Reviews from

in the past

This is one of the funniest games ever made! Makes sense on account of Douglas Adams himself wrote it. It's playable on the BBC website for free. Do yourself a favor and check it out. 10/10

You know this game is faithful when the first item listed in Arthur Dent's inventory is literally NO TEA.

As an adult I can see what Adams and Meretsky were trying to accomplish with the form. Heck, even as an 8-9-year-old, I could tell this was a special game. It's how I learned what dressing-gowns and analgesics are. The tone of narration, and even the logic of the puzzles, connected with me and pushed me to read H2G2, which I loved.

But mid-to-late period Infocom had a psychological complex about difficult puzzles, so I never made it past the Babel fish machine. It feels like it took months (so maybe weeks?) to get there. Such a waste.