Reviews from

in the past

Kind of bizarre for a taiko game, especially since it felt like it was kind of shadow dropped out of the blue.

Unlike every other taiko game, this uses a vertical aspect ratio instead of a horizontal one. I definitely thought at first that it would limit visibility but the note charts are still quite readable. The UI and overall game aesthetic is very tiktokcore, with the extra vertical space being used to play videos and whatnot, which is eh. They gave every song in the game a bespoke album cover which has never been done before in taiko and the art for the covers is super cool, i honestly hope that they get implemented in the arcade and console taikos from here on out.

As for the gameplay, holding a phone vertically and using two thumbs as drumsticks works quite well, though this certainly feels like it was designed to not be taken so seriously. Not only is muzu the default difficulty with oni being locked behind a muzu clear, but also scoring in general is very P2W locked behind season passes and cosmetic unlocks and what have you. So while its definitely not comfortable to do really intense songs, I don't think thats the intention here.

Being an F2P mobile game, there are the caviats of there being ads that inconsistently bombard you with crap that you'd have to buy the season pass to remove. I thought that it'd be really bad and limit your every move, but honestly the game is incredibly generous with plays, as in my time playing so far I have never run out of limited play tickets and theres a rotating free song list that always has something interesting in it.

Honestly it's an upper-echelon home taiko game, as surprising as it is to say. It pretty much offers the entire breadth of content contained in the premium taiko pass on console for free, provided you dont mind watching a handful of cringe mobile ads from time to time. Considering the fact this has 800+ songs, a solid control scheme, and even mfin english support in the settings, there's probably not a better taiko game for newcomers. If this game came out when I was first getting into taiko, it'd have been all that I would have needed. Definitely keepin this on my phone to get a taiko fix whenever i want.

why is the sensitivity so low on this game? it shows GOOD even when I didn't hit the beat exactly on time; they give out donderful combos like free ice cream or something. The UI is a mess and I dislike all the bits and bobs flying around (the power-ups are so unnecessary) too many ads as well. I'd pay if you allow me a one-time payment, but this is a subscription-based game, and if I wanted a subscription game, I'd just play Pop Tap Beat on apple arcade.

oh how i love barely disguised shovelware adpests

this is genuinely one of the saddest things to happen on the taiko no tatsujin franchise and the fact they shut for this absolute cashgrab is really frustrating, this is just the animal crossing pocket camp version of taiko no tatsujin but somehow even worse.

first of all, you can only play for free about 4 limited songs who reset after an certain amount time and if you want to play for more than 10 minutes then fuck you!! you need to sit through a 3 minute ad of an fucking illegal scammy online cassino to earn 3 play-tickets per day!! and if you want more then i bet you have to money to pay for it!!!!!

second of all, i love how it completely fucks over the gameplay and just core mechanics overall, im sincerely curious how namco managed to make a non-gacha rhythm game pay to win, if you want better scores you need to put some clothes on! and how do you earn clothes may you ask, by playing (something you need to pay to do) or by just paying for them with no gameplay involved instead of actually getting good at the game, not only that but now you also have "powerups" who can basically completely erase the drumroll and big notes from the game, two core mechanics for the game to actually be fun to play that have been an staple of the franchise since the very start, but of course you also need to pay for them! because why wouldnt you

i sincerely do NOT understand the point of this game, why would you pay to play an underwhelming watered down version of the game when you can just pay to play it the normal way at the arcade? why was this game even made in the first place? for the poor who want to play taiko no tatsujin portably but dont have the money to pay for the game and consoles?? you can literally just download an taiko no tatsujin portable rom and put it on ppsspp and boommmmm you can play taiko no tatsujin but GOOD for FREE, and also if it was really made for the people who dont have enough money to buy the console games when why would they add an unnecessary amount of microtransactions just to play the game?
i know im going way too deep with this and this was just an obvious attempt at an easy cheap cashgrab by namco by just doing what everyone is doing now (see jubeat and reflec beat by konami way back in 2010, two mobile versions of arcade games that only had 3 songs available for free and if you wanted more you needed to pay for the song packs) but even though it still just makes me sad, atleast it has a cute interface i guess

tiktok UI, ads, stupid items and only plays vertically