Reviews from

in the past

looking at the low reviews (and that hideous box art) i almost dismissed this game as some forgettable mascot of the 90s
but this game has a VIBE, it might not click immediately but if you're the kinda guy to like sega mascot games of the 90s like ristar, or treasure platformers like dynamite headdy and can appreciate the genesis boops (note: i said APPRECIATE not tolerate, if you don't love the genesis soundfont, gtfo)
this is a weird game, i dont always fully understand what the hell is going on, and it'll often kick my ass but godDAMN am i along for this ride! the music, the artwork, the animation, the controls, it all comes together here, especially with the fun af bosses. the level design could use some work but i never found it as bad as others here make it out to be. this is a boopin game, an absolute vibe. jam with it or be filtered.

Awkward and thematically incomprehensible (a live music TV show? that goes to crazy locations like inside a monster's stomach? where the boss is a big boxing glove?) but with a wide-eyed, toe-tapping energy that keeps the whole thing moving. Great use of music throughout.

Another one of the 32X's highlights.

Zany visuals, adorable character designs (fuck the US coverart btw), and an oddball OST make it very fun to playthrough!

The gameplay is admittedly very simplistic, and the game is slow-based. But I think that works in its favour quite well, it's an incredibly comfy and laid back-game, almost as much as Tempo himself is funky, heh.

I'll have to dock half a star just for the game's final level though, while it's the most unique and pretty visually... having doors that teleport you to the start of the level is Very dumb.

Some how, this game still lives rent free in my brain. I probably think about this game once a month.

While I didn't HATE this game it left a lot to be desired, especially in the control and level design department. The animation and music is admirable though, and I do like the energy and charm of this game. Super Tempo (Saturn) is overall a much better time, though.