Reviews from

in the past

I need to replay this. Possibly the best Shadowrun alongside Dragonfall.

the rich set of companions and compelling narrative vastly overshadows my otherwise lukewarm initial reception of hong kong.

Like Dragon fall but better in most aspects (story not being one of them, even if it's miles ahead from Returns). Feels like there was going to be more with to it tho (more yama kings, their rules, DECKon, etc)

A very fun turn based tactical RPG with a compelling story and a rich unique world. The only thing stopping this game from being a full 4 stars is all the unfixed bugs. People who know me know that bugs are the least of my complaints usually, but when they prevent me from progressing in the game, it kinda matters. Considering this game came out in 2015, these kind of bugs should be eradicated. Obviously they just left them in. With that said, everything else about the game is a great time. Yes, it feels a big old school, but I don't see the issue with that.

I do recommend this game if you like good narratives and tactical RPGs like me.

This is my first Shadowrun game, so I can't compare it to the others (yet... going to play Dragonfall next). I saw this was set in Hong Kong, and thought it might be fun to play a game set in Asia.

The game starts off really strong. The story is intriguing, the characters are wonderful, and the music is solid. I had a lot of fun doing the missions and then talking to everyone in Heoi after each run. The combat is nothing crazy, but it's satisfying enough.

Unfortunately, several missions in, the dialogue runs dry. Some NPCs in Heoi quickly have nothing to say, while others take a bit longer to run out of lines. But they all do eventually, and it really makes the game feel dead when previously there was so much content. It truly made the world suddenly feel empty.

Even worse is Shadows of Hong Kong, the DLC. I tried my best to force myself to play it. There are spelling errors and many bugs, making it feel very low quality compared to the main game. I had to drop it at this point.

Overall, I think Shadowrun: Hong Kong is worth playing for its good points. It's an interesting, story-intensive game. The characters are probably its strongest point. I don't think the DLC is worth bothering with, though.

Very interesting and fun. The story is cool on its own, and the cast of companion characters is great. Also, the light-attrition model it uses and general sense of tactical importance felt really good. (Although spamming haste was too strong)

I don't need my soul i need more augments >:)