Reviews from

in the past

Dw kojima i thought your game was alright

This videogame is like a fever dream fanfict. Maybe the franchise could've been tied up more neatly. Who knows?

This one is hard to rate. I got bored, but the ending stuff is so cool. Give me more old men fighting.

Really overindulgent and wordy. I don't mind long cutscenes when I don't feel like they're wasting my time, unfortunately this game's cutscenes feel like they could've been about three times shorter and nothing of value would be lost. Most of the longest cutscenes are pointlessly drawn out exposition dumps where they overexplain the fuck out of literally every aspect of the game's world and backstory.

The previous games had this problem too, but this game suffers worse for it since at least the previous games sometimes explored interesting themes during the long cutscenes and exposition dumps. This game doesn't do that nearly as much. Most of the themes it uses are either undercooked (Snake's aging is pretty one-note and his personality and attitude towards people feels like a regression from how he was in MGS2), or reused (Literally everything involving the patriots, information control, and the advancement of technology is just a worse version of something they already did in MGS2).

It's also really fanservicey. This isn't always bad but the reliance on callbacks can be quite annoying and shallow. I particularly can't stand the bit where you press X to show things from the previous games to show what they're calling back to. At least we know they were listening to what people wanted, but there are too many moments that feel more driven towards pleasing fans than fulfilling any kind of artistic vision or swinging for something important to the developers.

It does have a pretty cool dour atmosphere at times (act 1 feels really gritty in ways that I really enjoy), but it's very inconsistent about this.

It's also harder to find the more ridiculous elements entertaining like they previously were since they're so much more in-your-face, drawn out, and kinda overwhelm anything else. It also feels like things are ridiculous in places where they aren't supposed to be, which is harder to find entertaining. It's not as if the previous games were subtle or focused but they handled this contrast a lot better.

The game's story is pretty much an absolute garbage fire but I like the gameplay. With this said, it doesn't do much that the previous games didn't also do. Sneaking around feels quite close to MGS3, with the main differences being crouchwalking and third-person aiming, which are sidegrades to me, and the weapon shop, which is a direct downgrade. I don't like how the designers can no longer control the pace at which you get new weapons and equipment. I pretty much had everything worth having before act 1 was over.

It's not a bad game (though you might not believe it from the amount of complaining i do here). I don't hate it, but it's definitely the worst game in the MGS series. It has most of the negative aspects of previous games. It has some of the good aspects, but it's really hard to recommend playing it over any of the other games in the series.

It's just kind of hard to recommend a game with such a huge emphasis on story to the point of having multiple sequences of cutscenes that last more than an hour on their own, while also having a story that I feel fails so extensively on so many levels.

"This is good... ins't it?"😭😭😭

This has the best gameplay so far excluding 5, and was a great conclusion to the series. This also has the best story in the series imo. The first three games' stories are great, but to me none of them stood out from each other which made it hard for me to rank them. But 4 is a great conclusion that I loved.

I pulled out my PS3 to play this movie.

Para mi el peor metal gear, pero aún así sigue siendo espectacular

I don‘t know what exactly Kojima was trying to achieve here but the thought counts I guess?
It‘s a nonsensical expository trainwreck and legit fucks the entire canon of the series.
Gameplay is also a stepdown from 3 with somehow less mechanics to fuck around with?
But even if it‘s a mess, it‘s still a very fun mess.

good game good end to the series

Tem cut scenes longas, mas você não vai pular, a história é complexa e incrivel, o jogo é um ótimo desfecho pra Solid Snake

War never changes, and this old man needs to be reheated in the microwave on high so that he can continue to partake in war.

FOX... LIVE!!! This game is a testament to everything great about the MGS games, combining the camouflage of mgs3 with the batshit insane plot of mgs2. The gameplay is PERFECTED, literally a joy to play, all the weapons are expertly modelled. Definitely my favorite in the series and its so amazing

i really love the story and love theme.'s a movie not a game...don't play it go watch it on youtube, save the effort

Absolute mess of a game, still I love Snake and the cutscenes!

This review contains spoilers

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is an epic conclusion to the Metal Gear Solid saga that aims to wrap all the loose ends of the franchise, to both its benefit and detriment. The story is this game’s biggest highlight with an explosive end to the saga that ties together all the characters you know and love from MGS1, MGS2, and MGS3 all in a neat package. It’s most definitely fanservice to die-hard Metal Gear fans but it’s a welcome one for the most part. The only character I feel like was wasted in this game’s story is Naomi who honestly feels mischaracterized. Her motivations and actions in this game really don’t mesh well with the ending of her character arc established in MGS1. She feels like just a motivator for Otacon instead of an actual character with agency like she was before. In addition, Raiden feels like a backstep from his character arc from MGS2, having to relearn the same arc he did in that game. Though I will admit he does have a much cooler design in this game and thus I can overlook his backtrack of character development. He’s kind of like the Vegeta of MGS4. He looks cool and someone who you want to root for, but constantly gets owned in combat by the story to establish how big of a threat the bad guys are. Though these are really minor nitpicks in a game that mostly presents its other characters well. The biggest gripe I had with this game’s story is probably the end credits scene which just feels like overcompensation on Kojima’s part to tie up and story loose ends he could. While I like Solid Snake’s final end I do feel the final exposition dump should have either been cut or slimmed down. Some things in a story are just better off unexplained and left up to the player’s interpretation. Story is still mostly great, just these things bothered me a bit while playing.

The gameplay is probably the highlight of this game for me. I love the open world areas that Solid Snake has to traverse through. It makes combat options feel more open and varied. Do you approach by stealth, sneaking by enemies and doing stealth takedowns? Or do you go guns blazing into enemy fire? I love this dichotomy because it gives the player the freedom of choice to choose how they want to approach any specific scenario. It’s great fun. While saying that, this game does flesh out its combat and gunplay way more than any Metal Gear game prior did, with shops that sell weapons and weapon mods that allow you to customize your combat options to the heart’s content. I see this as a welcome edition that while I personally did not use too much, it’s good for those who wish to get creative. This game desperately deserves a modern port with a higher frame rate as the low sub-30 FPS gameplay does hamper an otherwise excellent experience.

Boss fights are a huge step up from previous games. It’s no longer just about shooting your opponent as many times as you can, now you really have to think about how bosses move and their attack patterns. The only boss I feel like was not great was Raging Raven who just took too long to finally defeat. In contrast, the final boss of the game was an excellent finale and brilliant payoff to someone who played these games back-to-back.

MGS4 is an excellent conclusion to Kojima’s Metal Gear saga that just has a few minor things that hamper it from being better than MGS3 for me. Still a great experience and definitely deserving of a port to modern platforms.

this game simultaneously has the worst section in any game ive ever played (the europe tailing mission) and the best fucking sections of any game of all time (shadow moses, anything with raiden, outer heaven) so like fuck you

the perfect conclusion to solid snake's journey. if you ignore the weird moaning women

Despite its many issues, the story does still feel like an appropriate send-off to a lot of MGS' themes and characters, and it's still fun at least.

era demasiado novo para este mas sempre senti o drip do snake velho.

Troppe cutscenes, ma ci sta visto che è la conclusione. Grafica e gameplay che tutt'ora reggono alla grande.

this game tries so hard to become a movie, so much in fact that i cannot rate this as a video game, anything bad i said about koei tecmo games applies 10x.

if riot designed mgs they'd nerf the cardboard box