Reviews from

in the past

Sin and Punishment surprised me more than probably any other game this year so far. I expected to enjoy Bloodborne, I knew I'd love Persona 3 Reload, but not only did I NEVER hear about this game, but I grew to love it. What a classic.

Story: 6
Sound: 8
Graphics (of its time): 8
Gameplay: 9
Characters: 7
Overall Enjoyment: 9

I give Sin and Punishment an 8!

Sin and Punishment was one of the most unexpected, thrilling rides for me. Like many others, it looked interesting on the NSO page, so I figured I'd try it out. What the hell. This game was a blast. The run and gun shooting is amazing, and feels great to blow shit up left and right. It's like a cool and easy action game that makes you feel cool. I love it. The story, well...kind of just there, and the graphics by modern standards are shit. I don't know. I used to hate it, but I've grown to LOVE the N64/PSX graphics. Like, it's one of my favorite eras of visuals, just behind the SNES and Genesis. So for me, the graphics and controls are not a problem at all. Actually, for an N64 title, the controls are super smooth in this game, unlike Mario 64, OOT, and others for me.

There is always stuff flying at you left and right, but at the same time there's a pattern to it that gets a rhythm going. The arcade style of these levels are great, and I can probably see myself going back to this game every now and then.

Sin and Punishment surprised me more than probably any other game this year so far. I expected to enjoy Bloodborne, I knew I'd love Persona 3 Reload, but not only did I NEVER hear about this game, but I grew to love it. What a classic.

Another hit by Treasure. Sin and Punishment is an over the top Rail/Gallery shooter that has really deep systems built into it. It is extremely satisfying to mow things down with your gun, slice anyone next to you with your sword, counter any missiles coming you way, or dodge fires and lasers. A very easy pick up and play experience with a satisfying scoring system. The story is extremely nonsensical and kinda feels like Evangelion. Also there is one horrible boss that brings this game a whole point down for me. The game is also just an hour long, which is fair by rail shooter standards, but there aren't any branching paths like starfox so there isn't much cause for replayability here.

shoulda called it WIN and FUNishment

"Change can be a scary thing when you don't know how to change back."

- Treasure, shortly before dedicating themselves to an existence of making games that have probably sent people into cardiac arrest

Sin and Punishment was a joint project between Treasure and Nintendo's R&D1, and was presumably an attempt at appealing to a more mature audience than most of Ninty's core offerings. It was well-received in Japan and apparently even accrued a small following in the States, despite not being localized at the time. It even featured full English voice acting, which may have played a factor in the demand overseas. When Nintendo eventually brought it stateside via the Wii's Virtual Console in 2007, it barely had any translation work done (the tutorial and menus were fully translated, which was more than enough to make it playable, but it makes it that much weirder that most of the in-game subtitles were left untouched). In any case, I'm glad Nintendo made the effort, because I might have missed out on a lot of great experiences later in life if they hadn't.

Indeed, Sin and Punishment wasn't just one of Nintendo's first experiments in delivering Japan-exclusive games to an outside audience - it was also the first imported game I ever played, or at least the first that I was aware of. I remember reading somewhere (I assume an issue of Nintendo Power) that formerly unavailable games would be added to the North American Virtual Console catalog and was excited to see what would make the cut. When Sin and Punishment dropped with that little Japanese flag next to it, I burnt the last few Wii Points I had been saving up and took the plunge. I knew nothing about the game. I just thought the title sounded cool as hell.

Verdict: It was, in fact, cool as hell. It also kicked my preteen ass. Even if it was a bit too hard for me then, it set me on the path to seeking out other games that I may have missed due to a lack of localization. Without Sin and Punishment, I might never have played games like Mother 3, Clock Tower, and Baroque. It's weird to think about, but I can probably attribute my love for video games as much to this little rail shooter I never even finished as I can to games like Ocarina of Time.

Anyways, I came back and got my revenge just recently - and just barely. I'm thankful I never let that rivalry go, because now I have another great game I can blab about.

