Reviews from

in the past

Sucumba Ubisoft, o jogo nem abre

it came free with my fucking xbox

It's uno, but it's BUGSOFT UNO

I refunded this one in 2018 cause I couldn't play. I tried playing with friends and everything went wrong. You'll need uplay (ubisoft launcher) and probably will have A TSUNAMI OF CRASHES AND BUGS. And when it wouldn't crash on a high-end pc, it would disconnect everyone on the room. Also: there wasn't a "go back to desktop" button ON THE MAIN MENU

Yes, it was years ago, but trust me, get the tabletop simulator instead of this piece of garbage


minus 1 star because its kind of buggy but its also buggy in a really funny way like i never giggle this much over a video game

I love Uno with all my heart, but I hate UPLAY.

why the Fuck is this 10 dollars

It's just uno. Great to play when you are really bored or with friends....if you have them.

made my friend smash his table. peak gaming

I love playing my Ratonhnhaké:ton +2 cards and skipping my friends with a Edward Kenway at 3 am, What a fantastic game.


minus points for the time the ai said fuck you and proceeded to get me to 27 cards at one point.

Everyone in the world owns this game since it came free with the xbox.

prob my fav card game i like it a lot

how to lose friends simulator

I have the OLDEST xbox known to man and UNO did NOT come with it

I'm torn because this game is fun as hell, and the modes and settings add so much delicious chaos, but this game runs like ASS and Ubisoft Connect is a dumpster fire.

It, in fact, did not come with my Xbox

Gonna make this my upload for tonight

It's definitely Uno. The PC version tends to be hit and miss on if it'll work fine or just crash. I do like all the mechanics this one has (granted they might just be things Uno has always had and I just didn't know) like 7s and 0s making people change hands, stacking, challenging, etc. These can be turned off if you like which is a good thing cause they tend to make games go on for longer than needed.

It's UNO except you need an extra shitty launcher and you can have bullshit rules and funny Rayman cards. It's alright I guess.

it's uno, what more do you want.

Great time passer and party time with friends


what if we just killed oursleves.