Reviews from

in the past

Suda-chan was pretty weird, but his philosophy's right on. There's a real man.

- Goro Majima

+Super cool aesthetic, this game could be about literally nothing and it would still be one of the most visually memorable experiences in gaming.

+Really interesting period piece about the internet age during it's dawn that still rings true to this day on how we perceive crime and the police in modern times, up there with Serial Experiments Lain with stories about the dawn of the digital era that predicted the future.

= Though I liked a few characters in the cast, remembering their names when all I had was half a second to see a pixelized, opaque lettering of their names made the story a lot harder to follow than it had any right to be for the sake of doing something different, this game is the biggest argument for all text heavy games needing a backlog.

-You could not pay me to give a fuck about this gameplay, I honestly feel like this should have been a visual novel instead because every instance of interactivity feels like an absolute nuisance, something as basic as turning around, walking somewhere or having a scene transition could take as long as 15 seconds. The puzzles having an insta-solving button should tell you how much of an afterthought they are.

-The final chapter in particular is filled with padding thinly disguised as suspense and whoever thought it was a good idea to walk through 10 towers individually to search for a sentence's worth of text can eat the pinkest part of my asshole. And that's not counting the placebo chapters which are just some guy reading emails about the case you just played and spoon-feeding you exposition emails in case you were sucking on your thumb instead of reading the chapter you were playing, all of that culminates in a game with a cool as fuck beginning and ending, but with a very dragged out middle.

While my complains are more wordy than the positives I feel like other reviews have said enough about the positives of the game so it's only fair I highlight the more problematic sides of The Silver Case. I've heard Flower Sun and Rain and The 25th ward get better on that regard so I'm looking forward to finally recognizing Suda51 as the auteur he is.

Too much to say about this one, really, which usually means that it will end up becoming one of my favorite things ever a couple of years from now.

All the style it has - and if there is something that nobody can deny is that this game has style - serves its themes perfectly.

Like a slow cinema police procedural, the amount of thematical twists this manages to pull off is astonishing, particularly when you consider the "gameplay" and how it lulls you a certain flow, giving you agency as quickly as it takes it away from you. You can row, but there's only a single path that river can take.

Masahi Ooka is a genius from writing something so well structured as Placebo.

Now to dust off the trusty DSi with my R4 card to finally understand what the fuck was going on 13 years ago when I triedplaying Flower, Sun and Rain and turned if off after 1 hour.

Playing FSR before this was an interesting choice, I'd even say it enhanced my experience as the Lospass investigation in 2001 cast a dark insight over my understanding of the events of 1999. I found myself recognizing names, faces, events, places, not enough to give me any crucial information on the Kamui case, but instead adding an incredible weight to the characters and events that take place here.
I came into the story knowing some of these characters, or at least thinking I did, and my expectations were fully blown out of the water. Things were left unaddressed that I completely expected to be explained, and other things were explained that added so much depth to things I thought I understood. Now I have one more puzzle piece, time to collect the rest!

"Fairytales are crimes. The unrealistic fantasy that happens in real life is a crime."

That's the first line I can think of when asked to explain what this game has to say as an exposition on crime in relation to human nature, and ultimately, figuring out what it all meant and the answer being so simple despite all the complicated and confusing plots and backgrounds is what has made it stick so much on my mind.
It's obtuse as hell in terms of story and game design, Suda's style has been there since day one no doubt about it, and that includes (to the dismay of some) tedious/baffling gameplay sections that hate the player with a passion and a disregard for coherent storytelling in favor of raw emotion or even explaining what is going on in a way that makes sense. I have like, zero experience engaging with a visual novel seriously and that's probably why it took me a whole year to finish, a genre so unappealing to me and these Suda-isms being presented in such a sluggish and hard to connect with way would've definitely made me drop this during a moment of weakness. But I'm glad i stuck with it until the end! Despite its failings there rly is no better introduction to the KTP series than this.
Took me a while but the more I played the more hooked I was, the more I felt like I understood its themes and characters but that was only the case once i got the full picture, which was hard as hell considering how much you need to go over them and how every character is not even allowed to be completely unlikeable. My interest began small but just kept growing, connecting chapters with their respective new order/joy division songs, learning more about the behind the scenes aspects of the game and Suda's mindset during it, and just falling in love with its style of writing and the unreal style of presenting the intended feeling before you can even begin to rationalize it. The socio-political commentary is still as poignant as it was in 1999 in regards to the corruption of anything this society has been built on and works with, and the way the internet has mixed itself with the despair and hope of trying to find sense through the whole thing and finding something real even against the knowledge that nothing really is and it's working against you, very reminiscent of metal gear solid 2 in that way even if it came after. But it was the ending that really solidified it for me because I've never felt what Kill The Past really meant until everything fell into place here, and once they've been given the agency to decide their outcome, their answers are simple as living with this pain, not giving a shit about the fate entrusted to them and seizing that fucking light before it's out.
It is what it always intended to be: a reflection on crime and human nature that can't be given an answer beyond what we decide to do with it ourselves, and that impression just hasn't left my mind and will probably grow more and more as the series goes along, and ain't that just the best.

