Reviews from

in the past

Sonic Advance 3 marks the end of Sonic's stay on the Game Boy Advance, and it tries its best to cater to both crowds. The crowd that liked Advance 1 and the crowd that liked Advance 2, as the level design feels like a mix of both.

And I want to start with that, the level design. The difficulty of this game kinda feels like a rollercoaster ride sometimes, as certain levels feel harder than later ones, like how I felt Route 99 (Zone 1) was harder than Sunset Hill (Zone 2). By the end, the game will challenge you a lot, and it feels like one of the harder Sonic games to beat, to be honest.

This game is also filled with beginner's traps at many points, kinda like the end of Advance 1, and it's no pretty getting crushed or falling off of a pit for 40th time... The game showers you in lives, if you explore the hubworlds at least, but I do wonder why even have a life system in the first place if you were gonna do that anyway.

I didn't feel like the level design was awful or anything, and I had more enjoyment here than in Advance 2, but it feels like there needed to be more fine-tuning.

There's also the partner system that this game brings. I stuck with Sonic & Tails throughout my adventure, because their super jump was awesome for getting to higher places, or if I fell off a particular area, I could try and get back to it. I've heard that there is a lot of experimentation involved to get a good combo, as some combinations are pretty good and others are mediocre.
But I do like that there are many combinations, and there's a lot of replay-value there.

Additionally, while I may be mixed on the level design, I absolutely love the places you go through! I love the variety of levels this game has, and the final level, Chaos Angel, looks great and is a very unique final level!
The soundtrack is also amazing and the visuals are gorgeous for the Game Boy Advance!

Even though the level design is a bit rocky, I can say I had more fun playing Advance 3 over Advance 2.
By the end of my Advance 2 run, I was relieved that it was finally over, while with Advance 3, I was smiling during the credits, because I felt content with the overall package, in spite of its flaws.

This game really feels like the end of an era for the Sonic series, as it was also the last time we got to hear the classic voice cast, such as Ryan Drummond, Scott Drier and Deem Bristow, who sadly passed away shortly after this game released. Rest in peace.

That staff roll music really feels like a bittersweet closure to everything that the series was around this time. Yes, it had some rocky moments and the game were flawed, but they brought so many memories to so many kids out there, and while I was too young to play this game when it came out, I'm glad to have experienced the Advance games, even in spite of their flaws.

So, in conclusion: Sonic Advance 3 may be a flawed game, but I had a good time with it.

Ok, let me see if I got this right. In order to access a special stage, you need to collect 10 chao in a zone, 3 per act, 1 in the hub world, then find a special key, then use ketchup to fake your death and lure the guard in, then examine the bottom of the wine bottle, then collect all of Dracula's remains in the inverted castle, then find all the crests to get the Magnum, then draw all of Exodia's pieces with Royal Magical Library, then start World War III to awaken Azazel and then kill it, then dodge 200 lightning bolts in a row, then lure all the sheep to you using lettuce, then FADC into super, and then FINALLY find the special stage spring in the hub world and jump on it.

Sonic Advance 2, I owe you an apology. When reviewing you, I said you had the worst emerald hunt in the series up to that point. You are now relieved of that title. Go home to your wife and kids, and rest. You've earned it.

Thankfully, you can simply ignore the chaos emeralds and play the game like a sane individual and then look up the true ending online, which is what I decided to do after grabbing the first emerald in Route 99. From that perspective, Advance 3 is fun! I love the partner mechanic and how each combination can alter your playstyle in interesting ways. Props to all the extra spritework too, Tails flying with a hammer when paired with Amy is super cute.

Extra points for being the first GBA game to break my hatred for the system's sound. In my Sonic Advance 1 review, I mentioned that I REALLY dislike the way games sound on the GBA, 0 exceptions. Now, let's make that one exception: Advance 3's OST is some crazy good shit. Best rendition of Green Hill Zone, Twinkle Snow, Cyber Track and god damn motherfuckin CHAOS ANGEL ACT 3. (Don't get used to it, GBA.)

Pretty fun game when playing normally, insanely boring if going for completion. Please stop, Dimps. Just make it 50 rings at the end of the stage, I'm BEGGING you.

This game kinda rules, some cheap deaths but the character selections and going fast feel great

I should replay it better (preferibly on original hardware) because my god if in the Visual Boy Advance this feels unplayable.

Most of the fun I had with this one involves figuring out which combination of characters absolutely trivialize the levels/bosses. In that regard, I had a lot of fun, even if some of those stages were a little annoying to deal with.

The Game is Born Good, Special Stages 6 and 7 Corrupt it... Leaving the jokes aside, this is the sonic advance that I had the most fun, Much Better Than the Previous Two.

