Reviews from

in the past

All my homies hate the Trade Federation.

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This is more fun than people think it is. The Story is that you are a Naboo pilot who's mission is to protect the Queen of Naboo, when you get separated across space after being attacked, and you get the help of others to finish your missions as well as the missions of others, this is a good idea for a story, and after playing it overall, I it is a good story for this type of game, more than you would expect from a game like this, it has much stuff that happens, and number of interesting things happening to the group, the only slight problem I had with it was how sudden it ended. The Characters are great, Rhys is a an alright guy, not much to say about him, he does have good chemistry with the other characters though, Reti is a fun caring Toydarian, Vana is a former Trade Federation worker who turns sides after being betrayed, and Nym is a strong enforcing leader, who was captured by Vana in the past, Essara was good for the short time she had on screen. The Graphics are good in cutscenes, and the graphics while playing are good, nothing great, but alright to look at. The Gameplay has you shoot down enemy fighters and destroying stuff in your Starfighter throughout the entire game, while also having the option to complete optional tasks along the way, this is really fun gameplay, going around shooting waves, or new areas of enemies, that is what the whole game is, and the controls are smooth and make it not feel repetitive if you enjoy this genre of gaming, the only problems I had were that there is no lock on option, ally ships don't have health bars, so you can see how close you are to failing, and if you die throughout any part of the level, you have to start all the way from the beginning part of it again, which will get annoying even if you enjoy playing. The Music is taken from the movies, and they work, as that is all Star Wars games really need to do. Star Wars: Starfighter will be a Star Wars game that fans, and people who enjoy flying games should not let fly by them.

My opinion of this game is heavily biased by nostalgia, but this was the Star Wars arcade flight sim I grew up on, and it will always be a good game to me. The controls and combat are pretty basic, but there is a lot of fun to be had here, with an entertaining cast of characters and locations that really feel like a Star Wars story happening on the fringe of what the movies show, and the atmosphere it creates around that is pretty fun to experience.

The replayability for this relatively short game is also there, with optional challenges, higher difficulties, and even a scoring system. It's not the most content rich experience, but for what it is, I had fun with it in my younger years.

May just be childhood nostalgia, but I remember this game being a lot longer. That said, the only part of it that suffers for that short length is the story, it's characters growing and bonding almost totally off-screen. Thankfully, the levels themselves are most fun as heck, often recalling the high-flying thrills of Crimson Skies. There are some annoying design decisions (enemy hits sending your ship careening off-course for one) but in all, Starfighter is a fun one.

This is probably the worst Star Wars ship-oriented game I've played, but that isn't really a slight against the game, rather a testament to how good Star Wars flight games are overall.

Honestly, Starfighter is fine! The biggest slight against it is just it's age, but it controls fine and it is an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon (since it isn't very long at all). The game is very simple, doesn't have much content, and pales in comparison when compared to the likes of Rogue Squadron or TIE Fighter, but is itself a perfectly adequate game. Just not an extraordinary one.

As a side note, one thing I love about games of this era are cheat codes and unlockables, and this game has plenty of both!