Reviews from

in the past

Good RPG, though I haven't played enough of it to say I like it more than P3F.

I cannot say anything that's not already been said. Great game. Instant classic.

What I will say, though, is that I think the true demon ending and the true demon final boss are both huge disappointments. Yes, you can get other endings, and I wanted another ending. Maybe it’s partially my fault for getting caught up in wanting to see the “true” and “full” experience, but I do think it's still fully fair to be disappointed in a final boss that is not fun to fight.

You know what? I slipped in the bathtub last week and suddenly thousands of moral decisions came upon me all at once.

"Where did I put my recorder from elementary school? Do I still love my mom? What would be the benefits of curling my neck out of this S shape? Is every one of my problems a matter of my own construction? Are pirates real?"

I stood up in the shower I left continuously unwashed and realized that the ecosystem around me had become a transformation of such thought, the mental labyrinth had physically manifested and contained an astounding amount of lore, depth, and somewhat eastern religious subjects I didn't really quite understand myself without the help of Max Derat. I wandered for hours aimlessly but it turned out sentient creatures that looked like Seamonkeys (Or Seamonkies?) had formed groups and fought according to differing ideals, which I was confused about but was forced to make a decision about and fight for, for I, the aimless traveler, was the only one to wield the Clorox Ultra Foamer to end it all if I wanted to.

Alright and now just imagine that scenario as this game.

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I straight up loved the entire vibe of this game. Surreal, pseudo Tokyo turned literally inside out and upside down. Kaneko's uncanny valley human characters, the demon dialogue and interactions cracking me up. Battle music that keeps you grooving throughout, 'Fierce Battle', the boss themes, especially the jazzy map themes.

While streaming this game, I followed a guide to stay on the True Demon ending path. I knew a replay wouldn't be likely, so I wanted to see everything I could. I don't regret it, although I had general pointers on where to go/what to do next, I gave myself the freedom to tackle enemies in my own way. The pure satisfaction of killing Lucifer at the end of it unforgettable experience.

Nocturne's combat kept me engaged all the way through. The strategizing, evaluating whose turns are next, how it will affect the outcome, I had so much fun with it. The fabled brutal difficulty was not overstated, for sure, but I found it manageable. Was that mitigated a bit by following a guide? Sure, but not enough to remove the overall sense of accomplishment.

I'm excited to play 4 when I have the time.

Like 4 and 5 the press turn system is excellent. While I dont think it's as strong as those two games due to the game being on the easier side (like I literally used auto battle most of the game), the boss fights were pretty fun and strategic. I never really did struggle, there was only one boss I'd consider to be hard, but as I said it was still engaging. Dungeon design is decent but it uses a lot of trial and error design I'm not a fan of and obviously random encounters can be annoying at times, but that was mitigated by the escape command working 90% of the time.

Music is fantastic and the vibes of this game are immaculate. The art style is amazing. Like 5 the story didnt do it for me too much but I think it was a bit better because the characters were more memorable. But the alignment locks genuinely ruined the ending for me, I got the worst ending by mistake because I picked wrong choices throughout my playthrough, I didnt care that I got the bad ending, my problem was that it doesn't even have a boss fight. Even if I got a bad ending I still think I "deserved" a good final fight to round it off. Was pretty disappointed when that happened, so when you play this game use a guide for all of the dialogue choices if you want an actually satisfying ending.

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Peak Fiction, one of the greatest games I've ever played
Great story with great characters and good Writing
Good gameplay
I liked the battle system so much, Reward you if play smart, and punish you if you didn't play well (that's goes for you and the foes as well)
The Magatama System is so great, getting skills from the equipped one, and giving you a Null to fire (For example) but makes weak to some other attacks, Balanced Systems in my opinion
I loved the world of the game, and the gloomy atmosphere, and seeing how that world effect on characters and changing them, the demons and Being In groups, The souls that help you to find your way or give you some information
Good dungeons and good level-design and interesting ideas in the dungeons
I loved the boss fights specially the final boss(I both of Lucifer and kagutsuchi)
And I loved the True Demon Ending (I didn't get the rest of the endings yet)
The soundtrack is so da*n great!
the only thing I didn't like about the game is the random encounter, I HATE IT.
though the game is GOAT
I highly recommend playing it.

Very lacklustre remaster, but this game definitely sets a gold standard for the series to come. The Press Turn system makes for a very interesting resource tug-of-war between you and your enemy, with a difference so massive you can straight up skip your enemies turn with the right knowledge and party comp.

Definitely has a lot of BS moments but is very satisfying gameplay-wise.

