Reviews from

in the past

Good, but it peaks at sweetheart's castle and then never reaches that peak again. Also I was expecting a much darker story

La línea entre el homenaje y el plagio descarado a veces es muy fina, pero si obvias esto y te gustan las historias de chavales jodidísimos de lo suyo pues palante con los de Alicante

W game. but I dont agree with Omocats ways

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A compelling story along with a banger soundtrack!

What started as a wholesome game about dreaming of a perfect world quickly takes a turn for the worse when bits and fragments of repressed memories start surfacing. You'll meet multiple unique characters that fit into stereotypes and the likes. Like for example a (kind of hot) loan shark, an abusive monarch, a depressed pirate, and a buff planet. I thoroughly enjoyed playing through this game, in fact seeing the true ending made me genuinely start tearing up. While the gameplay gets a little stale near the end it is still enjoyable to sit back and bask in the sweet jams. This has become one of my favorite games that I've ever played and it kind of help me come to terms with shit that I've been through. i highly reccomend snagging a copy and playing through it!!!

É legal, mas o fator RPG é a parte menos gostável do jogo (em boa parte por ser RPGMaker também)...

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incredibly lively game that entranced me completely and did not leave me bored once for over 20 hours. when i first picked it up, i didn't know what to expect. a friend on discord was really into it and recommended it to me since i like these types of rpgs. what came after that was an emotional experience and one that i like to look back on from time to time. the characters all feel like real people. it immerses you so much into its world you don't wanna leave by the time you're done. the experience of playing through the black space section blind at 1 am and losing my fucking shit is something i will never forget. i cherish this game. i could talk about what i like about it all day, i'd never run out of shit to talk about. unfortunately, omocat sucks as a person and she will start coughing in 3 days

fine but not as good as everyone says

Bonita historia con unos personajes entrañables y una banda sonora preciosa.
Vale la pena jugarlo.

ja lubie ta gre z innych powodow ale ziuty sa spox

gostei bastante dos personagens mas sei lá acho q a gameplay da uma cansada e ele se rusha um pouco

bom jogo, personagens bem construídos, história legal e bom desenvolvimento

Alors le jeu est très très bien, malheureusement, de mon expérience personnelle, c'était un peu trop. Le jeu m'a perdu et m'a donné un petit mal de tête, mais ce n'est qu'une critique temporaire, j'y rejouerai un jour et le finirai !

Cara não vou mentir eu demorei pra caramba pra jogar depois que lançou mesmo sabendo que eu gostaria porque eu não vou com a cara da criadora mas ainda bem que estava no game pass e eu animei de jogar, não me arrependo nem um pouquinho !! eu sou extremamente apaixonado por essa estética toda que o headspace tem que me lembra Bee and Puppycat, e a soundtrack também !! pra jogar pela primeira vez o jogo pode ser meio cansativozinho por ter muuuita coisa pra fazer e você fica impaciente pra avançar na história, mas por outro lado isso é bom caso você goste de explorar tudo que tem pra aproveitar e jogar mais de uma vez, conteúdo não falta !! os personagens são muito bom feitinhos e apesar de não gostar muito de alguns eu consigo compreender o porquê deles agirem de tal forma, entende?? no geral eu amo a história, a maneira que ela é contada e como o jogo funciona, é meu jogo favorito sem dúvidas

hit like a truck
the twist is kinda eh to me
otherwise a very solid rpg maker game

I don't want to spoil, but the story is very, very, very badly managed. You've got a thousand things to do, beautiful design, great combat system, and then you begin to figure out the story and... it's simply not good enough to support all the other elements of the game. And the rest of the elements aren't that good either to stand on their own! Flimsy, clumsy.

Basil is the reason I'm not continuing this game ever

when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie it's omori

I've never been more scared playing a game. I couldn't go more than 5 minutes without worrying the game was gonna pull some scary shit on me.

I've also never finished a game that prevented me from sleeping afterwards.

Some people probably love this style, but man I am not one of them.

Oi eu vejo video do goulart amooo o cellbo !lultru no chat poggzinho qualquer pronome serve


Spectacular art direction and story

Insultez moi d'aigri, mais je ne comprends pas toute la torpeur autour de ce jeu.
J'y ai joué sans rien connaître a son propos, et pourtant j'ai trouvé le scénario plutôt prévisible et vraiment pas choquant, le gameplay est ok sans plus, et celui-ci ne m'a pas charmé.
Heureusement que KEL existe

Its not great as a game like at all but the message in the end is okay.

Omori é um jogo que me deixou muito pensativa e que aprofunda bastante o psicologico, os personagens, a historia, o conceito, o gráfico, todos são impecaveis. Se tivesse algo para reclamar talvez seria sobre as lutas em turnos e a dificuldade de usar os elementos durante a luta, fica meio confuso nessa parte, porem não é algo que muda muito e da pra passar despercebido, o jogo é muito bom e com certeza vou platinar num futuro proximo...