Reviews from

in the past

I'm biased in how much I like this one because Splatterhouse (which it pays copious tribute to) is one of the games that got me into games, but it's a lot of fun. It's a super-simple beat 'em up with almost all complication in mechanic emerging as you upgrade your character, but it doesn't quite hit the heights it feels capable of.

The boss and character design is the star, with the game's spooky-cute art hitting nearly everything out of the park visually, but the title does ultimately suffer, like most Simple Series titles, from replay value via miniscule unlocks.

It's a short and charming beat 'em up that would feel more at home in an arcade than on your PS2, but is far from a disappointment.

I was ready to shit on this game after my first playthrough, but playing it again for the "true ending" made me appreciate this game a lot more.

Splatter Master is a cutesy horror themed side scroller beat em up where you play as a chainsaw wielding scarecrow set out to stop an evil magic man that has summoned monstrosities terrorizing the place.

The game is simple and fun at the start, running around slapping and chainsawing cutesy demons that run at you until you fight a boss, then onto the next level. The game is simple fun.... until you reach the second boss and realize this game has deeper mechanics than you originally thought. You see, the game introduces new enemy types and bosses you have to fight a certain way and you are just frustratingly scratching your head trying to figure out how to even kill these mother fuckers without dying. Talk about dying, dying is kind of a major drawback. When you die you go back to the start of the level, which can be frustrating when you repeatedly get to the boss and die trying to figure out how to beat the thing. Also sucks that there is no real save function, so its not like you can take a break and come back later. You got ONE fucking go at the game or completely restart your run. After many trial and error, especially on the last boss, I finished my first playthrough. Watching the credits roll, at the end appeared "True Ending Unlocked". Fuck it, I was curious. I started another run. I had WAY more fun this go around. Knowing how to beat every enemy and refining the process. I beat it and went for a third run that was less than an hour.

This game has a really charming artstyle and fun boss fights (if you dont mind frustrating mechanics throughout the game at first). I mostly enjoyed my time with it and suggest it if you dont mind smashing your head against a brick wall until it breaks.

I get what the game's trying to go for. "Dollar General Splatterhouse" is an admirable goal. This is just one of those games where you have to pay for the privilege of blocking.

The Simple Series games have their highlights, but this isn't one of them.

Very basic button basher with a couple of ameneties. Fun for a fall run through even if it ain’t much.