Reviews from

in the past

One of the best PS4 games I've ever played, even better then it's sequel. Nearly had me crying.

Ta ai um jogo que ouvi tanto sobre, muitos anos esperando para jogar e chegou o dia.

E é de fato, incrível. Adorei os personagens, a gameplay muito boa, criatividade na criação dos itens, inventário amplo, e uma boa exploração dos mapas (além da beleza e desafios que eles trazem).

Honestly, it's still amazing.

Visually astounding for its time powered by a fantastic script and such an amazing conclusion.

Um jogo incrível, história envolvente, personagens que você se importa, e um mundo extremamente imersivo.
Não tem muito o que falar, apenas um dos melhores jogos da Naughty Dog

the brick is everybody's best friend.

I used to be a kleptomaniac when I was a kid, I'd pick up random pieces of paper and trash off the floor and put them in my pockets with no real idea of worth or ownership. You can probably imagine that I go FERAL rummaging through draws in this game.

The Last of Us, to this day, remains the greatest game I have ever played. No game has ever affected me so much. You can't help but fall in love with the characters despite their morally grey actions throughout their incredible journey through a post-apocalyptic American wasteland, where nature has reclaimed iconic landmarks. This, coupled with Gustavo Santaolalla's inconic score which gives me goosebumps every time I hear it, has cemented The Last of Us as my all-time favourite game.

Great gameplay, great story, great characters, what else can I say?

Nah so like, how come I haven’t play this till now fr

I'll buy this game every single time it comes out

When I played this game for the first time many years ago, it changed the way I looked at video games as a medium. I started understanding how gameplay and mechanics could be used to create a level of immersion and connection to a story and its characters. It showed me that gaming could be a vessel with which to tell more nuanced stories. I'm almost certain that The Last of Us was not the first game to achieve this level of storytelling, but it was the first game that did it for me.

Des défauts dans le gameplay mais qui s'oublient très vite tellement le jeu est happant. 10 ans après il n'a pas pris une ride

I've lost count how many times i've replayed this. My favorite game of all times; I have such a deep passion for all the characters it's insane.

Decidi jogar por causa do hype da série e não me arrependi.
É um clássico do jogos 🤓

some of the age shows a bit with every play through, but this still hits like a truck and is an achievement in storytelling in video games.


The Last of Us really grew on me, as I was thinking about it more and more as time went on, and when I was playing through Uncharted 4, I finally snapped, and wanted to replay again. It is weird, because this is probably the first game that lives in my mind as a movie, not a game and I sort of had the same feeling when I want to rewatch an older movie that I liked.

To be fair, I still do not like some of the elements of the gameplay. There are way too many swimming parts where you need to find something for Ellie to hop on, and I really did not "click" with the clicker stealth sections. They are not bad, they are just pretty cheap insta death enemies, that are only countered by an upgrade that I am sure some players will miss and never use. The combat against humans though? Stellar, absolutely fantastic, and I like every bit of those parts where you are fighting against other survivors.

So without further ado, here is my proper opinion about the story and the "chapters" aka the seasons:

This season is the longest, and the least challenging as the game throws in it's initial mechanics. Here, we learn everything about the combat and the "puzzles" that are going to be featured for the whole duration of the game. This season has by far the best combat sections in the game for Joel (see what I did there?), and the overall pace is just perfect.

I had problems with this season, especially how short it is, and how you instantly start at Tommy's dam. However, it is undeniable that some of the most important character moments happen here, but this chapter features some of the worst videogame tropes as well. It is really a mixed bag actually.

The best season out of the four, without a question. The Ellie section is the highest point of the game, and her combat encounters are just great, filled with rage and anger.

Again, short and it features two encounters with clickers and humans, where the game tries to test your combat skills. The ending is great, the combat parts are not so much, especially how easily they can be outmaneuvered if you at least tried this once.

Overall, I really missed this game, and while I see it's faults, (even more actually) I think it is a great game, and much more than that actually. The characters are written so well, that they will certainly stick around in your head after you finished the game. I would highly advise though to stick with the game, and stay away from the series.

Um jogo com uma história muito envolvente e criativo com seu próprio apocalipse

Obwohl The Last of Us zu meinen absoluten Lieblingsspielen gehört und für mein 16-jähriges Ich absolut prägend war, kam es bei mir nie zu einem erneuten Anlauf. So hat es jetzt vier Jahre gebraucht, bis es zu diesem Replay kam. Aber mein Gott, war das eine nostalgische Erfahrung.

Damals war ich überwältigt und habe zum ersten Mal wirklich begriffen, wie gut Videospiele dazu in der Lage sind, Geschichten zu erzählen. Alles, was mich damals so begeisterte, begeistert mich heute noch genauso sehr. Anfangs dachte ich darüber nach, mir das Remake zu holen, war dann aber doch zu geizig. Und Ehrlich gesagt habe ich nun aber deutlich weniger Interesse an dem Remake, weil die Remastered Version von The Last of Us immer noch unfassbar schön aussieht.
Natürlich kommt es nicht an den verbesserten Realismus heran, aber der allgemeine Look gefällt mir hier tatsächlich besser. Lass es Nostalgie sein, aber die recht kontrastreichen Farben, das eigentlich zu unnatürlich wirkende Grün der Natur und wie das Licht auf die Bäume fällt, durch sie hindurchscheint und immer wieder einen Weg in die Ruinen der Gebäude findet... Die Post-Apokalypse sah selten schöner aus.

Ich werde dieses Spiel wohl bis an mein Lebensende abgrundtief lieben und wollte in Momenten wie der bei den Giraffen gern noch ewig verweilen, wahrscheinlich so sehr wie Ellie selbst.

At the time it came out, in my opinion was the best of all time. Probably still the best overall story in video games. Just slight gameplay issues


pretty sure this happened to my uncle

O que esse jogo trás para o mundo dos games, no quesito storytelling, é absurdo. É como se ele abrisse uma janela de possibilidades para o futuro e, jogando ele em 2023, 10 anos depois, eu só consigo imaginar o que sentiram aqueles que jogaram no lançamento. A gameplay é gostosa, os headshots maravilhosos e o sistema de crafting é fácil e intuitivo. Enfim, não vou me alongar pq não há nada de novo q eu possa dizer q já não foi dito. Tirei uma estrela pq a IA é muito burra e não gostei do sistema de conquistas.

Escuta de alguém que ama esse jogo e teve que jogar aquele online horrivel pra platinar...

Parte 2 é ruim.

Overrated? Yes. Is it a masterpiece? Yes.

when i first got my playstation 4 and played this, i played it on hard mode and absolutely hated it. thought it was way too difficult and stopped playing after literally like a single level.

then, an entire year after, i decided to try it again. and i had to wonder how bad i was at video games when i first played, bcs it srsly was nowhere near as hard as i originally thought it was.

There are few games that when I play I am incapable of stepping away from to live my everyday life. The Last of Us is one of them. The characters and storytelling are two of my favourite parts about this game. The relationship built between Ellie and Joel and the journey they take will always stay with me. A must play (or watch) for anybody, not just gamers.

There is literally nothing else I can say about this game that someone else hasn't said yet. Just refer to any positive review of this game and it is my exact thoughts.