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like others have said, the game is slightly janky but the only major issue I had was that jumping up on objects was very inconsistent. However, the vibes and environmental storytelling is what we're here for, and the game has that in spades.

The only thing i felt was missing content-wise was for the objectives to have more... plot relevance? I get that the photo objectives being trivial is an intentional choice, but when the last level has you photographing two skateboards while the end of the world is going on in the background, it feels like I'm participating in a joke I don't understand.

Overall i played one or two levels here and there and was very happy with the game for the price i paid (bit over 1€).

Edit a couple days after finishing: The way the game stays in my head is something special. Not the gameplay mind you, or even much the worldbuilding. However, the themes, as put together very well by Jacob Geller, Superbunnyhop and Errant Signal (the youtubers i follow who have covered the game) really stick with and inspire me.

I really dig the aesthetic but the janky controls and clumsy movement really make this game hard to enjoy. Played the game without the Macro expansion so I was a bit disappointed by the impossibility to tweak your aperture, shutter speed and ISO, as it's a photography game, so to speak. I also found the post-processing options really lackluster. Moreover, the first two levels are absurdly small and can be traversed in their entirety in a matter of seconds. First impression was kind of terrible, so I preferred to refund the game and move on rather than sticking to it and waiting for it to reedem itself.

Demasiado chill y muy bonito

jerotekiero el videojuego?

Don't repeat my mistakes: Umurangi Generation is a "10 minute timed photography session" (per level) with environment storytelling about living in the apocalypse as a civillian.

While the environment storytelling isn't obscure nor yelled into your face, it talks about something that a lot of us have normalized and unless you're quite into politics, it is possible that you will miss what the games try to talk about.

With a game full of details and almost no dialogue, you will want to explore everything but the time mechanics will advice you to go against it and try to complete the level as fast as possible and while it's cool to think the timer is there because it's not like you're in a safe place in every location, I feel like it's a mechanic that clashes a lot with it's core design.

The way you beat levels is by doing certain objectives like finding an angle where you can see 8 boomboxes and take a picture, 100 candles, etc. The only challenge aside of the angle, is that a "blue bottle" shouldn't be in the picture. Why? The game says "You'll know why as you play" but.. I didn't, I never did. I had to ask a friend what the blue bottles were when I finished the game
Basically, they're a "Portuguese man o' war", an animal that in this game is as infamous as a cockroach due to spoilers, but to me it wasn't really easy to piece specially because I had a graphical glitch (which I believe happens with AMD cards) and these looked like a 2d stain of blue paint. The first time they're introduced it's in a level with lots of graffiti and paint cans so I was incredibly confused on why I kept being penalized.

The game truly shines in it's DLC; Macro.
Macro shows where it all began. It's a prequel from the main game that starts just before the first level and slowly climbs up into what made them take pics in the first place which is something I really love.

Despite being poorly executed, it has a lot of impact and charm and I really want the dev to make another game with more QoL.

One of my favorite games of all time, with one of the best soundtracks of all time!

A clever photography game that uses environmental storytelling to explore an apocalyptic future. It’s a game of style over substance, and while it has style to spare, the mechanics and objectives are rough around the edges.

Please, please, PLEASE. Don't sleep on Umurangi Generation. It is one of my favourite games of the year, and the amount of punch this game packs is unbelievable

Huh, some cool vibes here... but I can't just go around taking pictures!?

It's pretty cool but I kept having a bug of stuff not spawning so I couldn't complete the objectives

On the technical side this feels held together with duct tape and a dream (try walking up stairs without clipping through them lmao), but everything this game does is so cool.

The DLC stages are the best material in the game and massively bumped this up for me, both in the scale of its storytelling and environment design, as well as taking its political themes up to the 10th degree.

Shoutout thorhighheels

Watching Errant Signal's video on it was lovely but I did not connect to it upon actually sitting down and playing the game

Hey could you shimmy your corpse over a couple feet i’m trying to get a good shot

Umurangi Generation is a photography game that plays in a neon illuminated future and i love it. The artstyle got its own flair and photos you take in the game do look pretty good. Ive never seen Evangelion so i dont get the references but there sure are alot in the game. Recommend to anyone who like Games like Pokemon Snap or Toem!

Great style, tickles my eva fan balls, but i got frustrated with the 10 min timer cutting me short of a fully completed level right before i got the last thing, It'd be nice if there was a bit longer of a timer so I didn't have to do multiple levels over again.

really great game. might write a longer review later but I really had a great time with this and the DLC. went in for the comfort game stayed for the comfort game with an existential crisis.

edit: forgot to mention that this game having a timer is pretty ridiculous, though I just started ignoring it after the first level lol

Nunca pensei que iria gosta muito de um jogo sobre tirar fotos, manifestações contra forças militares e a guerra, junto com uma invasão alienígena. Toda a construção da historia através de detalhes e a fases sendo quase um convite para tu perder um bom tempo olhando cada detalhe como um expectador com a sua câmera me pegou de um jeito que eu não sei explicar.

A trilha sonora é fenomenal tbm.

Despite having a few bugs, and a few parts being a bit broken - I loved Umurangi Generation.

It's pretty much everything that I would personally want in a game. Beautiful Jet Set Radio-esque graphics, a kickass soundtrack, a variety of beautiful settings, and a general fun gameplay loop that's somewhat addicting. The progression in this game is great too, as you get more and more options, until you eventually can pretty much create any photo that you could ever dream of.

But it's the themes of this game that truly blew me away. So much fantastic visual storytelling, as we see a progression of a war from the perspective of a journalist, whose only voice in the world is the photos that they take. There are some seriously jaw-dropping moments throughout this game, and especially in the unreasonably good DLC, which has 4 of the largest levels in the game. The dedication at the end of the game is what really tied it all together for me, and made this into one of my favorite examples of 'games being art.'

Umurangi Generation is a game I will jump back into multiple times, but nothing can ever compare to the feeling of first exploring it's beautiful, yet tragic world - jank n' all.

Game #12 of 2024, February 18th

A game about apocalyptic amateur photography. Honestly, how well you like the game depends on how much you vibe with the game's style, which is a main part of its appeal. The levels are fun to explore and jam packed with little details that drip feed you the overarching story of the world, from movie posters to discarded newspapers.

Mechanically, Umurangi is a photography game that plays a bit like a puzzle game. Sometimes taking the photos the game wants is like a game of Where's Waldo, but other times it's about figuring out where you need to be to line up the perfect shot. My only real complaint about the gameplay would be the timer. While it is easy to ignore and only impacts your bonus score, on a first playthrough it can really feel like the game is pushing you to rush from photo to photo, when it really needs you to slow down and soak in all the details.

Really cool photography game with super interesting environmental storytelling and world building. Such a cool setting and theme :3 I love it, my type-a shid, I love you <3

I don't know that any game I've played lately has stuck with me as much as this one has. one of the most intensely interesting settings I've ever seen in a game. Shoutouts to the ThorHighHeels ost

sumamente interesante pero nunca pude hacerlo correr bien (¿culpa de unity?)

Don't care much for photography, but I do care for meditating on the end of the world.