The Silver Case is cool, that’s the simplest way to describe it. You could say that about any Suda 51 game but here it comes together perfectly. The way each chapter has its own feel, the soundtrack, the old ps1 backgrounds with drawn character portraits it’s just amazing. The moody story also supports this, It can be slow and I don’t think it gets going until chapter 3 but once it hits it hits hard. Overall while I don’t think The Silver Case is flawless you can’t deny how good it is.

Eu não achei que ia gostar tanto. Clima, personagens, música, pacing, TSC acerta em tudo, e o que não acerta, não precisa ter. Um dos jogos mais vivos e reais que joguei, eu não consigo acreditar que consideram o mais fraco. Perfeito.

My partner is a turtle.
His name is "Red".

Que ganas de flowersunandrain ear

This review contains spoilers


It has a lot of plot beats reminiscent of Deus Ex while displaying it's own story and style in an often unnerving way. It's also pretty obvious that the visual presentation and dialogue helped form future projects like No More Heroes. Good game.

This man Gucci'd down to the socks but need 50,000 yen

so uh i like uh videogames and uh i like playing them
and uh i also like turtles and stuff
10/10 kino

It's insane how back when people were still barely figuring out the most basic shit about storytelling in videogames Suda51 came out of the gate swinging with his 3rd game and absolutely blew them all out of the park. Are there pacing issues? Yeah. Is there any purpose to the little gameplay it has? Probably not. But man this game fucking rules. Every once in a while I see some guy with a Sumio or a Tokio profile picture while out on the internet and my day gets a little bit better. a suda fan and i need my diaper

#incel #blackpill #doomer #depression #suicide #firstworldproblems #bullying #cyberbullying #anxiety #socialanxiety #tfl #foreveralone #loner #redpill #bluepill #manosphere #omegle #onlinedating #tinder #bumble #onlyfans #pua #hikikomori #neet #looksmaxxing #gymmaxxing #gymcel #ricecel #currycel #chad #facerating #touchgrass #jbw #lgbtqi #gay #lesbian #transgender #christian #muslim #christianity #islam #niceguy #supremegentleman #inkwell #mgtow #feminism #monkmode #nofap #semenretention #fds #daygame #nightgame #hypergamy #cuck #alpha #beta #mogged #betabux #golddigger #realnigga #getalife #stopreading #satire

This game basically does what Killer7 does but better written

unbelievably dense and actually schizophrenic. maybe the worst controls in any game I've ever played paired with some of the best style and dialogue. the back and forth between Transmission and Placebo is incredible as well, especially with how they intertwine later on. you can kind of tell the two paths are written by different people, but I actually think it benefits the game a lot, especially since Akira and Tokio's narratives are so different. very much so looking forward to the next games, beyond kino

edit 3/14
actually goated 5/5


quitando el hecho de que el "interpretador" se paso por los huevos el tono y la manera de actuar de los personajes e hizo fanfics autoincertandose en los personajes a la hora de traducir (confirmado por el mismo...), en si the Silver Case es una obra que me genera diferentes sentimientos, pero el principal es nostalgia... su ost es hermoso y sumado a la ambientación hace que me traigan recuerdos y sentimientos de una época pasada, de una época hace 15 años atrás la cual me atormento y fue el inicio de la peor etapa que he tenido en mi vida, pero que, por otra parte, fue responsable de que terminara siendo la persona que soy ahora mismo...

tampoco es que me persiga al día de hoy, pude superar y dejar de prestarle atencion hace ya casi 1 década las cosas que sucedieron en ese tiempo, y tampoco me mal interpretes, no hice la estupuidez de "Perdonar" mis sentimientos por las cosas que sucedieron y las personas responsables de que todo eso sucederían siguen iguales, no perdone ni justifique a esos pedazos de mierda, pero pude "Matar el pasado" y empezar una nueva vida dejando ese pasado, mi pasado atrás... y si, nunca antes me había sentido tan identificado con esta frase a pesar de que he jugado a otras obras de Suda51, pero no fue hasta ahora que he sabido entender el mensaje de "Kill the past" y el cual estoy seguro de que aparte de mí, muchas otras personas al leer esta obra lograron sentirse identificado, no en sí con la trama sino con el mensaje que este ofrece.

