (in my mind)

usual formula a lot of free stuff at the start then massive grind

When this game got announced around the same time as SwSh, I was incredibly excited. I was in the middle of my Dragalia Lost binge so I was confident in a Nintendo-published gacha game. Turns out it was completely incompatible with my phone.

I started actually playing it around 2021 and I was taken aback by how utterly vapid the presentation and gameplay was. It's doesn't play like a Pokemon game, but instead like an idle game with charge-up on every action. The music and story in this game don't do anything for me, and on top of it all, it's one of the least generous gacha games in terms of monetization. While the vast majority of the characters represented in this game can be summarized with "I love battling and I want to be friends :DDD", some characters are actually expanded super well from their original game. Notable examples are Silver and N, and as of recently Volo. The best way to play Masters is to autobattle everything and save for a character you like. No point in taking it any deeper than that.

Where's my bikini Olivia or Cynthia sync pair?

Decided to download the game because they add Rika, my favorite Pokémon character, to the game.

The game seems interesting with being able to battle and team up with all the famous trainers from all the game. However, it is plagued by the curse of being a mobile game. Tons of unnecessary and long updates and constant pop up notifications. Could barely even play the game. It got so annoying to where I just deleted the game.

Whether you're a PlayStation, Nintendo, Xbox or PC fanboy, can we all agree that mobile gaming is the worse? Thank you.

It's hard to really determine what I actually like about Pokemon Masters EX mainly because the game as changed so much and yet not at all through out the course of it's lifetime. Despite this though, I can't help, but think the way the game actually operates now is by making you not wanting to actually play the game.

Maybe auto battling was always apart of the game or maybe it just wasn't as good or my team wasn't as good, but at a certain point, Pokemon Masters EX stops being a real time strategy type game, and more like a simulator for all your fancy new gacha gains. I really don't say this lightly nor do I say it as a way to diss the game. I think that both the way it uses active turn based battling is one of the best ways it was ever been implemented; while at the same time this game incorporates and demands so much of you that it's hard to not opt-in for usage like skip tickets or simply auto battling at higher speeds to get done with the content you are playing while doing something else. It's not like the gameplay is particularly bad either as a lot of it is simply standard JRPG buffing/debuffing and attacking opponents in a more stressed and time matter. The limited amount of moves makes menu-ing a far easier task compared to Final Fantasy's system, and it works in a regenerative mp like system that makes burst of attacking manage able while optimizing your attacks. In essence, it's a battle system that keeps you engaged while not overwhelming as long as you pay attention.

That being said Pokemon Masters EX is kinda shameless with it constantly needing you to power up your characters before a fight even starts, and even being at the right level can mean nothing if you don't also take advantage of other systems of power it uses like it's sync grinds (these act as skill trees) and move levels (a prestige like system). This all effectively means that either you are in for a long grind to get usable teams, or the option the devs want, buying currency to spend in their game. While I can't say much about my luck as either good or bad compared to others, I will say that getting a gacha character you want here, really isn't that bad. I've gotten plenty that I wanted to get, and some that I just got through it's free pulls. The main problem with the gacha isn't obtaining trainers you want, the problem comes with it's move level system. While the game does a good job to give you plenty ways to power up your characters through some grinding methods, overall most characters don't start becoming good till their 3rd move level, and that makes it rather frustrating when you have nearly hundreds of trainers that are competing for those types of power ups. Add that together with a bunch of new games and designs coming out, multiple different types to take advantage of in battle, and the various geared styled of move sets can make the biggest grind of them all being the gacha system. It really isn't like Fate Grand Order or Fire Emblem where a single character can carry you, you need multi-characters able to do that with various types that can be your ace in their better match ups, then if you are really dedicated, have all their bonuses match up for even greater power boost. Ultimately, what a lot of this game comes out to is how stacked is your whole gallery of characters over actual strategy options.

Pokemon Masters EX does have a lot more to offer than just it's battle system and fancy character designs tho. I can't express enough how this game just kinda gives us some of the most compelling writing for various pokemon characters out there that even some of it's games just don't touch. The main story is surprisingly endearing, and gives insight for the new characters introduced, as well as a spot light for some older characters to boot. It's honestly a bit jarring because you either get a whole lot of development for a character or none at all, and pending on who you like, that coin flip could be a bad result for you. Still there is absolutely one thing that anyone can enjoy from this game, and that's the soundtrack. The sheer amount of remixes, new, and old songs is just amazing. I really can't explain just how good this games soundtrack is, and if there is anything I'm grateful for this game for, it's that.

With all that being said, Pokemon Masters EX is honestly kinda average. The main attraction of having all the pokemon characters together is neat. It has led to a lot of interesting interactions and designs, but it's really hard to justify anyone getting into it that just doesn't have a bunch of time to waste.

It’s a gacha game and it doesn’t even have Larry in it

I have a very, very, very unhealthy addiction to this game so I’m biased. Send help

It’s a gacha, but it’s got good writing for Pokémon standards, and a SHOCKINGLY good soundtrack. Gameplay’s fun, but it gets repetitive after a while, especially if you’re lucky, or wealthy enough to have the better units.

So months and months later and it turns out I've deleted the game and moved on as I just can't get on with the gameplay at all.

Yeah it's fun to see a bunch of interactions with different Pokémon characters but I'm sorry, I'm not fucking going through hours and hours of the same boring battles against the same boring NPC's just to see them, no thanks.

Not even Ash and Pikachu from a prior event can keep me going.

Go listen to all the music on YouTube for some of the best Pokemon remixes ever. Otherwise don't play the game.

we finally got it. Pokemon Master Sex

GooeyScale: 70/100

I know this game sucks, but I can’t stop myself from loving it. Seeing almost every major character from across the series interact makes the mediocre gameplay worth suffering through.


I wanted to get to the good remixes and character stories, but couldn't beat the gacha

tiene cosas interesantes pero siento que entrar es un problema, abris el juego y te tira noventa cosas distintas para hacer y mucha información, no construye bien el learning path~~ igual esta muy bueno ver personajes de pokémon que jamas verías en otros lados, tiene mucho potencial, una lástima

It's only redeeming factors is having all the characters from different series interact. Other than that I am not a big fan of the gameplay on this one

The only Gacha I can stand. Gameplay is relatively simple and easy once you have a critical mass of Sync Pairs, but the music is top notch.

Acho o jogo bem divertido e diferente mecanicamente, mas acho que falta um pouco de otimização e algo que prenda o jogador

Sometimes 15 minutes of pokemon a day is enough.

Not a huge mobile gamer and not played this one consistently. Honestly without the Pokemon name and characters I wouldn't have bothered at all. But it is nice to be able to engage with Pokemon just a little bit every now and again without having to commit to a full play through of one of the mainline games.

Played for a few days, still a gacha game but had some fun art and tie-ins to all the games. Only remember that it exists during the Pokemon directs.