Muito melhor o segundo jogo, a mecânica de seguidores é muito boa, dando uma grande variedade para cada jogatina. Também um dos melhores Sonic 2D

A ovelha negra da trilogia. Tem aqueles que amam, e aqueles que odeiam até o fim. Eu acho meia-boca, melhor que o primeiro, pelo menos.
As fases tem um foco na corrida ainda, mas com muito mais armadilhas pelo caminho do que antes, já desde o início. O grande atrativo dessa vez é a formação de duplas com os personagens. No início, apenas com Sonic e Tails, é necessário desbloquear os próximos no decorrer do jogo, e você pode trocar pra eles no meio da aventura, usando o portal que fica na entrada das zonas. Dependendo da combinação, o jogo fica mais fácil ou difícil, e áreas novas podem ser exploradas, além de habilidades novas... É um jogo com muito conteúdo... E muitos acabam não gostando por isso mesmo de ser mais complicado do que precisava kkkk

E óbvio, Esmeraldas atrás das 7 chaves do apocalipse, como de costume nos Advance. Dessa vez você tem que achar 10 Chao perdidos nas fases, e depois deles, chaves aparecem nas fases e você precisa voltar lá para pegar todas as chaves que você puder, porque cada uma é uma chance na aquisição da Esmeralda da zona... meu Deus quanta coisa pra uma pedra que não faz nada!!

Really unique game with a really cool partner system, a lot of the fun comes from seeing how much of the levels you can just straight up skip with your partners abilities. Loved this game as a kid

Talk about a fall off. Definitely a decline in quality on all fronts hidden behind wack ass Mario mini games and an unnecessary hub world that only exists so they could use chao. More of the same shitty bottomless pits and hail mary level design. Every zone after the first 2 are awful. Every boss sucks, special stages suck, couldn't fight the true final boss cuz it wouldn't work, but it probably sucks. The team shit exists. I didn't use anyone as partner besides Tails, his abilities were okay. I'd rather just have my air dash, as Sonic. Biggest issue is all the sauce they added in 2, they just eviscerated lol, like all of it. Pretty funny. I see why we never got another after this, but it's unfortunate cuz 2 was really on the right track.

Wow this one sucks,
In advance 2 unlocking characters made some sense because they all nave their own campaigns like a classic sonic game, it was still annoying but it at least worked in someway.
Sonic advance 3 doesn't work like that though so you only unlock cream on zone 6 and only have her for the last zone of the game which sucks because I wanted to play as cream and Amy through the whole game. Of course I could have gone back but I had no reason to especially because this games level design is horrid.
This is absolutely the worst sonic advance game and it sucks because I think the team up gimmick is cute.

Best Sonic Game. No further comments.

Coming into this game I had a lot of hope. Sonic Advance 2 made significant inprovements on its predecessor and I was hoping that Sonic Advance 3 could do the same. Instead Sonic Advance 3 took away what I liked about Advance 2 and in its place is a partner mechanic where half of the combos feel awful and the worst level design in the entire trilogy. There's some fun to be had with this game but it just isn't worth it.

We need more 2D sonic games in this style.

Consistently the worst level design in a sonic game, coupled with a dumb pair up mechanic that adds nothing and dimps physics. The "3" in the name refers to how many acts you'll play before you want to kill yourself.


This game builds on the previous 2 games in ways I couldn't imagine, my favourite zone is for sure Twinkle Snow, having an exciting level design that didn't feel like it was completely against me, which is a breath of fresh air considering it consists in a water focus in its design, gaining momentum in this zone was fun, I felt awesome on running water, becoming more confident in manoeuvres because there weren't pitfalls that were in cheap locations. Solid zone.

The final two zones however didn't quite hit so much, especially the final one where one of its stages consists of just standing on a giant platform in three different instances, avoiding spike obstacles, just a boring approach in general.

Overall, I'm really happy with this game and can see myself playing it again later down the line with different team combos to explore the exciting level design they've got going on here.

if god is good, i will never collect a choas emerald in any sonic advance game

what the actual fuck happened after Advance 1

The real Sonic 6. Lots of cool ideas with team mechanics but sometimes the level design can be pretty bad. Collecting chaos emeralds is also a pain since you have to find a bunch of chao within each zone and act. Though the final boss at the end is one of my favorites in the series once you get all 7 chaos emeralds! Enjoyable game overall!

this is the only sonic advance game that i consider to have almost no bad stages (chaos angel act 3 exists unfortunately), which is pretty big considering the other two each go bad after the halfway point. easily the best in this mini-series.

the aesthetics are really beautiful in most stages and i love the take of green hill zone at sunset, i actually wish they did that again in the future. also chao on the title screen is very cute :3

An agonizing play. The hub worlds are worthless and tedious without realizing you have to stand UNDER the boss warp and stay there for a bit to actually be taken to the boss. The platforming is a little more engaging than Advance 2, but still tends to be a drag.

the best of the advance games, even though OBJECTIVELY it is the worst one. i still love it tho

Best of the Advance trilogy. I remember listening to the soundtrack endlessly on long car journeys.

Extremamente cansativo de se jogar.

Only played the battle mode but like with Advance 2, I had a fun time.
Except for the stage with the slow moving platform you have to stand on the whole time, that one sucked. And there was another stage (either in this game or Advance 2, I can't remember) that I got lost in and couldn't figure out where to go. But that might've just been because of the hecticness of the battle mode. But yeah overall, it was a pretty enjoyable time
Like with Advance 2, I oughta play the whole game someday

Well it was better than Sonic Advance 2 so that's a plus right?