Reviews from

in the past

Most of the DLCs suck
I should've finished the game before trying Operation Anchorage and then Mothership Zeta, because they made me lose the interest in the game

quien lo diria, un versículo de la biblia seria de gran ayuda?)

So much fun! I was sucked into this world so easily and I found myself wanting to play every day. I played non-stop for about a month until I finished all of the main quests, DLCs, and most of the 'main' side quests. I loved this game and was satisfied to finally put it down. I was max level and did everything I wanted to. And I didn't do the unthinkable...

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I played through the dlcs, main story, and all the side quests I happened to come across. I wish Fawkes could have joined me for more dlc content; but, he was fun to have around when he was allowed to be there. I miss my papa.

I played very close to vanilla, just:
• Updated Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch
• OneTweak
• Fallout 3 Tick Fix
• Command Extender
• Fallout Script Extender
• Vortex Archive Invalidation (listed in mod list, but is part of Vortex I think)


300 horas, nao valeu a pena

The best post-apocalypse game ever made.

Excellent world design, main story, side quests, build variety, loot, weapons/armour, player freedom and lore.

Combat is dated and wasn't great even back on release.

one of my favorite games of all time. god i love the capital wasteland

meh story meh combat but its still a bethesda game so its fun

This is the ugliest game i have ever played

Its Oblivion with post apocalyptic skin. Not even worth to be nostalgic about. Theres nothing in this game thats revolutionary. I played until my character escaped the vault. After 30 minutes of intriguing storyline intro and tutorial, its like the story itself just disappeared.

Im on my own dont know what to do, dont know where to go. Its as what the description said, open world RPG. Its the player that dictate what the story is. It sounds good in paper but almost all of us here arent storytellers. RPGs in traditional form is good with friends and on pen and paper, the gamemaster overseer the progress. But its not good in video games.

Its the reason why since the 90s until the end of 00s JRPGS are dominating the RPG genre. JRPG in literal definition, japanese role playing games. Its obvious its in 2011 with the release of Skyrim why western RPGs dominating over JRPGs. Because pre-Skyrim western RPGs are unplayable to average gamers

I enjoyed the setting and the story (or what I remember of it), but nothing about this game was incredibly memorable to me - especially the companions.

Bastante entretenido, buenas canciones, algunos momentos memorables, aunque a diferencia de otros RPGs de Bethesda no me motiva mucho a rejugarlo.

Se crashea en inicio, tipico, tener que modearlo para jugar tranquilamente baja muchisimo su valoracion

Батю я так и не нашёл

you really just have to appreciate how you can accidentally stumble into a quest that takes around 4 hours where the only thing you know is just pure suffering, you really have to appreciate how bethesda didn't consider putting any warning at god damn all and lock you into a dlc you don't want to play for 4 hours of your life.The game overall is pretty ok i guess

still the same as the normal fallout 3 with the german cenzorship it's a pain and still quiete buggy... but cool story

Too much hate, this game is not that bad.

This or New Vegas are the best Fallout Games in the series

not as good as new vegas but better than fallout 4. can get really buggy but its still a fun game and was a great aesthetic

ahhh my first fallout game. aged like shit but has such a charm and great atmosphere.

Um dos melhores RPGs que eu já joguei. Ter descoberto esse jogo na época foi uma loucura (no bom sentido), o que me fez amar esse estilo de jogo, que trago como favorito, até os dias de hoje. E eu agradeço ao meu primo por ter me apresentado essa obra de arte.

PS.: Tentei jogar no PC anos depois e estava injogável. É muito triste a performance dos jogos da Bethesda no PC, principalmente desses jogos mais antigos. Mesmo baixando vários MODs de correção, os problemas persistem. E é uma pena pensar na possível quantidade de pessoas que não experienciaram esse jogo por conta disso.

I have played this game many times, every time I return to it I finish my playthrough and all I can think is "god I hated that".
The boring gray environments and stale ass characters (aside from Three Dog) make me miss the dry ass orange deserts of New Vegas.

Quand Bethesda faisait encore des bons jeux

worse than 4 but play this first anyways

If you name your town "Megaton" you are ASKING for it

Jogo extremamente curto, mas foi divertido enquanto durou. Fiz a dlc do brotherhood of Steel, The Pitt e o da nave espacial, porém o jogo decidiu apagar o meu savegame por completo. Muito massa

Fallout 3 foi o game que me apresentou a franquia que hoje é a minha favorita do mundo dos games.

Já faz algum tempo desde a ultima vez que o joguei, mas consigo me lembrar muito bem da sensação que ele me passou durante a primeira jogatina. Acredito que o tom que a Bethesda trouxe para este jogo foi certeiro. Me lembro de sair do vault 101, ver a Capital Wasteland pela primeira vez e aquilo realmente me fez comprar a ideia que o game queria vender.

Embora eu considere Fallout 3 incrível e, arrisque dizer que é meu Fallout favorito feito pela Bethesda, devo ser honesto e dizer que não é um jogo para todos. O gráfico pode ser considerado datado e como um clássico da Bethesda o game possuí seus bugs, principalmente jogando em sistemas operacionais mais novos. De qualquer maneira, acredito que o que pode distanciar novos jogadores, é sua jogabilidade. Não abra o jogo pensando que irá jogar COD, apesar de ser em primeira pessoa, Fallout 3 traz muito da essência RPG: As armas não são precisas, o jogo possuí grandes diálogos (afinal é um RPG) e o combate baseado em level pode nem sempre ser justo (você pode dar o azar de bater de frente com alguns inimigos fortes dependendo de onde explorar).

Se você curte a estética e acha que pode relevar os pontos citados acima, vá em frente, você pode acabar tendo uma experiência incrível pela frente!

OBS: Use o VATS sem medo, é uma ferramenta única e muito divertida!