Reviews from

in the past

Extremely challenging and can be very frustrating. Guides can help a lot.

Tough as nails simulator of being a manager of a ragtag band facing eldritch horrors. While it might seem lengthy, it's a real fun strategy game that invokes a lot of strong emotions from you. On top of that, the overall presentation is excellent.

Missions sometimes inflict 500+ stress and sometimes they remove stress for you, otherwise it's THE rpg rougelike

leper is my husband and so is reynauld

combo flagellant + plague doctor: un grand oui

defeituoso e não muito digerivel pra todos, mas divertido e lindo de qualquer jeito

Very hard game but gameplay is good and art style is awesome

This game is about as fun as getting your testicles flicked. Highly recommend.

oughghhh... ancestor's lines keep replaying in my mind....

Todavía no me lo he pasado, pero no me hace falta para asegurar que es un gran juego. El estilo artístico es precioso y además encaja perfectamente con la temática del juego. Las mecánicas al principio son bastante complicadas, pero cuando las entiendes ves el juego con otros ojos, aunque no le quita dificultad porque el RNG está muy presente en el juego. Recomiendo no encariñarse con los personajes, que en cualquier momento mueren y te toca reclutar otros.

Its fun but i don't feel to finish it

got this on early access and played a lot of it, intense gameplay loop, fun times

hard and unforgiving (pause)

Como experiencia "Dark Souls RPG" está chingón y el narrador es todo un puntazo. Le falla lo poco accesible que es (habilidades detalladas con acrónimos que no queda claro lo que hacen) y lo INFERNAL que son los controles en la versión de consola.

A game I played for hundreds of hours before beating even once. Every aspect of it is incredible, but, it's the combat design that are the crown jewel in this absurdly blinged-out crown.

Adoro este videojuego tanto que hasta compré los DLCs
El narrador es una presencia que hace mucho más llevadera y disfrutable toda la experiencia. A veces un tanto injusto, pero el problema es que la gente tiene que aprender a mamar pinga. Tienes 4 personajes que van a luchar contra horrores Lovecraftianos, si esperas que todos (O alguno) vayan a sobrevivir siempre es que eres un tanto imbécil.

Second jeu qui m'a fait mal à l'égo, mais je lui pardonne bien volontiers.

A punishing Dungeon Crawl experience
Althought a lot of RNG

Didn't finish the dungeon missions

overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer...

Love the art and sound design, love the characters, love the concept behind this party-management dungeon crawler. But the oppressiveness that sells the dark and harrowing tone so well also started to exhaust me. Every decision felt like it was primed to screw me over, and it usually was, but eventually I just didn't want to do the grinding or the micromanagement anymore.

Probably the best modern dungeon crawler

love the atmosphere, love the characters, love the dlc, only wish the workshop had more cute yuri and that some mechanics were a little more streamlined

mi è piaciuto molto, soprattutto dare i nomi alla gente. Con le mod è tutta un'altra cosa

it's like miitopia but makes you regret your choices in life