Reviews from

in the past

Grindeo aburrido, y gacha estupido

i do love the open world of genshin impact, and i love meeting the characters, i just felt overwhelmed by the size of the world and the amount of characters / character powers you had to remember and control. but definitely will go back to it at some point.

The ultimate game. But not the best game. Excessive dialogue and not enough risks have been holding it back. But beautiful music, design and unlimited money going into it means it will always have a special place in my heart.

One of the rare people playing this game that like to read.

It's fine

Characters are fine kinda mid(other than a select few I am attached to)
Gameplay is nice, open world is great (other than imazuna) but artifact rolling system is fucked 😭
The elemental system is really fun to play with and the game is good for all sorts of gamers other than gamers with lives
Nice lore tho

tellment bien un de mes jeux préférés jpense dommage au bout d'un moment ca devient giga ennuyant

Too much talking and not very fun combat. Fun exploration and good character design tho

like a copy of zelda, but actually kinda good

Jogava bastante no inicio do jogo, mas rapidamente fui ficando cansado desse tipo de jogo, atualmente quero distancia

bad story
bad pacing
bad scriptwriting
bad gameplay
empty barren field

No começo era razoável, mais pro meio surgiu um bug no PS4 em que ele carregava as texturas em baixa qualidade e demorava pra carregar as texturas decentemente, e cada update foi deixando o jogo muito mais pesado.
O gacha também péssimo porque odeio gastar em IAP de jogos, além de ser um perigo pra alguns de torrar o dinheiro lá.

Enfim, acabei desistindo sem nem ter acabado o plot completo de Liyue (acho que acabei a parte principal e parei na quest da corrida que você tinha que fazer umas coisas pra moça lá te falar onde tá sua/seu irmã(o) e você seguir pra próxima região).

Até o momento não planejo voltar, mas admito que o plot parece interessante, a monetização e o gameplay que são ruins.

(Tenho sentimentos mistos em relação ao Bule de Relachá, tanto do bule em sim quanto ao trocadilho do nome que fizeram na tradução)

The amount of hours I've sunk into this game are... unhealthily high, but that is probably a testament to how addictive it can be, for better and worse. There are some puzzles/quests that feel nigh impossible to clear without certain banner-locked characters, and the tradeoff between playtime and payment becomes abundantly clear the more you play. Still pretty enjoyable if you have either abundant time/money/restraint.

my autism latched on to this game and wont let go someone halp me

i love the charcters but this game fucking annoys me

Definition of a guilty pleasure.

you're weird if you don't play this

Addictive and predatory tactics but the open world is fun to explore.

je pars je reviens je pars je reviens


Terra meter: 60%

Story/narrative - 2/5
Gameplay - - 3/5
Sound/music - 3.5/5
General presentation - 3.5/5
Overall enjoyment - 3/5

oh why why must u not add a good co op.