Reviews from

in the past

This was a game-changer for the MP FPS community. I think this was some sort of spiritual peak for casual fps gaming. It was vibes, it was interesting with the new create a class system. People felt like it was risque for showing off "modern warefare" in such a casual public enviroment. I remember the news talking about how this game was going to change the minds of our future. Idk I kinda believe that a little bit now. You are what you eat America

Great entry to kick off the popularity, no wonder it became a classic

Took me until 2020 to finish but it was worth it

My favourite of the COD campaigns. Considering it was the springboard for the series becoming the biggest media franchise in the world or whatever, it's surprisingly uncorrupted by that position. Stripped down and unencumbered with the weight of continuing the media frenzy of the COD name, it's instead allowed to be a neat FPS with a variety of settings and gameplay styles, and some really neat cinematic moments for spectacle.

O começo da era de ouro de COD, campanha muito boa marcante, mas curta d+

gostei muito jogo na segunda guerra em springfield que teve a reação nuclear lá das bombas né de chernobyl mas cadê o hitler??

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This one of the best first person shooters of all time.

The Story is that secret forces from America and Britain are doing various tasks to stop problems that could arise from a Russian civil war, and a Middle eastern nation having a Coup. This storyline they have to handle is told with so much intrigue to it. The first person perspective helps bring out the atmosphere in every scene. It has many amazing moments, the best ones include, the Execution of President Al-Fulani, and how well they handled showing the audience what will come from the new leader. The Bridge scene at the end of the game, where you and your friends are dead, or near death, the final villain is coming, and while being carried away to an unknown fate, the news reveal that what you did was covered up, and no one will even know of what you did for the world. But of course the most memorable scene is the Nuke scene, where you go from thinking you are going to capture the man you are after, to suddenly countless soldiers being killed by a nuclear bomb, and seeing the aftermath in the eyes of one soldier before he dies, Best moment in the game. The only minor problem I have is "Why didn't they show us the whole scene of Captain Price beating up a prisoner? they fade to black until around the last part of it".

The Characters are very likeable here. I really like Captain Price and his hang out the crew attitude when things are going well, or his brutal honesty with first meeting Soap, to helping out his crew, and how capable he is. I like rest of the crew, with their humor, banter, capability, including Nikolai, McMillan, and Kamarov. The only character I didn't care for is LT. Vasquez, his serious get the mission done persona isn't enough for me.

The Graphics are great, they looked very realistic for their time, and the style of them makes them still great to look at today. The Colors are very appealing to each mission too.

The Gameplay has you using modern weapons to complete tasks for your task force, including, shooting, stealth, and obtaining items. The way it is handled here is amazing, the movements of all things feel as smooth as they can get, the many weapons make for some more clever ways to take out enemies, the AI for your teammates is amazing, they never block your path, and kill a lot of enemies if you don't do it yourself, enemy AI are also improved, and depending on the situation will try to find a way flank you. The Missions are all good, in tasks to complete them with, variety, and how necessary they are, not every single mission matches all three catagories, but they all fit at least one catagory, and the only mission that is optional is a small level after the campaign for those who want to see how fast they can complete it in, and it's as fun as the rest of the missions. The only problems I have with the gameplay is how if you fail to protect a tank in the second level with Jackson, you have to do the whole level again all over. Also some of the quotes said after a death, are sometimes garbage. Also you can replay the campaign in a way where you can get more points on your skills in killing enemies, which really adds replayability to the game. But now for the part everyone loves, the Multiplayer. In this game it is amazing, the greatness of the campaign makes this extremely playable, the little room to survive being shot makes it feel like a realistic version of the campaigns gameplay. The ability to use a perk to benefit the group depending on your kill streaks, and waiting to use them incase you want to go for better ones shows a perfect level of fairness to add to combat with perks others don't have, and showing how great players are by having them slowly rise in real life ranks depending on the number of points they get from kills in games are an amazing way to make you really feel like a true soldier. The variety of games to play give off an entire school life's worth of things to play, and they all work great too, giving people who are good at different tasks the opportunity to use their best skills to win.

The Soundtrack is great, the tracks are well composed and a number of them are memorable to listen too. The feelings you get when hearing these sounds is exactly what is going on in each scene.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a testiment in how modern first person shooters should be done, that no number of years will require it to be remade.

Great MP, nice SP story.

Jugue a la version de wii...

O FPS que trouxe a guerra moderna de modo cinematográfico para os videogames. Um bom FPS até hoje, com uma campanha divertida, personagens memoráveis, um vilão decente e um multiplayer simples, mas que era bem interessante pra sua época. Até quem não gosta de CoD reconhece que CoD4: Modern Warfare foi bem importante pro gênero de FPS

Absolutely perfect, down to the minute detail.
This game blew me away as a child as the coolest game ever. This game, to me, has the series' most memorable set pieces and levels. Future games had better multiplayer systems, more memorable/fleshed out characters, "bigger" set pieces, and additional side modes, but, this one to me has the definitive campaign. Plus, it set the revolutionary class system that is still copied today.

bom mas n chega nem perto do mw2

não é o melhor cod, mas um otimo game

M16 viseur laser
M60E4 viseur laser

great multiplayer back in the day, might be dated now, but i definitely have fond memories.

All time classic, many many hours spent in this game. I still quote things from the campaign time to time (ghillies in the mist lul) There are days I wish I could back and be able to play this game again for the first time in a Xbox party with a group of good friends.

peak cod campaing right here, it connects so perfectly to the rest of the MW series, absolute masterpiece

l'époque ou c't la folie COD, même la version ds je kiffais mdr

Mto bom prefiro o Black ops mas esse é do krl

No ha envejecido genial pero estaba guapisimo

The perfect single player military FPS, that was bundled with a multiplayer that changed everything for better or for worse