Reviews from

in the past

Unpopular opinion time: I enjoy Battle League! I like that they had the courage to change the gameplay as much ad they did. It allows for a completely different experience in comparison to the previous games. Idk, it seems way more competitive, which I appreciate.

Yes, Charged is still my favourite Strikers game, but I actually think all the new mechanics are really interesting. Yes, there are no cool map gimmicks anymore, but to me, those were more or a nuisance in Charged anyway.

However, the club system is very eh, since you are basically relying on the activity of other players, which I really don't like. In addition, stalling once you are a few goals ahead is by far the smartest option you have, which is very sad...

não joguei os outros pra comparar, mas muito bom

tem poucos personagens e mapas, mesmo com as DLCs, e também é um pouco mais dificinho de aprender do que o normal, mas quando todo mundo se liga como que joga, fica filézinho

It is a try-hard royal rumble with some players but the game becomes fun and addictive once you get the hang of it.

if you participated in any of the pre release demos, you've already played the entire game.

obviously not as good as the first two but hey at least they tried

An odd choice. Too unintuitive for party play, mechanically too simple for mastery to be challenging (in most instances). Gave a bit of fun but hardly lit up the sky.

A bit difficult to get the hang of, especially when playing with a friend. But pretty fun when things go right.

muito fixe para jogar com amigos.
Porque é o guarda-redes da minha equipa nunca defende um golo?

this is a MASSIVE disappointment. I’m a huge strikers fan I love the first two games dearly and this is the most soulless follow up I could ever imagine. The animation is impeccable but with how little gameplay and variety there is, they quickly become the only thing I can say is fun about this game.

Gosh I know this is a game I would love so much if they just brought back soccer fields from wii and the goal saving mechanic. The customizable gear is such a cool addition to give it more depth. Tackling teammates to perform crazy combos is so good as well! Man if the online system wasn't so bad and they brought some other additions it would be so peak! Regardless, still like this game but not as much as the original.

j'ai même pas les mots pour expliquer a quel point je hais ce jeu

Fixe com amigos, deve ser MUITO deprimente a solo.

Not bad not good. Online is practically dead and boring. It had so much potential its sad

The game came up empty and is still empty, that on top of the fact that it certainly lost the overflowing charm of the first two games, but the gameplay is so good it just makes up for its deficiencies to me, or that would I say if the goalies weren't so terribly implemented, so much that the game feels so unfair when you're just shooting and shooting on goal to no avail and your opponent just scores with whatever they shoot. Ultimately, the game got old in just a few weeks, but I kind of enjoyed it while I was beating it.

Got this because I loved the GameCube game but this payed me absolute dirt and spat on me

Disappointing Mario sport game. Not enough trophy to collect in the story for single player content. Really feels like a "quick money bag" Mario game. Not as good at the one on GameCube who's been a huge part in my life. Regret paying full price for this..

Low on content makes this not worth playing long term. It's fun, but doesn't have enough to keep you coming back.

Outside of the lack of content even with the updates, but a really fun title in my opinion.

Next level games is so good at making good quality titles that I can only assume they were given 3 nickels and a pencil by Nintendo to make this game. This game feels like someone made them make it at gunpoint

bah c'était fun les cinq premières parties et puis tu prend Harmonie lol
Terrain trop petit, perso inutiles pour la plupart car perso force trop forts, passes inutiles aussi...à bon entendeur

i never enjoyed playing this the best aspect of it is the cool animation sequences and you can just watch them on youtube

Tienes el anterior que es de los juegos más divertidos de la Wii y coges y haces esto menos mal que venía con una bufanda guapa