Reviews from

in the past

Sims 4? That's the least best Sims game. I'll take it anyway though

i have spent an unholy amount of money on this game

Divertido, porém enjoativo se você não pagar 2k pelo resto

It would be so much better if I didn't have to pay more than 1000$ to be able to experience the full game

I befriended and killed Jason Voorhees.

Too much DLC... It's funny that the game is free on Steam, because you have to still buy 73 DLCs to get the actual game. I can't stand EA crap.

You want my DLC? You can have it! I left them all in one torrent, now you just have to seed it!

microtransactions out of my ass

As always, fuck you EA. Anyways I love how much detail CAS has but the worlds are such a downgrade and the millions of types of packs that never have enough in them to validate the price. In sims 3 the supernatural pack has vampires, werewolfs, and fairies (among others but they're not relevant rn). Now vampires and werewolfs have separate packs and there are still no fairies. Not to mention, I have consistently had issues making this game run on pretty much every pc i've had and i've ran into constant game breaking glitches. I've lost multiple saves to the game randomly just not working anymore.

how you torture your sims says a lot about how you would do a genocide

i bought it at full price when it came out and it was one of the worst disappointments ive experienced. tried to pick it up again and again but it never worked out. really boring and i don't like it at all. not even making characters is fun here.

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already feels so nostalgic for me ;_; i think everyone will always have a soft spot for the sims game they grew up with, and this one is mine. i adore ts4, flaws and all, and i still play it fairly often 10 years later (modded to hell, but yeah). idk it just makes me feel all light and comfortable and silly and creative ect ect.

Me when my I release an unfinished game and make all of the things that should've been at launch a paid dlc

The game that makes gachas look generous.

Do you know those reviews where it says the reviewer played 500+ hours but wouldn't recommend it to a friend? That's me with the Sims 4.

Very good game, but way too buggy and dlc-dependant. Still THE doll house simulator

dont get me wrong i love playing this game but extra content doesnt need to be locked behind a fcking $40 expansion pack

my character cant get any bitches

might be because i made him blue

If only it wasn't such a soulless cash grab built upon the back of one of the most innovative and charming games ever.
Carried by modders who at this point did more work than any EA ceo has in their entife life.

This game is just boring to me, and there's so much DLC, you should just pirate all of it to get the full experience...

the worst port of a game i have ever seen

I absolutely love this game! I enjoy creating Sims of some of my favorite characters! I love it so much it’s so calming but sometimes it’s a little boring! This game is great when I need to turn off my brain and listen to music.

Meu Sim se apaixonou por uma NPC então convidei ela para morar com ele, literalmente 2 minutos depois ela bota fogo na casa e meu Sim morre, imploro pra morte com essa Sim para reviver o meu Sim, a morte aceita reviver, ele revive em cima do fogo e morre de novo.


When I was a kid and a teenager I had The Sims fever. I loved the franchise and was addicted to the game-play. That kinda made me buy the fourth one (it wasn't cheap by the way and I got a bundle with The City Living and Cats and Dogs).

I was addicted in the first days but then my interest moved to other things... The characters look very cartoony, which is something I don't like and it's not as fun as TS2, for example. I think EA got lazy...

A really fun life sim game if you have $1000 to spare!

If not it’s just OK.

Building your own family, designing their house and having them interact with all aspects of this fictional world is honestly quite fascinating.

trenge 5 milliarda dlcs for å ha d gøy

the sex mods carry unfortunately