Reviews from

in the past

God this game is so cool. I want Bayonetta to step on me

This is the perfect character action game, everything about it feels really smooth and intuitive, combat is noticeably more responsive and they killed off QTEs thank god. The story could be a bit better but it doesn't really matter when the moment-to-moment gameplay is this fun. Personally a huge fan of how vibrant this game is compared to the first one

The first had better story moments, but mechanically it's unrivaled

Posiblemente el mejor juego de acción que he jugado en mi vida. Te quiero Bayo

one of my top hack n slashers game never made me bored at any point

was it good.. yes! not as good as the first one in my opinion like the story wasnt as engaging the fights werent as fun but idk still a pretty fun game! and i love this bayonetta outfit

Gosto de mais de bayonetta, porem a formula começou a incomodar. Precisa dar uma renovada. É tudo mt confuso cara, vc so aperta os botoes e pronto, n entende nada.
Se eles conseguirem dar uma limpada no gameplay e um ritmada melhor, vai ficar perfeito pq eu amo os personagens.

Shoutouts to the friend who let me borrow his Wii U

moins marquant que le 1 mais on kiffe quand même 👌(OST moins marquante et gameplay trop facile imo comparé au 1)

Had a Wii U. Now I don't. Staying unfinished on this console.

It's like Bayonetta 1 but better in every way so what's not to love

takes everything that the first one did wrong and fixes it

la verdad es que el primer juego me acabó aburriendo pila y tenía miedo de este pero vaya juegazo na que ver, pa empezar que varía bastante en los escenarios y hay ciudades y tal, en el otro parecían todos los capitulos el mismo con el mapa ese de los angeles, también los climax molan muchísimo más y no son siempre los 3 mismos creo que ni repiten encima y además todas las fromas de jugar que tiene como la serpiente, surfear, volar, montarse en los enemigos estos caballo, hasta puedes controlar al crío en algún punto y al malo al final, incluso haces un combate tipo boxeo con tu monstruo del pelo y otro capítulo entero eres un mecha o controlas un jet es que está brutal en todo y soluciona todo lo repetitivo que puede ser el otro juego o cualquier hack slash de esos por que no tienen mucho más

doesnt hit like the first game tbh

a start-to-finish rush of pure, concentrated and extremely potent adrenaline wrapped around a combat system which flows like a waterfall and characters who are just so much fun to be with (and whose voice actors absolutely shine). constantly over-the-top and insane to the point of breathlessness, and horny enough to provoke erections in females, bayonetta 2 is the best hack and slash with bayonet in the name for sure.

Killing angels n demons with hair and magic bullets

Increible, magnifico, never seen before. Me gusta mucho esta saga y este juego ha hecho que me guste mas incluso. Cositas que me gustan:
1. Las putas zonas del uno que no tienen que ver con pegarse de hostias las han quitado, thank god, y las que tiene que no son de pegarse son suuuuuper rapidas comparadas con el primero.
2. No es algo que mejore del uno pero no le hace falta, el combate, como siempre increible, super satisfactorio y con un monton de pequeñas cosas que hacen que la experiencia sea super rejugable y disfrutable.
3. Los trials me han gustado mucho, te invitan a repetir un desafio pero no se hace pesado.
4. Como pasaba en el uno, te descojonas con la Bayonetta porque el juego es literal su fancam.

Cosas que no me han gustado:
1. La historia se me ha hecho cortisima, no se si es porque como he jugado el uno soy mejor jugando y me la he rusheado o porque de verdad es corta la historia.
2. Relacionado con lo anterior, la historia no me ha interesado tanto como el primero, pero sigue siendo entretenida.

En conclusion, master piece, no me cansare de recomendar estos juegos.

Cunty lesbian couple the game

EU AMEI ESSE JOGO, as Kamiyazisses são mais recorrentes, mas menores e menos frustrante, o combate é tão denso quanto o do primeiro, mas os inimigos necessitam de menos reflexos e são mais simples de entender como funcionam... Dito isso eu só morri uma vez no boss final, o jogo é bem fácil e o primeiro é bem dificil... isso não quer dizer que eu não tive dificuldade, só não morri.

Depois de ter jogado DMC 1 eu consigo perceber o quão o Kamiya sempre foi o Kamiya e esse jogo bebe MUITO da fonte de DMC 1, melhora insanamente o projeto, mas dá pra ver que DMC teria esse estilo se fosse feito com um Kamiya mais maduro. Não vou mentir que gostaria de ver ele pegando as redeas de DMC pra fazer um spin off e ver no que vai dar,

A história é melhor que a primeira, amo a Bayo, amo a Jeanne e puta que pariu o final elas tão lindas dms

Vamo do 3...

This game is THE perfect sequel to an already really good game, improved on every single aspect of the game before and fixed every problem i had with it.

Bayonetta's design in this game is much better than the game before and her character is expanded on even more without her losing the touch of what makes her character so special and unique and is now one of my favorite video game characters of all time.

The weapons are so much more fun to play around with and customizing them makes for very diverse playstyles. Bosses were genuinely amazing, only issue is how during a certain part of the game they kept repeating the structure of fighting the bosses in the air but most of the other ones compensate for that.

I really liked the story here even though it started off not the best but the second half of it was really well done especially the last 2 chapters that made me appreciate a character I didn't like prior to this game.

Todo lo que tenía que mejorar, lo hizo. El juego logra ser más entendible, el combate es mejor, las peleas son más dinámicas, los jefes más espectaculares y bayonetta brilla en la historia. Me encantó

Thanks to this game my taste in women is changed forever and I hate children


Makes you hope the curtain matches the drapes cause im a carpet muncher