The presentation of Sin and Punishment is delightfully stylish, though if you have any experience with Treasure, that probably isn't news to you. It stands alongside Majora's Mask in the "surprisingly dark for a Nintendo game" club - the demo opens with a group of rebels being unceremoniously executed in a hail of gunfire. The stages look great and there's a ton going on at any moment, which really helps to get your adrenaline pumping. It also runs well in spite of that, although there is the occasional frame dip when the action is at its highest. The enemy and character designs are definitely high points, although I can't say most of the human cast made the cleanest transition to 3D here. They have very lanky and angular models with big hair, which hardly looks out of place in an N64 title, but they do appear just a bit freaky due to the somewhat gritty and detailed aesthetic the game as a whole has. The robotic animations and awkward voice acting don't help much in that regard. Everything else fares much better, with special note given to the Ruffians. They seem to fall somewhere between Zoids and EVAs in terms of design cues and are just a sight to behold. Coupled with an intriguing but bonkers story that I'm not even going to get into, and a solid but sadly limited OST, you have here a game that immediately stands out against the N64's broadly bright and saccharine software catalog.

So here's the thing about Sin and Punishment: It's short. Like, really short. It's comprised of three stages which you can complete in about an hour. Those who are fans of shmups or rail shooters will be quite accustomed to a short runtime and will no doubt find this perfectly reasonable, but I think this will stick out to a lot of people for two reasons: One, Sin and Punishment is fairly easy compared to a lot of Treasure's more infamous offerings. Not that it is easy (it's damn difficult, especially on hard), but the fact that you have a life meter combined with the game's relative generosity with regards to continues, the in-game timer and health/time pickups means that if you aren't getting completely stomped then you'll probably power through to the ending without too much trouble. Ikaruga and Radiant Silvergun this is not. Secondly, there aren't too many reasons to replay it. Going for higher scores will be the obvious draw, but there are no notable secrets, alternative routes or extra modes to help keep things fresh. None of this makes Sin and Punishment bad by any stretch of the imagination, but the mileage you get out of it is largely going to come down to how much value you place in the intrinsic satisfaction of improving your runs. Considering you're probably playing it for free (or free-ish), I'd say this is only worth noting if you are on the fence about buying a physical copy.

But even if it's only one hour long, it makes use of every minute. This game has no fat on it at all. Each level throws you into a chaotic battlefield, with plenty to blast, slice and evade. The experience is high-energy from top to bottom and keeps your eyes glued to the screen. Meanwhile, the narrative is presented to you through cutscenes that mark each shift in action. I found the story engaging, even if it had barely any time to develop. But it's good that it doesn't dwell on anything for too long, and if you don't have an interest, just mash start to jump right back into the action. It's a game that is first and foremost about the gameplay, which is always a joy.

The only real criticisms I can level at the game beyond the minor ones I've already mentioned are its somewhat awkward difficulty curve and the fact that the gamefeel is a bit off anywhere you can play it "natively". The first stage is what I would call manageable for anybody who's used to action games, provided you've come to grips with the somewhat unconventional control scheme. Shortly thereafter, the gloves come off and you're going to need to be at the top of your game if you want to make it to the end without burning continues. The aforementioned control scheme is definitely a part of the challenge, as unlike most games of the genre, you move right and left while making use of jumps and dodge rolls to escape danger. Hold down the fire button to spray shots from your Dolphin Gun or bump the button when an enemy/projectile is nearby to slash it with your laser sword. You can also switch between free aim or an auto-lock mode, and understanding when to use which is essential for maximizing your score. Here's a free tip: Your shots do more damage when using free aim. The constant inputs required along with the frenetic action make for a very hectic experience, and managing all of this can be just as frustrating as it is exhilarating. A tactile D-pad, easy-to-mash triggers and a quality joystick are essentials as far as I'm concerned, as is a setup that doesn't have a lot of latency (playing this on my Wii with a Gamecube controller did not feel great, and while the Switch's controllers are a better match in theory, the input delay definitely made gameplay clunkier). I haven't had the chance to play this on the N64, so maybe it just felt more at home on that funky controller, but I have my doubts. You can assuredly find something that works for you, though. Sometimes hitboxes are a bit unclear and the cursor moves just a tad too slow. Melee attacks don't always seem responsive. That's about all I can think of.

