Reviews from

in the past

Vou parar de jogar pelo emulador e continuar quando lançar pro Switch em Outubro, mas pelo o que eu joguei, é ótimo. Só gostaria que os codecs levassem um pouco menos tempo.

The reason I was able to finish MGS3

i still find new mechanics in this game

Sou obrigado a concordar com a massa que é o melhor da franquia. Excelente história, gameplay inovadora e gráficos excepcionais pro PS2.

Every problem I had with the game was due to me playing it on an emulator, replaying the hd edition on ps3 was amazing

fav game in the series. great boss fights and story, and fire music

A kojima lo tenían que encarcelar por dirigir juegos tan bien vaya barbaridad.

Kojima eres mi padre. Me veo incapaz de no darle un 10 a esta obra que tanto tiempo he esperado para jugar. No quiero extenderme mucho pero es en mi opinión, el juego más importante de este siglo y el titulo estrella de la PS2.

Ya veremos como me va con los demás juegos de esta hermosa saga que apenas comienzo.

How is it possible for a game to be this well made. It’s like every single moment is so perfectly tuned in a way I’ve barely seen in other games. The cutscenes, gameplay, plot, characters, visuals are all pretty good. I’ve only seen this level of quality in maybe nier autamata or baldurs gate 3 (of what I’ve played of it so far). Just perfectly crafted.

I tried playing this game last year and got really pissed at the first mission because it was so difficult for me. I only understood it when I tried playing it again a couple months after I beat the first mission in vc with a friend whos a huge Metal Gear fan, and I was malding asking "Why can't I beat this?!". Their response was, "You're trying to play it like any other game, you're not playing it like Metal Gear.". At that point it clicked. The CQC system, the HIGH TACTICAL ESPIONAGE ACTION, the camo system, the story, the political themes present, the characters and the dynamics they bring to not only the world but how they portray the political state of the world at time, even just The Boss' speech at the end of the game could make this top 10, almost everything is just perfect. Hideo Kojima really is a genius writer, and I can't wait to experience this series in full.

I'm still in a dream
Le scénario du jeu est marquant mais pas aussi intéressant que les autres mgs. Et on sent qu'à la base la caméra n'est pas pensée de cette manière. Et naked snake c'est un noob assoiffé de gun et de boobs. Sinon c'est chef-d'œuvre

A streamlined experience with memorable characters, creative boss fights, and a deeply impactful story.

But what may be the best part is how this acts as a perfect entry point. It's not reliant on expansive lore or convoluted character development. If you want to show someone why this series is praised so much, this is the game you should show them.

3rd favorite MGS. stealth is a bit weak compared to other stealth games like splinter cell, Thief, and Hitman. the game shines when it comes to narrative. great direction from Kojima. Ocelot was starting to get corny towards the end though.

This was pretty damn good. Hope the remake does it justice

What a thrill. Will Subsist again.

I have an absolute and raging trauma with jungle animals, so the moment I knew not only did I have to see them, but I also had to HUNT them I knew I wasn't going to enjoy it, and I was just going to watch it on YouTube to not interact with the crocodiles (which I absolutely hate and am grossed out by) and snakes (same thing, I despise them) but I took my time and put a bullet in all of them and damn, this game is really good

I think this ending is much better than MGS2's but the progression was a little bit flat, especially considering the stealth part is harder with the Camo Index (which I enjoyed I guess but I'm okay with it not returning at all) and pretty much it's not a game I enjoy playing but the story is magnificent and I doubt there's a villain better than The Boss ever

I don't need to tell you how great this game is.

Fantastic story, and amazing characters. Love the cold war setting and sneaking around the jungle is super fun.

Não tenho muito o q falar sem parecer repetitivo ou com a mesma opinião das outras pessoas, é lindo.

Eu acabei de terminar o jogo, e sinceramente nao palavras para descrever, eu estou apenas em choque.

Pra mim MGS3 de ps2 é o mesmo que foi o MGS1 pro ps1, é impressionante o quanto eles fizeram com recursos tao limitados, os graficos, jogabilidade e as mecanicas é o pico do ps2.

O jogo é só incrivel, uma obra prima, a ost, mapas, historia, é tudo feito com tanto amor. Eu me apaixonei pela historia do inicio ao fim por mais que ficasse confuso em algumas partes (como qualquer jogo dessa serie) e eu nao consigo acreditar que eu nunca tinha escutado sobre essa joia ate o anuncio do remake.

Estou feliz por ter conseguido jogar uma serie tao incrivel e fazer parte dessa comunidade, infelizmente nao consigo jogar o MGS4 logo em seguida mas é algo que eu vou me obrigar a jogar um dia.

Uma obra prima, um dos melhores jogos ja feitos e que eu ja joguei em minha vida.

Um dos melhores jogos que já pude jogar durante minha vida, simplesmente uma obra prima, algo indescritível e que sempre vou me lembrar.

Jogasso do caralho, chorei com o final

Ape Escape, and Rumble Rose characters on MGSO were amazing! Also improved cameras and peak gaming for PS3. This game is a must play for the PS2.