Reviews from

in the past

Eu sinceramente queria ter gostado mais desse jogo, adoro a temática cyberpunk e esse jogo apesar de não tão extremo como um ghost in the shell é um bom exemplo pro gênero. A narrativa é boa mas não foi la muito memorável, ficou mais comigo as setpieces da narrativa do que realmente o que estava sendo trabalhando. Em suma um bom immersive sim que me rendeu umas historias legais com o gênero mas no final do dia tem coisa melhor por ai

The game is not bad but you can clearly see that it is 12 years.
Stealth playstyle is hard to pull off, shooting isn't great and cover system is very outdated, but the game is still good

I'm mad that my new PC makes this game run weirdly, because if it didn't I'd be doing at least a playthrough a year. Absolute masterpiece of an immersive sci-fi game.

Without the Missing Link DLC that mucks up the pacing (and is just not on the same level of quality in my opinion as the rest of the game) Human Revolution is a masterpiece!

olur da deusexe dönüşürsem anneme söyleyin eve geç gelecem

AUUUUUGHHHHH + trop de lecture abusé

I didn't ask for this [excellent game]

I've never asked for this

Eu fiquei tão op no final shauhsua

There was another option besides stealth?

An extremely boring and confusing story that I could hardly follow along let alone relate to. a very cliche tough guy main character and pale uninteresting environments with heavily outdated graphics. and the A.I is frustrating.

Adam jensen's cool,the stealths good and the combats good but this is nowhere near as interesting mechanically or narratively as the original.

There's nothing more fun than having blades come out of your arms. The RPG elements are also pretty satisfying and the story was solid and captivating right until the end. Unfortunately stealth also falls by the wayside and isn't really ever presented as a viable option. Still a great RPG you should definitely check out.

My primer inmersive sim... Se que en contexto de la saga no esta al nivel de los originales, pero sin duda hizo que descurbiera el genero.

Watch Hbomberguy's video on this game tbh LOL.
I love Adam Jensen. Elias Toufexis' voice performance adds so much to the character.
Every game is cut short due to time/money restraints, some games hide that fact more than others.
What's here though is really cool. (Especially if you compare it to the rest of the PS3 era library!)
A single-player cyberpunk adventure where you explore buildings around the city, looking for perk point Praxis Kits.
Occasionally you'll talk with characters using dialog trees- depending on your choices, changes the outcome of the mission/reward.
Treating this like a stealth game, sticking to non-lethal takedowns was right up my alley. (It's too bad the boss fights are the only parts of this game where you cannot play like this.)
I did not dislike the hacking minigame.

Aşırı melonkoli ve cyberpunk atmosferini hüzünlü şekilde veren bir yapım.

Невероятная, стильная, с идеально подходящей музыкой, с вниманием к деталям
У игры только два недостатка:
Недостаточно хороший и неглубокий сюжет, вместе с нарративом(аугментации хорошо\плохо)
Не хватило продолжительности

Would be a 5, but then a boss battle appeared.

I honestly had no idea how to play this. MD was so much more inviting of a game. Good tho.

Your enjoyment of this game will be greatly enhanced if you go into it without the expectation of it replicating the openness of Deus Ex or other immersive sims. I would call this game a light immersive sim - it possesses many trademarks of the genre, namely the ability to approach levels in multiple different ways but does so in a manner that’s simpler than games like the original deus ex, dishonored or even something outside of the genre like splinter cell: chaos theory.

The game, however, is still very enjoyable. It has a pretty decent story, which while not as creative or complex as the original deus ex, holds together well and keeps your attention and curiosity throughout. The aesthetic design of the game is also great. It does the cyberpunk aesthetic pretty well and puts its own unique spin on things with the renaissance elements blended in. I’ve definitely never seen that combination before and it works quite well.

Gameplay is very enjoyable despite its shortcomings. Stealth and gun play both feel great - very balanced and responsive. Nailing both is definitely to be commended given the fact that many games that try to incorporate both can only do one well. Exploration is also enjoyable and replicates some of the sense of discovery the original provided. However, the general lack of meaningful rewards for exploration causes it to lose its luster by the end of the game. Most of your rewards for exploring will be useless hacking supplies as opposed to rare weapons or upgrades.

Overall the game is quite fun but doesn’t really excel at anything. If I could give more specific ratings I’d probably give this game a 7.7 or 7.6. It’s creative and fun enough to stand out and be memorable but not quite good enough be considered a classic of either it’s genre or generation.

As a final thought - this game came out in 2011, a time when the term “immersive sim” was likely unknown to your average console gamer. I was in this camp when HR came out, and I can remember the immersive sim elements of it absolutely blowing my 15 year old mind. This game does somewhat unexpectedly hold a very special place in many hearts and I think this is why: it was like nothing else being released at the time and was probably the first immersive sim for a lot of gamers. Many of those gamers, myself included, went on to play and love the classics on the genre, which does unfortunately cause Human Revolution to lose much of its luster. While Human Revolution probably won’t be remembered much in the future for the quality of its story or gameplay, I do hope it’s remembered for it’s role in introducing the immersive sim genre to a new generation of gamers.

Although if I’m being realistic it‘ll probably be most remembered for the eternal words of Adam Jensen, “I never asked for this.”

Finalmente, após 11 anos, eu finalmente cumpri uma promessa a mim mesmo: Que zeraria Deus Ex, meu primeiro jogo de Xbox 360 que eu joguei com 13 anos e tiltei muito tentado zerar quando criança por conta do inglês fraco e da 0 noção de stealth, e agora posso dizer:

Trama excelente e gameplay bem feita!

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a fun game that brought back a classic series but overall left me a little disappointed. A lot of this game ended up being going through the main path or crawling through vents, which is fun but gets quite boring after a while. Everything else about this game is very well designed though as the upgrades, weapons, city, and dialogue are great. The pistol is also such a satisfying weapon to use when fully upgraded.

Grande action rpg, ma di fatto è da giocare più in stealth.