All in all, Sin and Punishment is a flawed but fun action game and I'm glad that Nintendo gave us an opportunity to try it out. It oozes style, is consistently entertaining and is an excellent pick for those that enjoy pushing themselves towards perfection. The final boss is a smidge underwhelming gameplay-wise, but it's otherwise one of the raddest endings to a game I've ever seen. I feel no hesitation in calling it one of the best entries in the Nintendo 64's library. Aside from Wii VC and Switch Online, there are also translations available for the original - not that it really needs it, but it's nice to have - so if you the fancy strikes you, by all means give it a try. At worst, it won't bite. At best, you'll have another new favorite to add to your list.

A banger third-person shooting on rails. An absolute gem that blessed the N64 library.

why are saki's thighs that massive dear god

- Relentless enemy popping fun.
- The on rails gameplay felt great.
- Enjoyable boss fights.

- Story is an afterthought.

I had no idea what was going on bruh

The visuals may be janky, but this still plays fantastically and is well worth playing through at least once and then replaying a few times. I guess this is the first untranslated game I've played because I couldn't get the TL patch to work but you don't need it anyway.

Not as insane as everybody says, there’s two segments that are clearly the star of the show when it comes to big set-pieces and the rest is… forgettable, really, it also feels extremely constrained by the limitations of an ancient hardware, the developer unable to reach the visual splendor they surely imagined. As a shooter merely one year before Halo, I’m sad to admit that this does not hold up, and as an art-piece, while not without its charm, is as juvenile as it gets, full of half-assed ideas and not much more, like they watched the end of evangelion and wanted to make something like that in game form but didn’t have the time nor the money so this is the result.

Very cool, very late-90s/early-00s edge but that is in no way a bad thing here

On one hand I felt like my brain couldn't fully comprehend this game, while on the other hand it's one of the most unique and fun shooters I played. The graphics are understandably subpar but they are lowkey charming to me, while the gameplay is both hard and very fun!

Absolutely unreal, I thought this game was incredible. It controls like nothing else on N64, it’s intended purpose is using the left D-Pad and centre joystick, I found the game controlled most comfortably using the Switch Pro Controller.

The story makes no sense, it’s almost like Evangelion in its coherence at times. Aesthetically it was a clear match as well.

For an arcade shooter from an behind third person perspective, the game does go that step further with a classic Treasure 2D side scroller perspective and a boss battle following a Street Fighter style combat. My favourite level has crazy winding on a floating platform that zooms across several naval carriers in a fleet. It’s basically the F-Zero stage from Brawl but on N64 hardware.

One of the best action games on the 64, a shame it didn't officially exit Japan back in the day, but fan translators came from the heavens and now we can play it.
Pretty incredible, fast and fun.

This is a frenetic dose of adrenaline , a rollercoaster ride of a rail shooter. This game doesn’t know what breathing is. In true fashion your relationship to the levels change based on new and and fresh run throughs (and you will die, so you will see how you will breeze through levels that gave you challenges before).The way your familiarity develops with the levels simply because the continuous set pieces is just remarkable, I can see myself really remembering the main sequence of this journey one day . Every new boss , every new reaction needed, is just consistently amazing. The way the camera pans and swooped especially in the ship level for you to see the battlefield who’ll in all sorts of fashion? It enhanced the amount of action and effort the player did, you had full control of the coolest parts of what’s happening. And how the levels feel often seamless in terms of traversal? This is splendid level design. The three pronged mechanic of lock on, free and slashing is issued thoroughly throughout. I mostly did the lock on because my skillset wasn’t too high, but man the extra damage you get from free enticed me to switch on harder bosses once I got used to some of their patterns. And having the ability slash back big projectiles with the lock-on never ever stopped getting satisfying. The movement in this game feels immaculate. The only thing that hampered my experience? The second to last level where you had to traverse certain corridors with your jump, the jump to avoid bullet hell stuff is great, but not great for platforming, and I hated those moments. A wonderful game

