Reviews from

in the past

what the fuck was that
love the characters tho

If you think this game ruined the series, I might come and get you.

No solo tiene los casos más flojos de toda la saga, también tiene el giro de tuerca más desaprovechado y de mal gusto y lo tiene en el primer caso del juego.

En cuanto al mensaje final del juego: love the idea, hate the execution.

"Quit bein' so gloomy! This is the year of the Jets! Fuck the Patriots!"

I loved 95% of this game and it was going to be my all-time favorite Danganronpa game... at least up until the 2nd half of the last trial of the game. Up to that point, it was a 5/5, but it stumbled for me a tad at the end. The meta-commentary just didn't land for me, unfortunately. I was OK with the ideas presented in the ending, but I hated how they went about executing it... The silliness reached an all-time high during that final trial, and it all felt a bit too on the nose and came off a bit stupid.

Regardless though, that doesn't detract from me loving the game as a whole. It has the greatest first trial in the series BY FAR, has the most gruesome and depressing executions, and it overall has the greatest presentation and style of all 3 mainline games.

The trials were great as always - and I loved the introduction of the Scrum Debates. I wish they were used more often, but the music and premise of those were hype as hell.

The "truth vs lie" theme was an enjoyable and interesting difference to its predecessors, especially after being knocked over the head so many times with "hope vs despair".

Kokichi is a fun stand-out character here as well, but I still prefer Komaeda from DR2. I really liked the cast of characters in DR3 overall outside of a couple exceptions. But that goes for all the DR games.

I wish we could have more Danganronpa, but maybe it is a good thing they ended it here before running the franchise into the ground. I will miss the wonderful, weird settings, zany characters, heartbreaking losses, and insane murder mysteries/plot twists...

"Some lies can lead the world to hope... Some truths can lead the world to despair... So I don’t think anyone can really say which is more right in the end.”

Clair De Lune

its not my favorite but is the best one

horrible, finished the first case and stopped

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I miss Kurumi

I really enjoyed this game. I thought the ending was pretty interesting but the journey was great.

très très bon!! le lore était insane

Bold strategy Cotton, let’s see if it pays off

Sim, eu tenho opiniões um bocado divididas, apesar de ainda achar DanganRonpa v3 até que bom no final das contas.

acho longo demais poderiam cortar algumas coisas e tem umas coisas extremamente irritantes (monokubs morram imediatamente) mas tem um final incrível que faz você passar por uma montanha russa de pensamentos e no fim é um comentário bem preciso do autor

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I'm 90% sure this game exists solely to correct people on the pronunciation of "Danganronpa."

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El final mata todo el juego para mi. Idk.

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this one is really good, i love how much darker the executions got in this game, the characters are very diverse and interesting, i like the location but like most people i don’t care for the ending. i loved the twist with kaede but still wish she was the main character, like we should’ve started off with shuichi or smth. anyways love tenko, kaede, kirumi, miu, kaito, and kiibo

the ending is terrible but the actual puzzles are fun

I think this Discord message tells you all you need to know about my feelings toward this game.
"How the fuck can you not love how batshit fucking insane the V3 ending is. It is the most Danganronpa that Danganronpa has ever Danganronpa'd"

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This game had so many twist, and a great story.

The 1st chapter twist was great, and set the tone that this game will mess with you.

2nd chapter was sad. Ryoma was great, and of course they killed him off. Kirumi's motives were unsympathetic, and I could not feel sorry for her at all. She literally drowned him to death, then fed him to piranhas for everyone to see. Fuck Kirumi.

3rd chapter was also shitty. Korekiyo went from mysterious and intriguing, to just a straight weirdo who's kind of stupid. 3rd case syndrome is strong with this one. At least three unlikable characters were knocked out.

Chapter 4 is where it starts to get interesting. Kokichi finally starts doing shit, and the game makes you hate him when he betrays Gonta. One of my favorites.

Chapter 5 is weird, and I don't remember much about it apart from liking it.

Finally the final chapter is a big mindfuck, and by far the best ending to any Danganronpa game.

Characters were either great or the most annoying people in existance (can Miu, Tenko, and Angie just STFU?!).

Gameplay was still similar, but with improvements. I liked the Scrum Debates, and the new minigames. Gameplay in visual novels isn't that important though.

Overall, it's about on the same level as 2 overall, and better than 1.

With each game in the franchise the story grew more contrived and the atmosphere was less engaging. While the characters are still good, this game felt like a slog through repeated tropes and little to no new ideas.

Easily the best playing and best written entry in the series. I actually like or am at least interested by almost all the characters here, which is a definite upgrade. All the trial minigames aside from Nonstop Debate (the Mass Panic variant is ok too) and Debate Scrum are complete shit though. Hangman's Gambit is as trash as ever, Argument Armament is somehow an even worse ""rhythm"" minigame than the first game's, Mind Mine is such a nothing idea I can't believe it got past the conceptual stage, Psyche Taxi is tedious drivel (seriously if your MINI game needs a 9 minute timer what the hell are you doing), and Rebuttal Showdown is okay but more annoying than fun.
I will say though, the typography going on during the trials in this game is insane. The trails are also a lot more consistent in quality than the first game, though most don't reach super high highs.

Case 1 has some clever twists but the murder method being such a looney toons-ass rube goldberg machine setup is kinda silly.
Case 2 is decent, though whoever designed that execution is a sadistic bastard.
Case 3 has some more silly physics shit going on but has one of the more memorable setups in the series.
Case 4 has an interesting setup too, but I think manufacturing a way for one of the characters to act out of character works in some ways but ultimately feels like a kinda cheap way to get a twist.
Case 5 is easily the most interesting and stand out trail from a writing perspective, though actually playing it was needlessly frustrating here and there.
Case 6 is an interesting one since it starts with a retrial of the first case, which provides some fun twists and turns. The latter half is much like the final case of the first game in how overly drawn out, long and tedious it is. Though the actual big reveals this time around are way more interesting.
This game's ending is more meta than the zuck's wet dreams. It becomes insanely corny at that point, but these games have always ended on really corny notes. I vibe with most of what they're trying to say there, and they take a really interesting approach to saying it, hokey as it is.

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Me desculpa, mas o último caso do jogo estragou tudo para mim. Eu sei que ele não realmente destrói tudo o que foi construído na série, mas faz parecer.
Ignorando ele e olhando pro resto do jogo, provavelmente os melhores desenvolvimentos de personagens e temas da série.

Best Danganronpa because Kodaka makes it plain it clear he hates Danganronpa fans

FEIO e chato, mas principalmente muito feio, quem fez o character design disso? O diabo provavelmente

I can't even with these hot anime murderers any more.

these games have such awful gameplay I had to watch the rest of this one on youtube
pretty cool story otherwise

fuck everyone except gonta & shuichi

O Final estraga tudo pra mim. Sem falar na quantidade absurda de personagem que eu simplesmente CAGUEI pra existência, coisa que não aconteceu quando eu joguei o 2.

Fun to play, but it took some weird narrative decissions that I didn't really loved, specially by the end of the game.