Reviews from

in the past

I can see why this game was hated upon; however the Frank Rising dlc was very fun for me to go through.

I think this is the worst game ever maybe

it just doesn't get better man.

what a genuine fucking joke of a game, slapping "dead rising" onto its tagline just to stay inline with the rest of series is HORRIBLE, i remember being excited on announcement bc wow! frank west! hes back! i love frank in 1/off the record but JESUS FUCKING CHRIST hes absolutely terrible here, reduced to a nothing character that relies more on trashy humor more than his other personality traits. literally such a joke to have a character return with the promises of "he's better than ever!" then reducing him to a nothing ball of garbage
outside of my negatives with the genuinely horrific usage of frank, the gameplay is a nightmare and terrible, combos are exaggerated to the point of zero belief (3 exaggerated them but it made sense since Nick was a vehicle mechanic and was using anything around him to fight back - the only story related combos he gets is the Sledgesaw, which is somewhat believable) and the zombies are both hideous looking and have barely any blood, overall just a nonsensical dumpsterfire that makes zero sense.
the inventory having a gigantic area for food items... LMFAOOOO, the entire point of the earlier games was decision making for bringing weapons or food (either survivability or health with your limited space) but this boggles it down to recent nintendo levels of difficulty, genuinely just shameful
the """"""""""psychopaths""""""""" and the readdition of the True Eye cult are laughably bad, like actually i have zero idea how any of this made it past the point of conception and brainstorming bc none of it fucking works
story and characters are horrid, all of this just feels like an attempt to coddle to nostalgia and nothing more, it DOES NOT WORK and i absolutely despise this for ruining such a wonderful franchise
i really hope DR5 becomes a thing, i dont want this to be the final thing we've heard from the series AT ALL

Nothing but absolute hatred for this fucker game

If you want an good looking sandbox zombie killing game then buy Dead Rising 4!

Miss the old VA for Frank. Better than Dead Rising 3 although that is not a difficult thing to do. Helps that the jokes are funny and are not punching down (mostly). The game really loves Capcom characters, sad that Capcom didn't like the devs back

actually one of the worst games ever made

frank is back...

Mas jogar no Natal é tradição :D

They definitely neutered dead rising but this was still really fun to brainlessly play through. But I can’t rate this positively when they literally made overtime (the real ending) paid dlc. Bullshit

bizarramente se pa o pior da saga

Nul, lent, court, manque de respect au scénar et prota du premier, zéro intérêt et en plus de tout ça il se permet de tuer la série ce fils de pute

burn this game with fire its awful.

I understand why it's the worse of the series

Not only was franks character bastardized, but the team made sure to make the game look extra shiny and massive to distract you from how bad it is! :D

I'll admit that i found the capcom heroes dlc pretty fun at least.

Lacking in pretty much every single aspect, and at the same time shitting on everything the previous games stood for.

Painfully obvious it's been made by people who had zero interest in actually making it.

Somehow even manages to have more game breaking bugs than all of the previous games combined. Having to restart a mission because an NPC you're forced to follow is just running around in circles, or an enemy is stuck in an inaccessible area on top of an already mundane game is nothing short of infuriating.

frank does not have a big package

Narrative: 1 - Gameplay: 3 - Visuals: 2.5 - Soundtrack: 2.5 - Time: 2.5
Stars: 2

Absolute dogshit. Completely ruined Frank West and the killed the series as a whole.

Dead Rising 4 is a game that should’ve never happened. A game where Frank West was meant to come back and be better than ever became a total shit show. This game is clunky, annoying, boring, and has none of the soul the previous installments had.

The gameplay is unresponsive and decides to only work when it feels like it. There is no weight to your attacks whatsoever when Frank attacks. His moves feel floaty, as if he’s a feather, and that goes for movement too, such as dodge rolling or jumping. Whoever decided to add fucking collision to zombies when dodge rolling or jumping can kiss my ass, that’s annoying and had no reason to be added into the game mechanics. Exo suits are a neat addition but you hardly ever get to use them, aside from the final Case in the game.

I honestly don’t even really know what the story is, nor do I even remember the characters. The gist of it is that Frank goes back to Willamette to uncover the ultimate scoop of a lifetime, only to get dragged into another zombie outbreak. A zombie named Calder is important, don’t ask me why, I don’t even fucking know.

