Reviews from

in the past

As piadas desse jogo são de chorar de rir...
Apesar de ter alguns problemas com a gameplay do jogo e a história, eu entendo o porquê dele ter sido um marco na franquia.

eu AMO muito RE4, é uma gameplay INCRIVEL e INSUPERAVEL! estou muito ansiosa para jogar o remake

Patient zero for dogshit genre of games where you walk down corridors for 7 hours and shoot the same guys over and over and over again because you are stupid and we cant trust you to use ur brain or anything we have to jingle keys in your face every 30 minutes to keep you engaged and theres no room for an interesting narrative or gameplay or anything just shoot the guys dude just go shoot more guys it's ok you get health and ammo for shooting the guys so you don't have to do anything else but shoot the guys

Um clássico que envelheceu como vinho. Vale a super a pena.

Only small time people would give this game less than five stars.

Lo jugué con una nueva partida + de un amigo, aun asi me cague en las patas, da mas miedo que el remake y tiene mas partes (los lasers), god jueguito

A real ass video game man.
Combat is insanely satisfying. So tactical/"arcadey" but still had the stress of the item management, which is just such insanely effective combination. The story was very corny, but very on the nose and fun. The pacing was a bit weird towards the end and I really wish Ashley was utilized more. The layer of management involving her was so engaging and fun.
But otherwise, super good. Legendary for a reason. Glad I finally got a chance to play it!

Resident Evil 4 is amazing. It's a pretty big shift from having just played Signalis, being much more linear and action based with extremely simple puzzles. Looking into the rest of the series, as this is my first Resident Evil game, I've learned this is a turning point in the series for those same reasons. I really love the old tank controls and shooting mechanics introduced in this game. They're really charming, and the awkwardness in getting used to them can ramp up tense situations. However, they become pretty comfy and satisfying once you get used to them. The management of supplies is really enjoyable and encourages you to be as resourceful as possible to conserve ammo and health amidst the hordes of enemies the game throws at you. This game does horror really well, and while a part of me wishes there was more of it, I appreciate it being well spread out between more action-based segments as to not wear out the player. Ashley isn't with you for too much of the game, but I found the parts where she is enjoyable. She gives you another thing to manage and those parts are among the more exciting ones in the game. While long at around 16 hours for a playthrough, the game is really well paced and I enjoyed the narrative thoroughly. Playing the previous games is not necessary to appreciate RE4's story. I really love Leon, he's just exactly what I wanted from the character. Little silly quips and stuff to break the tension every now and then. Graphics hold up really well for its age, and the sound design is peak - especially the music. One of the most solid and cohesive gaming experiences I've ever had.

Resident Evil is one of my favorite game series and RE4 is my favorite game of the series.

Eu já tentei escrever dezenas de textos sobre essa obra de arte mas sempre percebo que não consigo cobrir tudo o que esse jogo me proporciona.

forjado pelos deuses e entregue ao mundo de meros mortais

Maravilhoso, favorito de muitos e não é a toa. te amo devil may cry.

Recently played it for the 1st time after seeing the hype for the remake and this is a certified hood classic.

"Little rough, don't you think?"

This game tries to be many things, but it certainly does not feel like a Resident Evil title; unless of course you think the series should feel like a wacky big blockbuster treasure hunting adventure. RE4 had gone through a couple iterations in the 6 years it was in development, starting off as one project that then eventually became Devil May Cry. It seems every game in development during this time had a similar feel to it.

I played this after playing 1 through 3, and I legit almost dropped it. Starting off the game in a palette of brown was insulting to look at; the dialogue took me out of the scenario I found myself in; and the core gameplay loop did not click with me; however, I did enjoy seeing Ashley cheer me on as I shot at infected Europeans.

Resident Evil 4 and its consequences have been a disaster for the Resident Evil series and Capcom.

Quando mais novo eu queria ter o penteado do Leon...

melhor resident evil que ja joguei

O Jogo é bom, porém o port da época para PC é horrível.

This is my favorite game ever, like straight up, I could go on and on and for now I won't but some day i will return here and write everything i think about this game, id say play it but you probably already have, 10/10

First time playing this on pc after being painfully aware of the cursed gamecube controls for years hit so very different

No nostalgia bias here. I quite literally just beat the game (April 13, 2023). I loved every second of it. I was worried I wouldn't like the gameplay at first cause it felt weird to me, but after I adjusted I loved it. I never got bored a single time. I never complained once. Everything about this game was just so damn good. The fact it's almost 20 years old at the time of me writing this. It holds up insanely well. It doesn't look bad, the voice acting really isn't bad for the time. I seriously don't have any negatives. 10/10 to me. I do plan on getting the remake one day, but no time soon. I only paid $6 for this on PS5. Damn good deal. I honestly don't think I'll like the remake as much. Mainly cause of the gameplay differences and the fact I'll know what's coming, but I assume it'll be good too.

resident evil sempre foi uma serie de jogos que eu amei, e o quatro é o meu favorito de todos, joguei no play 2, no xbox 360, no xbox one, e mais recentemente no computador, e esse jogo é uma maravilha, claro ele tem seus momentos bobos, mas isso adiciona no feeling do jogo, enfim, meu amor leon ass kenedi

INCRÍVELMENTE DIVERTIDO, fora a campanha, o modo mercenários é pica pra passar o tempo, a campanha da Ada é legalzinha e supri o "quero mais" que vem dps de um tempo de quando vc zera o game. A jogabilidade envelheceu MUITO mal, demorei pra conseguir me acostumar, mas quando tu se acostuma você consegue aproveitar cada detalhe do game. Ele é marcante em quase tudo, até nos efeitos sonoros, fico feliz pra krl de terem me apresentado a essa franquia e a esse jogo.

s in leon s kennedy stands for stupid