Reviews from

in the past

Although I find this one of the weaker entries in the series, I find myself thinking about it a lot.

The game has a really unique story with some creative ideas such as Time Compression. Characters have interesting relationships and the soundtrack is one of the best in a series with a phenomenal track record for music.

That said, the game has major flaws. Actively discouraging the player from playing the game and levelling up their character as it will hurt them more than help - the drawing and junction system is a horrible replacement that never feels satisfying. This game features possibly one of the worst plot points in any video game ever. If you know, you know.

I still am drawn to this game, possibly because of how unsatisfying the game is despite a variety of deep mechanics and the semblance of a quality Final Fantasy story.

I love the game, but it aged horribly.

It's either an easy game or hardest ff you've ever played thanks to stupid broken card system. You can be literal god in the very beginning of the fucking game if you abuse the card game, but if you didn't you'll just die and die again. FF7 haters are really overestimate this game

i finished this game out of spite, i kept telling myself surely it gets better at some point ad nauseam until the credits rolled and it was really that bad

I love this futuristic and magical setting, it's like a utopian version of FF6 and I'm in love with it. It has a great soundtrack and some incredible and iconic cinematics that are have been ingrained in my brain since I was a kid... I love this game! It has a lot of problems... but I still love it!

Junctioning's cool and drawing magic is cool and triple triad is cool and the story is cool and that last FMV before the credits roll is really cool dont get why this was the black sheep or Still is it's good Do think the orphanage reveal was really funny but dgaf Squall and Rinoa are cool my Main Party was: Squall-Irvine-Rinoa....comment yours in the replies!

Particularmente gosto do jogo mesmo reconhecendo suas falhas, o sistema dele é bastante confuso para um iniciante e também é complexo de maneira nada bacana. Todavia eu gosto 🤓

mal juego pero la historia esta decente

I honestly liked this more than I thought I would. Squall and Rinoa are sweet

honestly deserves a lot better from me but nothing really connected to me

(still the best ff ost although)

You know, despite starting this game many times over the years, I've never completed it. I always get distracted by life or some other game.

If FF VII is a game that succeeds at implementing most of its insane ideas, then FF VIII is a game that... doesn't. And I love it for that. It's a game where they had something like three very clearly different ideas for how the plot could go, and instead of making one of those they kind of slammed scraps of all three together into something that feels like a fever dream.

Love the junction system. It's completely broken if you even halfway know what you're doing. Also this game introduced Triple Triad! A genuinely good card game.

A decent game with nice story.

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Not going to lie but this was the hardest final fantasy game to get through for me. It's by no means bad, In fact I think it's an incredible RPG, but coming out of 7 and into 8 was a bit too jarring for me.

The biggest improvement from 7 is the production value and presentation. This is one of the best looking PlayStation games I've ever seen. The pre rendered background are much more detailed and includes more motion which makes the environments feel more alive. The FMV cutscenes are also have improved quality and there are much more of them. Making this the biggest FF game with 4 discs which if I was alive back then would've blown my mind. The graphics and character models are just so much more improved. They've gotten rid of the chibi over world designs, but now all of the characters are the same model and are more resident evil like. Which goes to show how much they've handled the hardware. This games graphics are also beautiful. This game must be played on a CRT TV with component or RGB output to get the fullest experience. The PS3 remake looks like crap with the smoothed out graphics in my opinion. Overall graphics are amazing.

One thing I'm not too sure about are the characters. The game focuses all on Squall (dumbass name) and the relationships he creates whit his other party members. But once Riona (I named her Rino :)) comes in the game then shifts to Squall's and Riona's relationship. Which is really well developed, but none of the other characters really get to shine here. They have their moments here and there but it really never leads up to something. While ff 7's characters all grew in some way throughout the journey, ff 8's characters never really seem too. Which sucks cuz I love all of them.
The villain is also kinda stupid well technically multiple villains idk. The way they explained the villain to me was kinda confusing. They pull the bait and switch mind control garbage which really annoyed me. While you saw Sephiroth's mental state decline throughout ff 7 making him more scary and threatening as time moved on, here, shes just here to be the evil person and I never really felt any of the steaks or anything. Overall great characters that needed more time in the spotlight

The story is also engaging and fun but there were a lot of parts that made me scratch my head. In the middle of the game they reveal that all of your party members except Rinoa grew up together in an orphanage which is supposed to add more depth to the characters but honestly it changes nothing and is never brought up again. They also reveal the the GF have been messing with their memories which made the forget all of that. I really wanted them to expand upon that but they never do. It's still a great story I just think a few things flew over my head.

But the worst thing about this game is the combat. They made it confusing and hard for no reason. They want you to focus on using your GF's and to strategies using junctions but using GF'S took way too long and made any combat too long and boring. They also got rid of the "all" command which was super frustrating and forced me to rethink my entire strategy WHICH WASNT FUN!! this game kept taking away what made the previous games so fun so you could I guess have more fun with more limitations? I hated the combat so much I just threw in some GameShark codes in the middle of disc 3 to get me through the rest of the game. I tried to do side quests to get me stronger but like 80 percent of them require me to do triple triade card game which I disliked a lot so I never bothered with it. But I guess that's how you got stronger so the whole game was just me struggling every battle.

I do wanna say I like this game. But it takes away too much from 7 for me to fully enjoy it. But it's a fantastic RPG that everyone with a PlayStation needs to play.

I love most of the story of this game although there are a few bumps, but I just couldn’t really connect with the gameplay. Definitely worth it for the story though.

was 5 stars during my emo phase


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This game is really complicated but at the same time pretty easy. You could easily run through this game without knowing all of the mechanics but if you choose to take advantage of them it will be a simple journey. The story is pretty interesting and easy to keep track of but some questions are left unanswered. The final disc is extremely tedious, I found my self spending 7 hours on it gridning, while it consisted of about 2 hours of boss fights. Other than that one of my favorite games oat

This is my second attempt at playing this game, but unfortunately I'm just not connecting with it. The plot doesn't seem to be going anywhere interesting, which is likely down to my disinterest in the characters.

Definitely my least favourite in the series so far.

The long forgotten Final Fantasy game. Its characters are pretty generic, the story is rather generic, but the setting is pretty cool. The game does switch between two casts of characters at some point and I found those shifts to be rather annoying. However, they do try to tie the two casts of characters together in the later stages of the game. I don't think they did it well, but they did it. I really enjoy the junction system, where you draw magic and such. Its a nice change from buying magic in shops.

Pretty fun, but feels like a mix of ideas at times. No reason to level up, disjointed story segments, junctioning. 10/10 soundtrack and the moment to moment gameplay is still very good.

still surprised the US army hasn't equiped all their soldiers with gunblades

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Fuck junctions and the love story that is supposed to be a central aspect was bland and boring as hell. Also the overall plot was meh. I'm only giving it 2 stars out of respect for idea even if the execution was poor

It got too much hatred for too long. I blame e-celebs doing quirky reviews and everyone parroting their opinions.
Play the PC version though.

Couldn't really get through this game. Junction did not feel like a good system at all.

However, it has a banger card game. I think I spent most of my time playing that than the actual game.

This game has quite a few good things and bad things.
The ost is amazing, one of the best in the saga.
The graphics are considerably improved over the previous game and it has the best secondary card minigame.


The junction system is very bad and completely broken.
The characters are very flat and empty and the story is bad. It had potential but they play with timelines and there are many plot holes.
From the end of disc 1 the game stops making sense.