Reviews from

in the past

My personal favorite worms game

I LOVE WORMS REVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

eu amo muito a franquia worms... Pena que sou o único

More worms. A gimmick game with friends.

It was pretty boring for a worms game.

It wasn't a bad game, just okay.

I really dislike the class system for the worms.

screw you. you know who you are what did my guys ever do to you.

Turns out, I would still love you if you were a worm.

this one was cute and charming and prob my fav worms game but def not the best

Okay guys I get, you want to play Worms, can't we play something else?

Très golri, merci d'avoir carry les cours chiant en 2024

My favorite in the Worms Franchise

Tem coisa melhor do que ver minhocas em guerra?

Muito bom, sempre quis fazer rinha de minhoca suicida com meus amigos

Fun, hard to get friends to play

Really small variety in maps, but a fun little party game. Has a lot of singleplayer levels too.

i played this once with friends and have never touched it again

é bem daora de jogar com amigos, tanto local tanto online, muito foda