suco de videogame com polpa e tudo - todas as ideias que alguém que não precisaria se preocupar com a logística de fazer um jogo teria e escreveria num caderno de rascunhos ou na aula de desenho da escola. coloca aí a arma e a espada e os robôs gigantes e os mutantes e você pode rebater os tiros dos outros e tem pontuação e tempo que você pode aumentar cumprindo objetivos opcionais e você pula e tem pulo duplo e o chefe final é literalmente um planeta!!! e não apenas qualquer planeta - um clone da terra, com japão, estados unidos e todos os outros países menores que não importam pra história que ele está contando. é uma caixa de bombons em que todos os bombons são deliciosos mas estão derretidos e misturados entre si. é por isso que só dura uma horinha também, no máximo duas, pois se você já tem idade pra sofrer de ressaca também não aguentaria a dor de cabeça que decorreria de uma noite de sin & punishment - mas se você ainda não tem idade pra sofrer de ressaca, nem teria motivo pra beber (ou jogar) em primeiro lugar.

You know when a game comes out really late into a console's lifespan and pushes the hardware to its limits doing stuff you never thought they'd be able to pull off? Yeah it's one of those.

Also, apparently this game reviewed really well but got a lot of criticism for being so short, which is wild because it's just an arcade game on a home console. I think the discourse about video game's length correlating to its "value" has been really disastrous for these niche genres

The first time I beat this my emulator froze after a fade to black in the ending cutscene right before the game’s credits rolled in, and and I sat there for a few minutes thinking it was an incredibly inspired decision to have an arcade game end like that without any kind of entry for a high score or something. The second time I beat it I saw the actual credits and realized that this game is a masterpiece (not because the credits were an incredible scene, just cause the game is very fun and immaculately designed)

Porra bem bacana, tipo sei lá é bacana

it’s like if you watched End of Evangelion with zero context, except it’s a game and it fuckin’ rules from start to end to start immediately again. extraordinary is the word for it. extraordinary

The best looking N64 game, absolutely batshit insane beginning to end. No idea what happened in the story as Nintendo originally localized this without giving it English subtitles and I had my little AC unit blasting really hard next to the TV.

Incredibly impressive, short and sweet. Every level and boss is so cool & unique and the game can actually be really mechanically complex and warrant replayability because of it. It takes like an hour and a half to play and doesn't waste a second of it's runtime.

يؤسفني إبلاغكم ان احلى لعبة لعبتها بالسنة حتى الآن ماكانت عالستيم ديك. كانت عالسويتش :(((
No but seriously this is one of the coolest games Ive ever CONSUMED in my entire life. im not kidding.

مفروض يسوون جنرا اسمها "التحكم المخيس اللي عمد كونه مخيس وعشان كذا اللعبة حلوة ومميزة وممتعة وابد مب مخيسة مدري شلون"
واكبر واسهل مثال ممكن اضربه في هذي الحالة هي… ريزدنت ايفل ٤.
تحكمها زق لكن سبحان الله متعتها وتحديها ينبعون من تحكمها التعبان عرفتوا؟.

اجل وش السبب اللي يخليني احب سن اند بانيشمنت واقيمها ٥ نجوم ووش السبب اللي يخليني مقيم ري٤ ثلاث نجوم ونص مع اني كلهم استمتعت فيهم بنفس الطريقة وكلهم احب اقارنهم بطريقة او بأخرى؟ الإجابة هي

مدة اللعبة

ايه احب التانك كنترولز في ري٤ لكن ما احب ري٤ نفسها والسبب واحد.
اللعبة طالت زيادة عن اللزوم.
ولو كانت ٨-٩ ساعات كانت بتكون من افضل الالعاب اللي لعبتها فحياتي لكن طبعا لا. ري٤ الثلث الاخير فيها سيء ويهلك وممملللل وكللللل مافكرت اعيد هاللعبة لانها فعليا ممتعة داااااايم اهون اعيدها بسبب ثلثها الاخير وكيف مرة تطول على غير سنع

