Reviews from

in the past

A great port of A Link to the Past. Working as a mostly 1:1 representation of the original on SNES, while adding a few additions. I have to shelf the game however as I have not, and do not currently have the resources necessary to complete the Four Swords part of the game, and experience its additional unlockable content in A Link To The Past.

Fun little multiplayer game based around TLOZ

Comme pour Final Fantasy VI, quel plaisir d'avoir ce jeu dans une version portable. Mis à part la partie sonore qui est moins bonne à cause des limitations de la GBA, c'est le même jeu que l'original. Il y a aussi l'ajout du mini jeu Four Swords mais jamais eu l'occasion de la tester en multi.

Fue uno de mis primeros acercamiento a la saga Zelda tras Ocarina, Wind Waker y Minish Cap y... No fue bueno. No me gustó naaada este juego. Tras jugar Minish Cap, sentí este taaan inferior en prácticamente todos los aspectos que me llevé una tremenda decepción. Claro, yo no sabía que era un "remake/port" de un juego de Zelda de SNES, simplemente era otro Zelda nuevo, y lo juzgué como tal. Pero es que con los años veía a todo el mundo ensalzando este juego, que era de los mejores de la franquicia y me lo rejugué para ver si era cosa mía o yo que sé. Seguía sin poder disfrutarlo.
Simplemente este juego y yo no conseguíamos conectar.
Y ojo, que no estoy diciendo que sea malo, simplemente que no está hecho para mí. Eso sí, su secuela para 3DS me pareció sublime, ese sí que lo disfruté como un enano.

Finished the SNES version instead, this one seems like a downgrade

This is how I approached ALTTP for the first time. Never had issues with the major most common critics (lightning, screen crunch) that were always there for any SNES remaster/porting on GBA.

Never had anyone to play Four Swords until the anniversary.

Link to the past smacks minus the temples that have ice or push you into holes, also couldn't do four swords since I had no friends with it plus im dumb

This was the way I originally experienced LttP. I think this version overall has a lot going for it, mainly portability of one of the best games out there + an extra game mode. I haven't gone back to this particular version of the game but I feel like there's no bad way to play LttP other than simply not playing it at all.

I never got to experience the four swords part of the game, but A Link to the Past is more than enough reason to buy this game.

I played this game for the first time when I was really young, and I've tried to play it many, many times since then, but I just don't think it's the kind of game for me :(

It's a little too hard for what I'd like from a Zelda game, but the one thing I loved about this game was the exploration. The most I've gotten is about halfway through the game, when exploration in the light and dark worlds start to open up. That, and the little spurts where I was able to explore up until that point, was a whole lot of fun. If you like the style of the dungeons and exploration sounds fun, I think this is definitely a game you should try and pick up.

i miss when Zelda games were full of awesome dungeons and a thousand optional items. bring back the mechanic where i find a waterfall and throw my entire inventory into the water in case i can upgrade it. also one of the best endings to any game

This is one of the best SNES games out there and still one of the best games in the Zelda series. The dungeons are cool and the bosses are great. I like the items as well as how some of the dungeons can be completed in a different order. The graphics are great and hold up amazingly well.

Concerning the Four Swords aspect of this, I was not able to play it due to not having friends but I was able to play the 3DS Downloads/DSi version that can be seen in my other Four Swords Anniversary Edition entry.

A nice bundle of Link to the Past and Zelda Four Swords together! Though I mainly played this for the Link to the Past secret dungeon which was honestly really tough and I loved it! Anyways, this version of Link to the Past is technically better but I find it inferior because of screen crunch and Link having his voice now.

It's a decent port of the SNES game. Actually, i think it's better in some aspects. Even today, this game remains an awesome experience. There is a few flaws like the lack of checkpoints before the bosses, but it's a great game anyway.

LTTP is incredible, by far the best of the 2D Zelda games and sets the standard for all top-down adventure games that came after. Even today, there are games being made which are clear homages to this classic. Great difficulty curve that makes the game feel challenging but not overwhelming and a beautiful open world to explore - like many GBA games, it's a remake of a SNES classic that works amazingly as a handheld. Go play it if you haven't yet.

The audio sounds like garbage but other than that this is a near-perfect remake.

when this game came out i bought an extra gba, copy of the game, and a link cable so i could play 4 swords with my brother. it was fun! expensive! but fun! also link to the past is always fun, and the extra dungeon made you use speed runner tricks and that was kinda funny.

The game itself is a timeless masterpiece. But the Advance Version sure feels like a downgrade from all this added voices and such.
Never had friends to play Four Swords with. :(

The somewhat superior version of the game. Just set the lighting to dark and play on a portable device. The translation lining up with other Zelda titles is nice too

Portable Link to the Past owns. Played it a ton on the GBA as a kid/teen. The added Wind Waker voice clips for when Link swings his sword are pretty unnecessary though and bring it down from being perfect. I've never been able to play the Four Swords multiplayer campaign because none of my friends had a GBA or even played Nintendo games.

I didn’t truly experience Link to the Past for the first time until this version of the game more than 20 years ago—long after I’d mastered Link’s Awakening, Ocarina of Time, and many others I like far better. I actually got as far as Turtle Rock in my first-ever playthrough before….putting it down? Can’t remember why for the life of me. Sold the cartridge not long after that, because poor.

Now in my thirties and with disposable income and more Zelda-liking friends, I finally re-bought a physical cartridge and truly 100%ed both LttP & Four Swords. I’m not convinced the bonus dungeon was worth the hype—I’d maybe give it a 7.5/10? But Four Swords is excellent with a pal, and the Hurricane Spin kinda rules.

A Link to the Past is, like, right in the middle of my top Zeldas. I don’t hate it, but I like every other 2D Zelda after the NES better. I’m glad I finally crossed this game off the ole bucket list.

i remember i beat this game back in like 2012 on my ds file and i popped it back in on my 3ds not realizing i saved right before the ending boss and i got tossed like a salad.. it was amazing though even though i’ve watched it as a way to remember everything.

I've been needing to play this for awhile and got to the 3rd sage before i stopped playing. overall very fun and challenging i just didn't feel like finishing it. I might pick this up again in the future but for now I am satisfied where i left off.

was not strong enough to beat this as a teenager and now as an adult I’m not strong enough to go back. doesn’t matter - deliciously playable and one of the most influential games ever

I'm sorry to all of my friends who I ever trolled by ripping out the link cable when I didn't get the most rupees in a session.

A multiplayer masterpiece, and that's without mentioning that one of the best Zelda games ever is bundled alongside. Nice little touch to have unlocks in one game that you could earn by playing the other game. We need more games like Four Swords...

very good combo, a link to the past is a very solid game, and four swords is an incredible co-op for killing time