Absolutely goated game but my only problem is I think this has by far the weakest soundtrack out of all SMT games.

Sound quality on the port is also pretty bad but it wasn't a huge turn-off for me.

Pretty awesome game at base, but I know the native version runs better (idk for "plays" because I remember the camera being a little junky) and Unity kinda ruined the feeling of this.

why did I go for True Demon Ending on my first run

This was my first genuine SMT game after first playing a majority of Persona series, and I can say that I'm a fan. SMT Nocturne was definitely not what I was expecting, but I ended up really enjoying it. First off the "Press Turn" combat system is very addictive and fun, it feels great to chain together extra turns and absolutely destroy any demon in your path. The combat is most certainly difficult, but I really enjoyed the challenge. The overworld traversal and dungeon design can either be really cool, or really bland; it's kind of a mixed bag sometimes. The story is what surprised me the most, and not necessarily in the best way. Nocturne's story isn't a normal character driven one, it more so uses the characters as catalysts for showing off different ideologies of how some people view the world. Which is super neat, but at the same time the character's motives are kinda questionable and/or non existent. Overall I enjoyed Nocturne, even if it has some weird design decisions. But I kind of figure that adds to it's charm, and now I want to play more Megaten games so I guess it did it's job.

i like this game a lot
very challenging in a good way, cool af dungeons (although the last one got a bit grating for me by the end)
story felt fairly straightforward for the most part but it works well
music goes crazy (if you have the HD music mod bc the audio quality is kinda fucked)
banger game thank you Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne you would never take advantage of my innate gullibility

really good so far but this game is really trying me with how much it sends me back when I die so im done with it (for now)

A brillant answer to SMT II's conclusion. Changed my life. There is nothing I would change about this game.

This was basically about as great as I was expecting it to be!
Fantastic Music, battle system, story themes, everything about this is just super competent and well put together
I do prefer II and IV, but this is for sure worth the hype

Nocturne is a product of its time and a timeless masterpiece at the same time. The dungeons give you a headache and the random encounter rate hurts sometimes, but the atmosphere, demon designs and graphics (especially for 2004) are great.

Reasons are better than alignment for me because alignments are very much “This one is evil this one nice”, while Reasons have a more varied alignment that the usual. And Nocturne having multiple endings is much better than for example SMT IV’s three basic endings.

Jogo bom.
Tive pouco problemas aqui, o negocio mais merda são as dungeons com teleporte, grande parte delas tem isso, fica chato, principalmente lá no final.
Se repete bastante o estilo das dungeons pelo final do game, apesar de legais, uma hora cansa.
OST boa pra porra, vindo do Meguro eu ja esperava ser quente.
E o sistema de combate se pá é o mais legal que tem.

This was my first SMT game outside of Persona and Catherine, and it definitely met and exceeded my expectations on just how peak of a game it could possibly be.

This game manages to introduce to the world one of the most engaging turn based combat systems ever created, along with managing to explore different philosophical view points in an almost equally engaging and interesting way. I loved the reasons each character had and how they all have their benefits and flaws. While I did go for the good freedom ending, I will definitely be going back to this game to explore the different reason endings (specifically musubi and shijima and I find them more compelling personally than yosuga) along with TDK as I didn't do anything in labyrinth of amala in my first playthrough.

This game just blew my expectations away and my playthrough will definitely be one of my highlights of this year.

Fuck the random encounters though

Loved it but will probably never touch it again.

One of the best RPGs of all time, now without random skill inheritance.

the best this series has to offer. extremely well paced battle system, addictive monster collecting, and a wonderful abstract & thought provoking narrative handled with surprising grace by the usually verbose japanese. must play.

Plaintalk's Albert as battle vocals is definitely one of the aesthetic touches of all time.

Decent and worth playing, but a lack of compelling characters and the amount of random encounters hold it back from being truly great.

There is a lot to love about Nocturne. The story is relevant and timeless, the characters engaging. The Vortex World of post-apocalyptic Tokyo is eerily beautiful, the dungeons varied. The voice acting is all around pretty solid (I played using the Japanese cast, since I prefer original language to dubs). Even the game’s vaunted difficulty, for all the anguish and frustration it caused, has its own charms. Some of the game design choices feel distinctly of their era and returning to them 20 years on feels archaic and cumbersome, but despite those flaws, Nocturne stands the test of time and remains one of gaming’s best RPGs. You owe it to yourself to play it if you haven’t before, and to revisit it if you have. The HD remaster is a fantastic addition to the SMT library.