Reviews from

in the past

A great and challenging game! Having all of the DLC content running at once made it hard to complete, so I would definitely recommend limiting the DLCs to the ones you want to focus on as you play.

XCOM but bigger better and stronger.

Mod the game if you want to experience some truly crazy experiences.

Argh! I was really enjoying the tactical part of this game! But then I messed up and lost quite a few critical team members. 😭 I had this same problem with Dungeon Encounters, so I guess it was just a bad week for gaming. I want to play this again. I'm not sure if I'll continue on or start over. While I really enjoy the tactical side of things, I don't like the overworld decision making and strategizing. It seems like everything is so far away and is dangerous, so it's like spending effort to make your life easier. Meh, just put me on a map with my alien foes please. This is an excellent game. I'm just trash at it.

Narrative: 3
Gameplay: 4.5
Visuals: 4
X-Factor: 3.5
Overall: 4

I have it shelved as it's game with a lot of DLC's and is pretty huge, so I'll play it when I have the time, for now controls on console are weeeird but not horrible, still enjoyable.