Reviews from

in the past

team fortress 2 will never be the game it was.
it doesnt matter when you played you will always know this

What can i say about this game? Is just wonderful.
I usually play at community servers because you can play as SAXTON HAAAAAAALE

this game is like an abusive relationship. i know its bad for my physical and mental wellbeing, but i somehow always keep coming back to it.

One of the greatest games ever made, one of the funniest experiences you can play, and it WILL give you the hugest bursts of dopamine imaginable.
It's also completely unplayable right now! You CANNOT play TF2 easily without either playing the lottery with potential lobbies consisting entirely of bots, or play in community servers so sweaty that it sucks all of the wacky fun out of the game. It's an incredibly sad situation, and all I can really say is, fuck Valve for not doing anything to deal with this whilst still having the balls to release new lootboxes for the game multiple times a year. The fact the game has been left to rot in this state is inexcusable.

This game is infested with bots, decrepit and practically abandoned by Valve, yet it's still better than Overwatch 2.

If you don't like first person shooters, you will love Team Fortress 2.
If you don't like online multiplayer games, you will love Team Fortress 2.
If you don't like men, you will love Team Fortress 2.
Heck, even if you don't like videogames, you will LOVE TEAM FORTRESS 2

A title that is not only able to stand out the test of time, with a community (mostly not toxic) active for over 15 years, and a charm so persuasive that literally lead to the invention of SFM.

Even without considering the impact TF2 had on the internet or the videogame landscape as a whole, in a vacuum the game is also really enjoyable: each of the different characters not only have a timeless iconicity and personalities, but gameplay-wise they all have unique gimmicks that can be exploited differenty depending on your team or the overall strategies. I have been a Scout main when I played the game as a kid (mostly because I sucks at aiming and a baseball bat was a call for me), but trying out characters that I never personally tried, like Heavy Pyro or Spy, lead to always fun matches even though Im kinda suck personally eheh.

It is also respectable how one of the most important aspects of modern multyplayer games (DLC AND MICROTRANSACTIONS, my not beloved!) are limited to cosmetics and don't remove anything crucial to the whole experience. Each extra mode even today are released, and show how much the devs care about this title.

One of the best free-to-play experience you can have. Valve invented comedy back in 2007 and nobody topped that yet.
If you don't wanna try it, at least watch the trailers and promotional shorts: Expiration Date is cinema at its finest.

the game is fine but to play it you have to play with tf2 players

It's a great Hero shooter. This game is a hero class-based shooter that is good. Valve is great at making games and this game shows. This game came before all the weird abilities that characters have in games today so it feels realistic. The characters are very iconic and easy to remember and I hope it stays that way also do you see how many maps there are? There are loot boxes and ways to get better weapons but at least they don't shove them in your face. There are tons of modes to choose from like capture the flag and payload. The community is great mainly because of the memes. TF2 will never die. I recommend it to anybody that are fans of FPS games.

One of the most fun online experiences with a amazing community. Amazing how this game has kept itself alive for so long. Dad of most character based FPSs. Its just... mwah!

Listen ignore the memes, ignore the overwatch hate, this is just a good game.

A classic for a reason. Constantly in Steam's top 10 most played for a reason. This is my "default" game, the game I always come back to when I'm not playing anything else. Something cozy about it. 5/5

I’ve logged too many hours into this game to not give it a positive rating.

Mann vs Machine is now every mode with the amount of bots!

Every match is either bots or russians.

Two entities with whom I share no sense of connection or relatability towards.

Ok objectively, this game has so many problems. The microtransactions, the bot problem, the lack of consistent content all that. But when your just playing the game, it's just flat out an unparalleled experience. To this day I haven't found a multiplayer game that's as consistently fun as TF2.

would be 5 stars if not for evil devil demon bots

I will never be tired of friendly heavies, spy crabs, and that bit where you wait for a high-five and then kill yourself.

my comfort game
i stopped playing cs so i can look for something fresh and truly fun, funny and comforting
although i find it a bit too addicting at times

Team Fortress 2 is probably one of my favourite all time PC game, I had so much fun playing the vast of classes of mercenaries you can pick! From Offensive to Support. It's never a dull moment playing.

You can get so many weapons, items, cosmetics and importantly...hats! Alots of hats! You can also vote for new maps or weapons to get it into the game on the Steam Workshop
The game may got hackers and bots but this game will live on many more years. Hope you pick it up from the Steam, Its free to all!

Such an amazing and funny shooter, If valve actually cared about the game this would be one of the greatest games of all time. Sadly right now in its mostly abandoned and bot infested state it can be pretty demotivating to play. Cheat client users run rampant and bugs can make some matches unplayable.

I mean... what is there to say that hasn't been said before?

The most fun you can have online!

Unless you're a minority

This game isn’t a 10/10 for a beautiful story or all the innovative gameplay mechanics, it’s not here graphics or competitive play, it’s a 10/10 because the game is just plain fun. All the characters are awesome and fun to play and the maps are all unique. It’s just sad the game isn’t getting updated as mu- ooooh yeah… Seal

Top-of-its-class first person shooter held by duct tape and cardboard

Tbh having my first game off Tf2 be a match with half the players being sniper bots that shot anyone that came within their eye-line wasn’t the greatest first experience, but the game mostly makes up for it by being a Valve game.

I don't think I need to tell people how good this game is, or probably was, during its peak something like 10ish years ago. The game is still the same and you can still enjoy what it was at the time, but you can feel the abandonment from its developers and even most of the fanbase who once cared. It's a game from which it's hard to move on, you can't help but getting back to it once in a while, but you also can't help not wanting to stay for too long again.

This game is older than me, and it still goes hard, that's how you know this shit is good.
The gunplay is FANTASTIC, it feels so fluid and fun, especially direct hits, this game is one of the only ones to truly balance casual and competitive play in one game, instead of treating randomness like a crutch, they treated it as a reward, the more damage dealt, the more likely you'll get a random crit. The weapon balancing is also good as most weapons aren't broken or too weak, and for most people the stock weapons are actually the best, it's one of the only games I've truly been able to experiment and have fun in, I've never raged playing this game.
If you can move past hackers and bots + lack of updates, shit, this game deserves awards, it's also free to play, so theres no point in not trying it, it's fun, and there's a play style for everyone.
Halloween and Christmas are when updates usually happen, so at least we have that.
There's also a sense of community and togetherness, so if you're into that, this is your game.