This is where the game does an abysmal job. Every, I mean EVERY, single character is a complete and total unlikeable douchebag. Frank West went from a charming, average dude in DR1 and DR2 to a wise-ass, joke-cracking asshole in DR4. He’s selfish and has no sense of character development throughout the whole game, from start-to-finish he is a dickhead who always puts himself first over anyone else, including their safety. That’s a total blow to his character because all he cared about in DR1 was helping people escape the mall alive, and if anyone was injured then he would make sure they’re safe. I don’t remember the names of anyone else aside from Brad, but just know that they’re all forgettable dickheads.

I like to think of DR4 as nothing more than a bad dream. Change Frank’s name to Hank East and his occupation from Photo Journalist to Wedding Photographer and it’s a tiny bit more bearable of a game. In the end, this game is an unfunny, shallow, and pointless installment in the series, I HIGHLY advise you to avoid this one at all costs.

Meh Dead Rising experience.

This was a terrible direction for the franchise, pulling even further from the formula than DR3. It played fine, but it wasn't Dead Rising.

If you’re a big fan of the dead rising series, then obviously you’re not gonna like this game. However objectively speaking this far from the worst game I’ve played. Yes this game was rushed, it’s glitchy, the writing is bad, story is whatever, locking the true ending behind DLC is dumb and they did write Frank in a weird way but the gameplay, music, map, weapons and “bosses” are decently good and fun. The new crazy combo weapons and vehicles are fun to use and the capcom heroes mode is a lot of fun after playing through the story normally.
Is the game franchise ending? In my opinion; no. This could’ve been a lot worse. If you’re just looking to blow up and destroy zombies then this game will do that just fine.

This review contains spoilers

As someone playing this 7 years after its release with expectations that were so far in the ground you could shove a spicket up my butt and find oil, I actually thoroughly enjoyed playing this game. However, I can see where my love for the ridiculous and for hack n' slash games are making me like this more than the average player probably would.

So let's start with the obvious, Frank West is NOT the Frank West we knew in the first Dead Rising. His character was never as heartless and crude as the Frank of this game. If this had been a different character, I think it would have helped the game's reception. This literally could be Hank East and it would work, with the only things that would be ruined are the history of Frank in Willamette and of course his death at the end of the story.

The timer being removed is actually something I look at favorably, BUT I believe that the timer is a big aspect of what makes Dead Rising. Having to make choices and having tight time crunches were part of that experience.

The maniacs sadly lost out by not having the cutscenes that psychopaths had. There was some characterization for them, but nothing that really clues you in on say Sadistic Claus's reason for becoming a maniac. Additionally, you miss out on Frank's reaction to the psychopath. I think some of them were fun like the previously mentioned Sadistic Claus, Scare King, Captain Black Fridaybeard, Grim Gobbler. Others were kind of lacking like the return of the True Eye Cult Leader and the most forgettable of them all, Sibyle.

Storywise I didn't think much of the game, especially considering we were juggling basically two different storylines between Tom's group and Obscuris. I think it could have been more cohesive for sure, but having separate stories intertwining does create the idea of this being a bigger world and having more than just the government conspiracy conflict. But ultimately, the story in Dead Rising never seems all that great to be honest, but I appreciated it continued building from the previous games.

Gameplay was where I really enjoyed the game. The combo weapons actually felt nice compared to some from DR2, vehicles were fun and plentiful, and I just enjoy hacking throughs crowds. I could have done with maybe a few less zombies always being crowded into areas, but whatever. Oh and of course the exo-suit. I wasn't particularly a fan of the exo-suit, especially having to put it on for the final boss. I came in prepared with my favorite weapons and then proceeded to have to punch my way through the boss or hit him with Christmas tree lights. It was great getting to finish the giant horde at the end with them, but it really killed my vibe a bit.

Overall, I really enjoyed the game and I know that is controversial. While I think this is lacking in being a part of the Dead Rising game, I still enjoyed it. I view it in much of the same way I see a game like Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts. It isn't a good entry in its series, but it is a good game. If Dead Rising and at the very least Frank's character wasn't bolted onto this game, I think it would be perfectly fine.

creo que prefiero meter una pajita en un sumidero y beber que volver a tocar este juego

nothing hurts more than seeing a franchise and character you love being butchered in real time