Reviews from

in the past

jogo foda mas acho idiota vc ter q ter uma dlc pra saber o final verdadeiro

I will never forget my excitement when I found out that Isaac released on New 3DS. I've been wanting to play it for soooooo long, but never had a PC to run it.

It's so weird, people always say that the new 3DS had no games, which is kinda true... Yet Isaac being on there made it completely worth it for me. I just love Isaac so incredibly much.

But tbh, going back to Rebirth is rough nowadays. Nevertheless, I'll never stop appreciating the new 3DS for what it accomplished for me: Letting me play what is now my favourite game of all time for the first time

item description mod is required to actually play the game

It's a genre-inspiring game which I've sunk 500 hours into. It's obviously very good, but it can get boring quickly.
The modding community for this game is insane. Whose idea was it to add a vine thud on taking damage? Clash of Clans laugh when Holy Mantle goes away? Persona 4 Specialist dance when seeing a good item? SPAMTON as Satan? Low tier god in the intro?
I don't know. But it's funny. And it adds replay value.

One of the Best Roguelikes (Luck is a big factor)
Put thousand of hours into it, no run is the same with the item synergys

no hay ninguno igual. cualquier queja es skill issue, jueguenlo con repentance

The number of hours I put in this is stupid :D I was just addicted, ok? What can I say^^ It was my first Rougelike, every run felt different and I always felt like I was making progress. Classic case of "one more run, then I'll stop"^^

it’s the classic i played it a good amount when it released, but i’m just not the biggest fan of it. i like the story and art style i just couldn’t get into the gameplay as much. i’m not the biggest fan of rougelikes to begin with so that’s probably my downfall here

for the love of God if you have any obsessive or addictive tedencies, DO NOT TOUCH BINDING OF ISAAC. it took over my life 3 times (biggest one was beginning of 2021) and it gave me some of the most frustrating and fun play sessions I've ever had. the game's loads of content will give you nausea and vertigo while having one of the most satisfying "getting stronger" feelings I've ever gotten while playing a game. uncovering more and more of its achievements and secrets as you just try more and more insane builds to get surprisingly game breaking movements.
this is one if these games that are infinitely replayable if you so please, it's really hard to learn and to master, looking at BOI is like staring into the abyss and letting it consume you (for fun).
I've spent over 400 hours playing it and only gotten a bit over half of the achievements. I think this fact alone encapsulates my entire experience with the game.

This game’s got a major problem called not being Enter the Gungeon.

Greatest roguelike of all time. A pure act of love. Extremely interesting art design and content. Incredibly sophisticated gameplay. Lots to love. 657 hours to get 100% well spent!

Great game which you can play for YEARS, especially with DLCs. Every run is different. A lot of items, enemies, bosses, different rooms and objects. Must-Play!!!

I usually drop rougelikes after beating them once, this is one of the few i found fun enough to beat a bunch of times. After 27 hours i've had enough.

Very good roguelike. Not the hardest to play, thanks to many items you can play many times with different build.
Also a lot of bosses and characters allows to spend a lot of time in this game.

Small downside for RNG with items, as this roguelike is a bit too random sometimes, but it's still a great game and one of my favourites.

One of the greatest roguelikes of all time. So fun so addicting.

Decently fun roguelike. Feels like the game is sometimes intentionally obtuse in ways that are a little bit frustrating beyond usual roguelike difficulty. Overall not bad but was not compelled to get all the unlockables after completing my first run

i played hundreds of hours of tainted lost because i enjoyed it

o que falar de isaac né, bom eu tenho diversas opiniões boas desse jogo como a geração de salas dele, OST e que a cada vez que você joga sempre vai ser diferente mas outros pontos que eu não curto ( que nao quer dizer que é ruim ) são tambem as gerações de sala que por exemplo acontece diversas vezes que você pegar uma sala ENORME cheia de bixo que é impossivel de sair de la sem tomar dano dependendo do personagem que você ta usando alem de que a maioria dos bosses ''finais'' que voce pega sao só um trilhao de projeteis na sua tela e se vira pra desviar ( eu to jogando touhou ou isaac? )

Frustrating at times, but once you get over the learning curve, it's a masterpiece. I have 150 hours on several platforms and I still have 400 achievement left to get. It's a banger with a steep learning curve. 100% pickup.

I like the mom! She's so cool!
Arguably one of the most replay-able rogue likes of all time.

isaac on vita is an ok experience but definitely not ideal, mainly due to the vita's d-pad feeling kind of meh for isaac and the thumbstick being godawful. still a great game, just not the best way to play for sure unless you're an isaac mega-fan and want a challenge. this playthrough was NOT 100%.

I've been playing this for over 9 years now. Every run is a blast. The best roguelike that will possibly ever exist. No other game can match it's messed up, creepy and gory aesthetic. I wish I could forget about it so I could play it again without any knowledge.

Zerei só o primeiro final mas gostei.