Reviews from

in the past

Published and developed by companies specializing in licensed game cash grabs this game is as bad as you would expect. The game itself, however, is somewhat of an oddity and at least a little bit interesting because of it.

It's a pretty bizarre and incredibly short collection of minigames themed after the movie. It also released a baffling three years after the movie came out and seems to be mostly aimed at kids, which weren't really the target demographic of the movie in the first place.

Honestly a fun oddity to emulate for 10 minutes or watch a let's play of simply for how strange and obviously ill-advised it is.

Thanks to the animated series coming out years later, this is suddenly the least weirdest thing to come out of the 2004 indie comedy.

When it comes to making a game based on something like Napoleon Dynamte, you'd have to wonder what it would be like. To its credit, it tries to incorporate elements from the movie into the game, even if it's just stretching out short scenes to make it possible. I like the cut-out aesthetic, certainly fits with the nature of the film it's based on.

My only problem with the game is the medal system. Either you just have to play through to get a gold medal, or you have to get an unspecified score to get it, a simple (get this amount of points to get this medal) would've helped greatly.

It's weird in the sense of a movie like Napoleon Dynamite getting a game, but at the same time it could've been worse.

But fuck the Bow Hunting level, with a passion. You have to be as accurate and fast as possible just to get a gold medal.

I own a sealed copy of this game that I just never bothered to open and play. The longer I go without opening it the funnier it gets. This may very well be the ideal way to engage with this game.