Reviews from

in the past

Every video game series runs it's course, particularly when that series starts treading water. With this third instalment, it felt very much like the Sonic Advance series had pretty much run out of steam and, as a result, this game feels pretty uninspired.

Sonic Advance 2 attempted to nudge the series into more of a sleek, speedy direction but Sonic Advance 3 does away with any positive changes to the formula that 3 introduced and unfortunately doesn't really add anything worthwhile in return. The most innovative part of 3 is the addition of a partner system, where you play as two characters at once. It pretty fun and does help to diversify the gameplay a little but it's a system that can be easily ignored because the zones don't really feel like they're built to facilitate this new mechanic. It's just...there.

3 does add a couple of other little bits. There's an overworld now which is alright but there's also collectable chao scattered throughout each zone. This chao idea struck me as quite an interesting one, encouraging a healthy degree of exploration. It is unfortunate that an obnoxious message pops up after you collect each chao. It's a small QOL issue that very nearly succeeds in completely disincentivising collecting the chao at all.

So there's not really a whole lot new here but the thing is, the same problems that I've moaned about before remain. The level design still feels a little lazy and a little lacklustre but this time around I'd argue that the graphics and soundtrack don't really pull there weight. Both the spritework and the music feels weirdly saccharine lacking either the comfiness of the first games style and the snazziness of the second games'.

I've ragged on Sonic Advance 3 a little too harshly perhaps because it's not a terrible game. Fundamentally, the Sonic Advance formula still works quite well and the levels are good enough to supply a few hours of fun. I think for me ultimately Sonic Advance 3 just feels like a middle-of-the-road Sonic game; not good enough to rave about but not terrible enough to live on in a state of infamy.

i think this was the first game i ever played. i remember watching my cousin play it on the toilet and thinking it was the coolest thing ever. it's pretty good.

Talk about a fall off. Definitely a decline in quality on all fronts hidden behind wack ass Mario mini games and an unnecessary hub world that only exists so they could use chao. More of the same shitty bottomless pits and hail mary level design. Every zone after the first 2 are awful. Every boss sucks, special stages suck, couldn't fight the true final boss cuz it wouldn't work, but it probably sucks. The team shit exists. I didn't use anyone as partner besides Tails, his abilities were okay. I'd rather just have my air dash, as Sonic. Biggest issue is all the sauce they added in 2, they just eviscerated lol, like all of it. Pretty funny. I see why we never got another after this, but it's unfortunate cuz 2 was really on the right track.

A very solid 2d platformer. The buddy mechanic is cool and I like the level select world in each zone. But the level design takes a hit and the bosses were too easy, but I had a lot of fun

And yet again, 100% this game is a bitch so I'll just look up the true ending.

I'd call this the best Sonic Advance game because it's the most consistent. The highs aren't quite as high but there's no stage that stands out as particularly bad either. The Chao and Buddy System didn't really catch my attention but there's no annoying gimmicks that interrupt the game play either.

After so many trials and errors with the last two games,dimps has finally struck a gold with the final game within this trilogy yet still manages to offers something new.

Easily the most consistent game out of the bunch and one that doesn't suffer much aside from,i really wish the game is not as long as it was they could've trimmed it down to act 2 each zone idk why they changed it while some are fun even the best act of the zone even,i think i don't need to elaborate much further on the final act of the final zone lol,and the bosses didn't need to drag that long not to mention some of them are quite frustrating.

Besides that i think this easily some of the most fun I've had with Sonic since Sonic 3 and idc what anyone says but the pair mechanic is quite fun and creative if you know what you're doing,only serves to elevate how good the zones are much more yes i do have a problem with the longevity of the zones but overall i think zones 1-6 are very good with my favorite being cybertrack it felt like culmination of every zones before and had this really sick aesthetic i can't get enough of,despite some duds within them and the last zone they all are Advance games zones at its best not to mention the visual,presentation and music as well i think people overblown the problem the issue with hub world seriously it's not that confusing it's actually quite sick they give the player cool things to interact while banger music playing in the background.

I'm honestly quite shocked the review section here seems somewhat displeased towards this game,as i just didn't see or experience that many problems playing this game myself but i guess different preferences,that aside Sonic Advance 3 is the triumphant game in this trilogy while manages to still create really fun experience that doesn't stay far away from it's roots but still innovate in creative way.


This game builds on the previous 2 games in ways I couldn't imagine, my favourite zone is for sure Twinkle Snow, having an exciting level design that didn't feel like it was completely against me, which is a breath of fresh air considering it consists in a water focus in its design, gaining momentum in this zone was fun, I felt awesome on running water, becoming more confident in manoeuvres because there weren't pitfalls that were in cheap locations. Solid zone.

The final two zones however didn't quite hit so much, especially the final one where one of its stages consists of just standing on a giant platform in three different instances, avoiding spike obstacles, just a boring approach in general.

Overall, I'm really happy with this game and can see myself playing it again later down the line with different team combos to explore the exciting level design they've got going on here.

The best of the three Sonics on the GBA, that's the review

An agonizing play. The hub worlds are worthless and tedious without realizing you have to stand UNDER the boss warp and stay there for a bit to actually be taken to the boss. The platforming is a little more engaging than Advance 2, but still tends to be a drag.

the best of the advance games, even though OBJECTIVELY it is the worst one. i still love it tho

I fucked adored this game as a kid and i have a ton of nostalgia for it but looking back... that level design man it ain't great, i dont think it's the worst dimps level design that honor goes to either sonic rush 1 or lost world 3ds but it comes damn close with the games fetish for crushing blocks or questionable enemy placement also i do think the hubworlds are kinda just bleh and the emerald collecting is both more and less annoying than advance 2 lol

In terms of positives the style and charm of this game are just so good defo the best of the advance trilogy in this regard, the music and visuals are top notch, i like the bosses defo way better than advance 2s running garbage tier bosses and i like how this game ties into sonic battle with the emerl stuff as someone who grew up with sonic battle and advance 3 it was rad interconnectivity between games

Overall good game glad i grew up with it but man it is rough in areas really rough

its also peak im afraid but slightly less

Easily the worst of the advance trilogy.

this has a large quantity of potentially frustrating moments, sure, but I still get a lot more out of the platforming substance than the first 2. Why is Chaos Angel Act 3 so nothing though lol should have swapped with Act 1