سن اند بانيشمنت ماتطول على غير سنع. احب سن اند بانيشمنت

خلصتها يمكن بخمس ساعات وكانت ممتعة لابعدددددد درجة
ماودي احرق شي لان لازم تلعبون هاللعبة بس ياخوااااان فيه بوس فايت عبارة عن كوكب. اويلي.
يمكن سلبيتها الوحييييييييييدة عندي انها نازلة على نينتندو٦٤. لو مستنين شوي ونزلوها عالغيم كيوب مع غرافيكس محترم بدال ذا الزنقة الغريبة في اواخر عمر هالجهاز الضعيف اللي بالموت يتحمل العاب ثري دي كانت اقسم بالله بتكون من افضل ٥ ألعاب لعبتها فحياتي مابالغ

لكن اصلا كذا ولا كذا هاللعبة تبقى سابقة زمانها وتبقى سابقة جيلها وتبقى افضل لعبة فجهازها الضعيف نعم قلتها.
مبهور كيف فيها فويس اكتنق مع انها بهالجهاز، صح الفويس اكتنق مخيس وكانت بتكون اللعبة حرفيا احلى بدونه بس عموما ماييييهم
اللعبة روعة. العبوهااااا

احس حرام امدح لعبة على حساب لعبة ثانية ((خصيصا انها مقدسة والمفضلة عند الكل بسلسلة ري اخخخخ)) لكن شنسوي لازالت معضلة الحنكة فيني
والصراحة ماعتقد كنت بحبها لهالدرجة لو مازقت معي من ري٤ ههههههههه

برب برجع للستيم ديك وخلاص اخر مرة المس السويتش فحياتي يشيخ عوّق يديني مدري شلون المفروض ينلعب به

Much of the games narrative went over my head, I actually had to turn to Wikipedia at the end to work out what exactly the point of the story was. Aside from that minuscule nit-pick, I had a blast from beginning to end. It was fast, chaotic and kept me engaged throughout. Unsung gem for sure.

Main Game

Third GOTM finished for June 2023. The character models are kinda hideous, as is the voice acting, but most of the other parts of the game are good. Some really cool cinematic sequences, sometimes bogged down by tedious and repetitive shooting galleries within, made the levels feel bombastic even if the gameplay itself was simple. Changing gameplay styles periodically was really neat, if often a little dizzying given the pace at which the game moves. Really important to get a good control scheme down for playing this one, but once you do it's a pretty fun ride!

I really wanted to love this game. I’ve been excited to play it for a while and it has the foundation to be something really cool, but sadly it kinda collapses under its own weight. I can respect the title’s ambition and I love “period piece” games reflective of a simpler and more experimental time in the medium but that doesn’t stop Sin and Punishment from being a pretty big mess. The story makes absolutely 0 sense and there’s not even any charm to be found in how bafflingly it’s presented to the player. The gameplay, at its best, is pretty fun but a little too mindless even for on-rail shooter standards. What really bothers me though is the lack of a ‘gameplay throughline’, stuff kinda just happens and gameplay style/perspective shifts very suddenly, which is cool in theory but pretty jarring in execution. Variety is nice but when there’s no connecting thread on how the game feels to control it ends up feeling like…this game.

Played thru this game back in 2017 and its literally peak rail gunner game. The music is also badass

The best rail shooter and I don’t want anyone telling me that Panzer Dragoon is better.

not quite as fun as its sequel (the wii pointer absolutely makes that game) but still an absolute blast of a time, with a pretty cool eva ripoff nonsense story enhanced by some of the worst, most lifeless english voice acting i have ever heard to boot. love its short length and replayability. graphics are uhhh

One of the most confusing, weird, non sensical games that I've had the pleasure of playing. The gameplay is awesome but hard enough. I understand literally nothing of what happened in the main story, and still I love this. Gives me Evangelion vibes too

One of the best games that was released for Nintendo 64 that sadly wasn't released in NA back in the day. Basically it's a wild ride from the start to the end ( I will never forget you, Pole Star).

And surprisingly it had voice acting ( which was terrible) and a sci-fi story with themes that you might find on many animes (even with a manga and a novel only released in JP), like end of the times, aliens, conspiracy, evil companies, etc.

If only Nintendo would remember this franchise...