One of the most unique, bizarre, surreal, trippy, and fascinating things I have ever experienced.
I do have some issues with the way some parts of it are written, but still, there is absolutely no other game like The Silver Case

a more thoughtful rumination on identity, and the relationship between the internet, society and the individual, than Serial Experiments Lain.

i jinxed myself hard before playing this.

i never been a fan of visual novels, the ones i ever played where suspicious at best, being interested in the sudaverse i decided to start from the very beggining (not moonlight, can't read japanese !). this is possible one of the worst introductions to visual novels. i am no impatient person i enjoy reading, i have a book case which i keep some pretty big classics, not big in scope or notoriety but lenght, i'm talking 700 pages or something, thats not to fill ego, its just to explain background.
when recomending silver case, the fans don't seem to take into account that this isn't exactly meant to be taken as a 1 to 1 visual novel, its episodic in a way, its mean't to be played like a tv series, one episode a day or two if you have the mindset to it. going in guns blazing expecting a full on novel through and through ruined the experience for me, i almost dropped it.
take one thing into account, this game is long, one could finish in 16 hours of lenght, i ended up finishing in 38, in trying to finish it fast because i wasn't having a good time with the controls or the slow paced story, so i would leave the game open and try to take breaks , sometimes in the middle of the chapter simply because i was fed up, then i decided to take a different approach, get to it like a episodic series, watch one or two a day, read it carefully, get a snack or a drink and enjoy the 40 minute or something chapter, that's when it finally clicked for me, i started to appreciate it more, the game is separated into two chunks, transmitter and placebo, transmitter is the main event while placebo is some sort of spin off to one of the characters, sort of like the riku parts of kingdom hearts where you control him in case youre familiar with kingdom hearts.
at first i couldn't take placeboo, it felt like filling sausage, again simply because of my bad approach to the game, but as i took my time i appreciated placebo, it has sort of a comfy vibe to it, tokio, the main character of the placebo episodes ended up becoming my second favorite, this guy is just fun to watch through even if placebo is much less focused on being crazy like the main campaign, i ended up looking more foward to seeing the reactions through the perspective of tokio regarding the events of the main campaign, having done this, the game was over before i even knew it, and oh boy what a ride.
come into this game knowing what youre getting into, this is not a direct visual novel, it helps if youre familiar with twin peaks style.

will i ever replay this ? probably no, but i'm glad i finished it, its definelly one of these stories that don't give you everything, it gives you enough and lets you wander, i can't wait to try flower sun and rainbow

The stars know everything. But if I were
a star, I don't think I'd know anything at
all, to be honest.
Guilt? That's not something you should
feel with only a halfhearted understanding
of a situation.
We aren't stars.

Because even someone worthless has
at least part of a soul.
That is how people live.
That's what I've finally learned
after living "everyday life"
in this world.
Even without hope, even in
great fear,
even when continuing to drag along
that which no longer has any value,
one can go on living.
Specifically because of our
imperfections, life has meaning.

truth has only one face: that of a violent contradiction.
I feel passionate by this matrix, slowly treading the path of a cold hearted format. At the end of the day, I wanted to be Kamui. Feel that psyche, sharp as a silver knife, an immortal god of destruction in form of Zeitgeist. After all that, who the hell is Akira?

"I thought I heard your words
Now how do I feel?
I still find it so hard.
I'm quite sure that you'll tell me,
Just how I should feel today."


"Do you find this happens all the time?
Crucial point one day becomes a crime."

dont worry, you're not cool for calling this game one of your favorites, nor are you some elitist gamer who's far above the mainstream audience's in terms of appreciation for the medium. this game is shit and full of cheesy ass dogshit writing that feels like it was written by an edgy 12 year old. and when it's not overly edgy you're experiencing the driest exposition dumps that don't convey the story in any sort of meaningful or creative way, or dealing with the arbitrary and mundane "gameplay" this game throws at you.

kino.... in every sense of the word..

I recently got two friends to play through this game. One loved Suda games and visual novels, the other hated Suda's writing and visual novels. One thing we all have in common is that voicing our opinions on this game is hard.

Finding something to say about something you love is actually quite an undertaking. It's easy to love something without explaining why. It's even easier to hate. It all comes down to being able to formulate your thoughts in a cohesive manner, which believe it or not, is actually pretty fuckin' hard. I actually have a really bad habit of not collecting my thoughts before they get brought up. "Why'd you like this part of the game?" "I dunno, I just liked it." "Yeah, but it's poorly designed." "It didn't bother me cause I liked everything around it."

Hating is easy cause it's a strong and simple emotion and it can be used to zero in on any particular thing. Love is more of an 'all over' kinda feeling. It's not channeled into a singular point, it's 'all over'.

'The character portraits are inconsistent' - Yeah
'The pacing is awful' - Yeah
'The story is constantly fighting the way it's presented' - Yeah
'Plot details are hard to follow' - Yeah
'So, it's bad, right?' - No, I love it actually. A lot.

Next time you watch someone review a game they hate and hear them give detailed explanations on what parts they individually hate, watch them review a game they adore. They'll get into specifics, but at the end of the day they all say the same thing. "I just love it, and I can't fully articulate why."

Well, they won't literally say that, but an approximation... Sometimes.

"Like how you feel when a cool breeze flows by. It's a pleasant feeling."

i think it starts a bit slow in the first few chapters, but REALLY does pick up near the middle, and it rules. lend me 50,000 yen. shoutouts tokio morishima

Ah, the internet, huh.
Fuck the internet.