Reviews from

in the past

I've been trying to think of bigger blunders humanity has made than letting the Sega Saturn die, shit like the Hindenburg Disaster and the invention of mayonnaise are peanuts compared to this catastrophe.

When I was in the mood to finally fill the massive gap in my Sega console lineup, I had to slap down a decent amount of didgeridoos for a working console and an ODE. It was a big down payment for only one console, but I essentially told myself that all it took was one copy of NA Saturn Bomberman for the entire thing to be paid off. It's insanely fucked up, more fucked up than someone inventing mayo while the Hindenburg was exploding, but these are the hurdles I'm willing to hop over to fix the hole in my heart that's the shape of my missing childhood Sega Saturn. I wanted to experience all the hypothetical final forms of two-dimensional art on my own coffee shit-stained clunker CRT TV, and emulation kinda smelled during that time. Worse than mayo.

I'd imagine there has to be some kind of heavenly timeline where the Saturn survived, and we weren't so quick to ditch 2D. I love my low poly original PlayStation, but if you had crafted a giant colorful sprite of a pizza in this game and made it scale up and down constantly while spinning all over the screen, it'd be second only to an actual pizza, and even then I'd be complaining about my pizza not getting more pixel-y as it approached my mouth, with similarly pixel-y cheese dripping from it ala a TMNT cartoon.

The Battle Mode is the literal life of the pizza party, and they even got a cast of Hudson all-stars to round out the playable characters. Bonk, the Adventure Island guy, that loser from Milon's Secret Castle, and even fuckin' Yuna goddamned Kagurazaka is here. I don't think Konami even remembers they own Galaxy Fräulein Yuna, and it makes me want to dive into the Turbo library a bit more again seeing all these peeps here, who are absolutely not getting let out of Konami's storage locker anytime soon. I mean, christ Bomberman himself didn't even get the common courtesy of an AV collection or any NSO releases. No respect, no respect at all I tells ya. Not even the common courtesy of a reach around. Konami don't give two shits about my man's history, cause he ain't their boy.

The only way you could make the battle mode more fun in this game would be to mod in all the voices from Atomic Bomberman, where all the Bombers were inexplicably voiced by Mr. and Mrs. Bighead and the Red M&M Guy. Maybe a lovely person could do that for me one day...

One day, one day maybe in 2050, Fightcade will have Saturn and 8P support....and the funny voice clips. There it is....the perfect bummer'd love to see it....

"time for a fuckin' dirtnap ya shitfuck" ~ Konami's last words to Bomberman after Super Bomberman R 2 bombed

fun but we need 6 more people to make it more fun.

great game, but i am absolutely horrible at it

Imagine making the perfect Bomberman game some 13 years after your franchise began, and having to plug on in the years following knowing that it is simply impossible, unimaginable even, for any Bomberman game to match Saturn Bomberman.

The game feel is unparalleled, the use of dinosaurs the best and most straightforward buddy system in the franchise. The music some of the best in all of gaming. The power-ups are tight and all useful in some manner. Enemies aren't frustrating and fit the level themes pretty well. Level obstacles are reasonable, adding just enough spice. It's just the best. A real 5 star game.

It's received criticism for not being different enough, but that's maddening, as polishing the formula here has paid off more than any extreme change EVER does for the series.

An essential game, and one of the best Sega Saturn games ever made.

la ia del calvo no es normal

Bomberman is a fun action puzzle series and this is one of the best entries. The graphics and gameplay are perfect and the game doesn't run too long. This is the epitome of what Bomberman should be and is my recommendation for anyone interested in the franchise.

Last area kicked my ass, decided to grind for powerups eventually and that got me to beat the final boss. Fun game overall.

As fases são bem criativas, cheio de cores e muita vida, o único problema mesmo é que o jogo é absurdamente fácil, principalmente quando você pega o poder da mina terrestre e de passar pelos blocos.

extravagent spritework, boppin ost, huge variety of single and multiplayer modes only serve to reinforce what i have finally accepted to be the truth:

i fuckin suck at bomberman

Can't wait for the sequel, Jupiter Bomberman.

Cute game with nice stages. I don't think it's better than Super Bomberman IV but it's close enough. Some bosses are kind of bad though.

Probably play it again but with more friends

The best of the franchise. A must for any Saturn owner.

Bomberman serisinin formülünün ne kadar eskidiğinin somut kanıtı işte bu oyun. Görsel olarak serinin diğer oyunlarına fark atsa da oynayış pek de farklı sayılmaz, kaldı ki Bomberman, temel mekaniği değiştirilmeden nasıl yenilikçi hale getirilebilir ki? Bence inovatif açıdan kısır doğmuş serilerden biri ne yazık ki. Tıpkı Sonic veya Pokemon gibi. İstediğin kadar evir, çevir ufak mekanik değişiklikleriyle oyunu süsle sonuç olarak yine karşımıza aynı oyun çıkıyor. Keşke Hudson ve haklarını sattığı diğer stüdyolar 60'dan fazla Bomberman oyunu çıkarıp da şu serinin iliğini, kemiğini sömürmeseydi. Neyse, oyun kısaca güzel mi? Evet. Peki çıkışından 27 sene sonra şu anda oynamaya gerek var mı? Yani. Ortalama 2 saatten daha az süren bu oyunu çok büyük beklentiniz olmadan bir deneyebilirsiniz.

Pretty awesome I just need 9 friends for the multiplayer