Reviews from

in the past

Caralho que jogo bom da porra, mas prepara o coração porque o jogo assustador do caralho.
Sim, eu demorei 65 horas pra zerar um jogo que tem 15 horas, pra tu ver o quão assustador é

I don't know if im either hearing things or if he's actually there.

Genuinely terrifying, beautiful graphics, perfect set design. Absolutely criminal that it never got a sequel.

So spooky. It helps that Alien is one of my favorite movies. Controls can feel a little clunky by now, but the enemy AI is still excellent and surprising.

There's been a lot of these survival horror games where a monster stalks you with little ability to fight back, especially since Amnesia: The Dark Descent. The original Alien film feels pretty formative for this type of video game so using the Alien license feels like a match made in heaven. As far as these types of games go, this is a pretty good one. The Xenomorph is terrifying and have a randomness to their route so you're are always on your toes even after dying and reloading. The sound design is really strong with the symphony of the alien crawling around in the vents and the beeping of your radar leaving you a nervous wreck. Sometimes you don't know whether to move or stay still when you know the alien is nearby. Outside of the alien, there's also human and android enemies which are less interesting to deal with. It's a serviceable stealth game when those segments come up. You do get a bit more means to fight back later on in the game with more aliens which feels like it was trying to reference the film sequel, Aliens. It takes place on a space station that you backtrack through and get upgrades to access new areas. Unfortunately, everything looked the exact same that I rarely knew when I was revisiting an area. The level design seemed decent but it was just very boring to traverse. I was also pretty uninterested in the story and characters. Nothing there held my attention. Alien: Isolation is a game that does one thing, i.e the stalking alien, really well while everything else is mediocre.

I mean, if it weren't for the giant penis monster trying to sell me Amway, Sevastopol isn't so bad.

When someone says a game is only really worth playing for fans, it's often a backhanded comment meaning "the game is subpar, but if you want to engage with the source material have at it." While I think this game is really only for fans, I think it's punching well above its weight.

Alien: Isolation is a passion project to its core. Creative Assembly was clearly inspired in its pursuit in creating an immersive Alien game that outpaces quality of the majority of canon films and games.

The atmosphere, setpieces, and impressive Xenomorph AI all all parts of a fantastic experiences catered explicitly for fans. It's such a passion project, that I'm afraid it gets lost in the sauce and ends up being about twice as long as it needed to be.

I think that's the main critique here, there was no exercise in constraint and the game long overstays its welcome. Still, it matches the atmosphere of the original movie fantastically, and is better than the latter 4 movies in the franchise. I'm sad Creative Assembly never got to take another swing at this, because despite its misgivings, their debut FPS adventure can go toe-to-toe with Arkane and Irrational Games. SEGA royally squandered so much potential here.

Joguei um pouco, achei interessante. Devo dar mais uma chance.

Um jogo incrível em 90% de sua experiência, porém, que fica um pouco massante no fim.

Esse jogo é espetacular. Faz você se sentir de volta aquela nave claustrofóbica do filme de 79. O xenomorfo é incrível, e a ambientação e tensão criadas ao longo da história te fazem querer continuar jogando, mesmo com seu batimento cardíaco acelerado e braços trêmulos. Sem dúvida, um dos melhores, se não o melhor, survivor-horror de todos. E possivelmente a melhor adição a franquia Alien desde o segundo filme. Foi uma jornada inexplicável. Obrigado.

Esse é um caso de jogos que eu tenho vontade de jogar mas não tenho coragem, admito que não sou forte pra jogos desse gênero mas quem sabe um dia não me aventuro pelo espaço com uma das IA mais inteligente dos games?

The game is really scary and nails the feel and ambient of the first movie, but there are several missions which are just annoying

Good God this game was atmospheric and gave me so many feels related to the first movie. Also, good God those damn androids scared me more than the alien.

Hands down, one of the best survivor horror games ever made. It's terrifying but you can't stop playing.

Ótimo jogo de survival horror, o mais tenso que já joguei. Possui diversas mecânicas para se lidar com o Alien, que possui uma ótima IA. lento no início, mas depois de apresentado é tenso até o final. Possui uma boa história.

defeitos: Possui algumas mecânicas travadas, jogo um pouco bugado e os humanos no jogo são muito fraquinhos e não tem graça de ir contra eles.

One of the best horror games that I've done easily, astonished it's a licensed game. -

One of the best horror games I've played and the best Alien game. Wish we could've gotten more like it

A true horror game where even though you shoot to try and live, the alien will learn and adapt to it to kill you other ways

Un juegazo. Simplemente de lo mejor que ha dado el género y siempre está barato o gratis. Prácticamente absurdo.
Y lo tira mi portátil de mierda.

ça fait peur et la fin est bien

Very little to complain about. Unlike many other amnesia successors it actually builds on the "helpless horror fps" formula in fun ways. decent plot, very respectful of and makes the most of the IP, looks and sounds fantastic. The game does a good job mixing up the circumstances to keep the play fresh far beyond your expectations going in. My only complaints if anything are that the tutorial sequence at the start is a bit weak, and there is a bit too much content. eventually you become intimate enough with the scripting of the AI that you're ready for the game to end but there's still a few hours left to play. That aside, it's excellent.

Also make sure grab the antialiasing addon "Alias Isolation" to make the visuals look their best.

The stealth in this just doesn't convert into anything remotely resembling fun.

7.8 - An extremely immersive and intense Alien experience, however, it drags on a little too long in the end and lost my interest at a point

I think IGN was right with their score

Esse jogo é muito bom, ele funciona bem e sua perseguições e mapas são bem legais, a história é boa e cativante porém eu achei que esse jogo ficou bem maçante, pois ele é muito longo e bem repetitivo

au final le plus flippant c'est d'affronter les saloperies d'androides

Nunca senti tanto medo com alguma coisa, o sentimento de solidão e agonia é assustador. Acho que esse é o estilo de terror que mais me pega e realmente acaba com meu mental kkkkkkk eu tava com medo antes do alien sequer aparecer. Experiência absurda. Isso tudo é falando sobre o começo e metade da história, a sequência final do jogo é muito decepcionante. Senti que todo esse sentimento de medo desapareceu e restou um jogo de terror esquisito. Seria mais legal se a protagonista conseguisse fugir no meio do jogo ou sei lá, pro foco ser mais na experiência de ter algo te perseguindo sorrateiramente.