Reviews from

in the past

These mad lads really released a demo for this game's multiplayer less than a week after Call of Duty 4.

Bold move Cotton. Let's see if it pays off.

Probably not a horrible game, but I was fresh from playing Singularity and this game was a major step down from that to me so I never finished it.

This game is so amazing, it’s like FEAR but has like a Time Manipulation feature where you can slow down, pause and reverse time, the designs are cool, the music is neat, the gameplay is amazing, the graphics are good, and best of all, the weapons are well designed, this game is so underrated, if you like FEAR but made by the same publishers of that game (Sierra) you should check this out, it’s still on Xbox’s Marketplace & Steam for the PC version

neat idea, poor execution this is back when the cover art had to look awesome to sell the game, but the game could suck.

1. Time control. As you move freely through the Timeshift world, you can slow, stop and reverse the flow of time by affecting the world and the enemies around them.

2. Obstacles that alter the flow of time, enemies that challenge players.

3. Highly detailed graphical textures for the year of release.

4. Deep story with an alternate timeline. It lasts on average 4-5 hours.

5. Wide variety of unique technological weapons, vehicles.

Same subgenre of shooters as FEAR. The gunplay doesn't feel as good as FEAR though, but it somewhat makes up for that with the time manipulation aspect. Timeshift also makes excellent use of time travel, as it is effectively necessary to use it in combat to avoid dying. It's definitely worth a playthrough, but wasn't interesting enough to make me wanna replay it. If you can get it for like $5 or $10, it's a decent shooter with a decent setting.

Timeshift was surprisingly neat, if not a little poorly paced. It's like a discount Half Life 2 but with a bit of Halo injected into it every so often. It definitely ran out of ideas by the second half, and fizzled out by the end, but using time powers to get the advantage in fights was always cool and fun to do.

The vehicle sections were some major highlights for me, slowing down time and bumping into guys with your ATV and seeing them helicopter off was such a treat.

The final (and only) boss was not super great, its rocket attack is not telegraphed very well where they're landing, and even after brute forcing my way through it I'm still not entirely sure how it worked.

Довольно интересный шутан, но не без своих проблем: противники жирные, некоторые оружия очень слабые, арт дизайн местами скудноват. Про музыку и сюжет можно и не говорить.
Тем не менее, заигрывать со временем было весело, не смотря на то, что способность откатывать время назад не нашло применение кроме парочки головоломок. Хоть в игре и есть свои минусы, но она точно не заслуживает того хейта, который на неё идёт. Да, в ней есть недочёты, но реализация не так уж и плоха, особенно с учётом того, что это вторая игра от студии.
Однозначно можно хотя бы попробовать поиграть.