Reviews from

in the past

Gostei pra caramba da mecânica do mapa responder a cada classe diferente, só parei porque meu amigo não quis mais jogar comigo

Good music nice visual realy good coop not very challanging

I haven't played the 5th game yet, but the 4th game has already managed to be the best of the series for me. Also, turning from the 3D platform game they made in the 3rd game to a classic 2D platform game is definitely one of the best decisions made. Many features that we are familiar with from the 3rd game are also present in the 4th game, and some mechanics specific to some sections and characters have diversified the gameplay in terms of both puzzles and gameplay. In terms of graphics and lighting, the game has a more cell-shaded and cartoonish structure, and I must say that this touch suits the series quite well. The level designs and puzzles did not disappoint, but the combat sequences were kept very short and especially since Zoya did not have the ability to draw a fast bow, it often caused her to be inactive in combat. But I won't dwell on it too much. It has become more diverse and entertaining, especially when it comes to boss battles. As for the story, instead of the story left unfinished in the 3rd game, this time we are presented with a scenario in which we save the young prince from his nightmares. Even though it is a cliché scenario where we encounter the evil version of the prince, I am not going to get too hung up on the story in such a game. In conclusion, Trine 4 brings the series to a much better place by taking what the first 2 games did to a higher level. It is a game that has compensated for the mistakes made especially in the 3rd game and thought about how to take the good features of the game to a higher level. If you like the series, I definitely recommend you play the 4th game.

Decent gameplay, but puzzle and battle difficulty swing wildly from too easy / very manageable to weirdly difficult. For the most part, there are lots of fun, well-designed puzzles. The stages are also beautifully created. Seriously lacks diversity in its cast however.

After the mistake that the 3D was, they made Trine great again in The Nightmare Prince. Though this is not my favorite, it's still stands equal with Trine 2 bringing new ideas and enemies to the mix.

Es una vuelta al 1 y al 2, olvidando el desastre que fue el 3. Como esos, te permite solucionar los puzzles de mil y una formas diferentes, muchas de ellas que no sabes si estaban o no planeadas por los desarrolladores. Por plantear lo malo, la historia es bastante mediocre, hay una habilidad que no he entendido aun acabándome el juego y creo que vale de poco, y lo peor. Ahorra puntos de habilidad para ponerte llegado el momento el escudo magnético, pues si no lo haces no podrás sacarte el 100% del juego, y no hay exp suficiente cuándo te das cuenta que lo necesitas.

Si esas cosas no te molestan, adelante, es un buen juego.

While the return to 2D certainly improved the game compared to the previous entry, and Trine 4 looks great, the gameplay is still not polished.
Clunky platforming and puzzles that can be broken without even trying make for a very "meh" experience, where you will be laughing with your coop partners more about the game than really because of it.

Прошёл перед этой частью оригинальную трилогию. Не отнёс бы себя к числу тех, кто разочаровался третьей ввиду решения разработчиков сделать игру полностью трёхмерной, однако то, что получилось в четвертой части, тоже оставило довольным.
Чем же хороша эта часть? Она снова окунает нас, игроков, в захватывающее сказочное приключение, привносит новые геймплейные фишки, при этом сохраняя формулу оригинальных игр. Кооператив наличествует, а сюжет не интригует. Он и некоторая затянутость (под конец стало почему-то скучно играть) побудили поставить 4/5