Reviews from

in the past

Gameplay daora, graficos coloridos e bonitos, historia e dublagem maravilhosas.

It's really good and highly enjoyable imo. The story, while predictable and a little safe at point, is great. The gameplay is fun and enjoyable, if a little repetitive. This game is way better than it has any right to be.

Very awesome game, great story but the game came out a month later on game pass after i bought it so i was pissed about that

Um baita jogo que captura muito bem a essência de uma clássica aventura dos guardiões.
Um destaque positivo é a dublagem do jogo que utiliza os mesmos dubladores dos filmes, e não sofre com o problema de ser obrigado a usar o nome original (em inglês) dos personagens, o que com certeza tornou a minha experiencia melhor, se eu tivesse que ouvir os guardiões chamando o "Star-lord" a cada 2 minutos na gameplay eu provavelmente teria desistido.
Um destaque negativo é a gameplay que não é tão variada, o combate é fácil e tem uma boa quantidade de habilidades para serem desbloqueadas, mas depois que as habilidades são desbloqueadas o efeito novidade passa e a repetição do combate se torna maçante.
Apesar do gameplay ficar um pouco repetitivo na segunda metade do jogo, a narrativa e a ambientação única das fases conseguiram manter meu interesse durante toda a (um pouco longa) jornada.

Gioco che mi ha saputo stupire da quanto è vecchia scuola e incentrato sull'azione
Per me l'unico vero problema di questo gioco è il fatto che i personaggi non stanno MAI zitti, parlano sempre e comunque in ogni momento del gioco. Rimanete 1 minuto afk perché qualcos'altro cattura la vostra attenzione? Loro diranno cose come "Hey ci vogliamo dare una mossa?". Ti metti ad esplorare per prendere i collezionabili e le risorse per fare gli upgrade ai personaggi? Loro commenteranno sul fatto che stai prendendo una strada secondaria e ti diranno di muoverti. Quando vai avanti per la strada per continuare la storia loro non cesseranno mai di parlare degli eventi che succedono nella trama. Siete nell'intermezzo fra un capitolo e l'altro che si ambienta nella nave? Tutti parleranno dei loro cazzi senza neanche fatti ascoltare la musica che puoi selezionare nella radio.
Per il resto, è un grande gioco ed un action della madonna, giocatelo
P.S Gamora col costume del film del 2014 è assurda vi prego aiutatemi

SUPER UNDERRATED. This flew under the radar for many because of the Avengers game, but man is it good. Decent story, fun gameplay and an awesome soundtrack. My biggest gripe is that you can't play as the other members. I would have loved to play as Gamora as she was my favorite character.

The character writing in this game is so good but the game feels like it was half put together, and there is so much dialogue that just gets cut off mid-conversation by a cutscene or something else scripted. It's quite frustrating.

An amazing cast of characters, I truely loved the conversations and witty banter, and the cutscenes don't look half-bad either! The gameplay is fairly simple and repetitive, but it's fun...for a while.

Pleasantly surprised by this.

Action carino. Però Gamora mi ha rotto continuando a ripetere "Knife to meet you" prima di uccidere un nemico.

Jogão, absolutamente tudo nesse jogo é bom, não a nada para reclamar

this game is so unmemorable and forgettable but manages to be much more iconic than valorant

Mid that’s it. It’s just mid

was fun but im glad I didnt pay full price

Coming off the release of Avengers, I was very wary of this game. This game blows past all my expectations and is super fun. Unfortunately, did not get to finish it as I do not own it but I own it goes on sale so that I can continue the story.

I didn't mind the combat as much as others; it's really funny and well-written. 8/10

This game just can't be slept on.

It's probably the best iteration of the Guardians, if you care about them. Peter Quill, my beloved.

The plot of the game is pretty fascinating... and you get to learn a lot about the Guardians on the way.

Probably the only gripe I have is that the "group huddles" you can have during battles get REALLY repetitive.... oooooof, they're so repetitive. Its a shame because the concept is really fun, having Starlord pump up your crew when they need a pep talk during battle.
Rocking out to music is a cool concept that makes sense for the character, but it kind of sucks that they could only afford 80s songs that you hear on the radio 10 times a day. Oh, well.

There's a particular plot point with Starlord that I won't spoil but I appreciated the writers putting it in. It gave him a lot more depth and growth, which was awesome to see.

i enjoyed this game a lot and really wanna put a five. but there are some problems: fights feel kinda boring, no backtracking (that's ok, but inability to return a couple of meters for a secret is very frustrating), some stupid bugs (like why i cannot go back while walking over a cliff).
but interesting story, amazing character growth and their interactions, and music so sweet music, make this game a really really good and enjoyable piece of stuff.

literally the most underrated superhero game I swear

Actually really fun. I LOVED the combat system and, I mean, the soundtrack really boosted the whole game

Pleasantly surprised by this.

Que maravilha de jogo, os gráficos, a ambientação, os personagens e os diálogos entre eles é surreal de engraçado.

A gameplay com os poderes é maravilhosa, e cada um desbloquear a uma habilidade ultimate depois de vencer um trauma é uma forma incrível de dar profundidade.

E a trilha, bom a trilha é simplesmente 50% do jogo pra mim, assim como no filme!

I honestly wasn’t expecting much from this game. Not because of the whole Avengers fiasco (different dev team) but I still can’t say I really care for marvel video games too much.
Spider-Man and Miles were great but it’s hard to comic book video games when everyone compares it to the movies.
You get a really weird mix of “why doesn’t this look like Chris Pratt?” vs “why didn’t they include this character”
Guardians of the Galaxy is actually a legitimately fun ass video game. It mixes really fluid combat with fantastic music and a story that actually kept me interested until the end. Though it’s very typical super hero plot, it actually ignores the origin story really perfectly and just assumes you know what the f a “Guardian of the Galaxy” is.
First off, the most important part that the movies really pushed for the series was having those really big tunes banging throughout the galaxy as the crew make their way through all adventures and they nailed it here.
From “White Wedding” to “Kickstart My Heart” to “Never Gonna Give You Up” the track list is incredible and really gives you a huge cinematic feeling.
Either in cutscenes or as your ultimate ability in combat, the music in this game is so solid and just makes everything fun
The story itself is pretty par for the course of a marvel story. It’s got your family drama mixed in with the galaxies at stake and with dumb luck and some skill, the heroes try to save the day.
I did actually enjoy the family stuff they push for with the game and some of the more compelling moments are absolutely with Star Lord and the character Nikki.
It’s nothing to write home about but if you like your super heroes, you’ll enjoy the plot.
Gameplay wise it’s a really fun third person arena shooter. You get enemies thrown at you in a small or large space, fight them in really fluid combat scenes and then make your way through the level.
The game has a perfect level of mixing its combat with the dialogue choices that will randomly pop up as you walk through the levels.
Which leads to my favourite part of the game. The dialogue choices. I had very good choices in mine that lead to really helpful moments later on
But my favourite choices are the random dialogue that happens as you walk. Being able to choose what to say really gives you a feeling of immersion. You choose how Star-Lord reacts to a range of topics.
Overall, Guardians of the Galaxy is a fine addition to the comic book video game landscape.
It deserves to be here and I really love that this game exists. If you’re looking for a fun 20 hour video game that you can sit back and have a laugh with.
Here is your cup of tea

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