Reviews from

in the past

As a kid, I always wished that the LEGO movies and games would be made entirely out of LEGO. As I grew up, I realized that that would make it very hard to distinguish objects that can be destroyed from objects that can't. I was wrong. The graphics and animation are awesome, and the gameplay is as good as ever.

fun enough. not a bad lego game and reminded me how great the movie was. for a lot of the playthrough i had the oppressive feeling in my gut that i get from playing a game explicitly for children but that's obviously my own problem and not the game's.

So I came into this game wanting to satiate a random Lego game fix I had, and of the games in my backlog, this one was the shortest to finish. And the final thoughts? Well, I didn't have a horrible time, nor did I have a fully enjoyable time. One might call it an average or meh experience.

Seriously though I wouldn't say this is a bad game. At its core, it's still the classic LEGO game formula that's simple and streamlined during story mode but opens up much more in free play. The character roster is humungous, and once you have access to them all (as well as the cheats), 100% is a breeze. Some levels have cool segments that are usually on rails or vehicle/mech sections, and some pieces in the soundtrack are fun too. And they included video clips from the movie as part of the cutscenes, something I loved seeing in older movie tie-in games.

But several things drag the game down. And for some points I do mean literally. Good lord the pacing for this game gets slow as hell at points. Not helped by how crazy they went with the character classes this time. Do you want to fix certain machines? Select a construction worker. Grapple? Get Batman Rainbow Blocks? Unikitty. F*CKING WATER? Get the one and only fireman. So on and so forth there are WAY too many character abilities which makes sense for the movie in question, but it drags down the pace when you have to do a character-specific action, but then do it to let the other characters catch. Of course what I'm saying there is mostly pointed at the story mode (because flying characters break the game in free play), but it can still be a drag when going after gold manuals or pants. Every level is also very long, to the point where there are save points in each level and some levels are just not that fun. It makes sense to take liberties when making levels for a movie tie-in game, but the route they took here just seems like they needed something to pad out game time.

Overall, not the worst game I've played. Compared to the other LEGO games I've played this one's definitely at the bottom, which will change once I play other LEGO games (I've heard there are some stinkers). There were fun moments and unique gimmicks thrown into this game alongside the classic LEGO formula that made me want to go and 100% the game and grab all the Steam achievements, but the pacing and length were major downsides that kept this a very average experience

This Game is so damn charming, an excellent adaptation of the movie and adding many more fun little shenanigans to it. While I think the abrupt cuts of the cutscenes is jarring it still is incredibly entertaining to see bits of the movie in your game and then have the characters mock it in the game itself, genuinely entertaining.

Meus primos amam esse jogo como nenhum outro

I think this is just a fun lego game. The soundtrack is honestly the best part of it. I like the pants mechanic, thats really fun. The level design is pretty nice and I think the master builder mechanic and the blueprint mechanic should come back, they were pretty cool.


Nhé, não é tanta coisa

Por mais que não seja um dos maiores jogos lançados pela empresa, é um jogo que é possível ter seu carinho e se divertir bastante.

Reminds me of when I was little :D

how do you make a lego game based on the lego movie boring like they HAD to be trying

Haters gonna hate, up there with the best lego games fr.

Não gostei igual os outros que estou acostumado, joguei mais por conta que meu primo comprou e eu zerei com ele e talskkkk comprei pra PS4 mas ainda não botei a mão nele, mas já joguei no Xbox e zerei igual citei, e legalzinho sim, mas é muito inferior aos lego do PS2


probably the worst game ive ever played but also the first i ever 100%ed

I understand that this is one of the lesser-liked Lego games, but even the mid ones I still have so much fondness for.

Mostly worth the play through just to see how Lego messes with its own gaming formula and visual style, if you're a fan like I am.

Plus, the movie it's based on already fucking rocks, so I can't really complain about the story.

short and fun platinum trophy

People shit on this but it's the lego movie but a video game. Where do you go wrong

just watch the film it's significantly better

You know it’s not good when even young me didn’t like it ( movie is a banger though )


A really fun and enjoyable lego game that isn't really as great as some of the others its just a pretty fun game that's all.

Mediocre Lego games unfortunately as the movie is peak

Lacking in a lot of ways but still cool

Generally better looking than most lego games? But the camera angles make me violent.

I loved this game so much! It was really fun and in a way easy on the brain :] currently going through getting the platinum and it is a LITTLE challenging at parts, but overall the game, like most lego games, is really fun! Definitely recommend playing with a friend/partner however, as some parts are extremely difficult to do alone (i failed ).

The only reason i rated this a 4.5, was because of the controls, idk if it was my controller or just the game, but alot of times throughout the gameplay it didn't pick up my movements. The triangle button was especially difficult to use, however i found a quicker way to change between characters so it wasn't too frustrating in the end. Probably just a personal issue but it meant that everything was not, in fact, awesome (ーдー)

O jogo é um dos mais bonitos e criativos de lego, amo como tudo no jogo é feito de lego e como os personagens de movem com lego, é realmente um jogo de lego num mundo de lego.

As fases do jogo são muito divertidas e muito bem feita, com bons puzzles, também gostei que escolheram muito bem os momentos do filme e não fica forçado diferente de outros jogos que se baseam em um filme só, como o Star Wars Despertar da Força.

O pós-game do jogo é muito ruim infelizmente, você desbloqueia todos os personagens no modo história e é muito mais fácil ganhar dinheiro então não vale a pena ir atrás dos blocos vermelhos, além de que os personagens ou são variações dos personagens já existentes do modo história, ou só não fazem nada, as fases em si são muito boas e até umas das mais bem feitas da franquia Lego, mas o pós game que sempre foram muito bons, foi muito decepcionante, mas ainda é um bom jogo.