Reviews from

in the past

This sure is another pokemon game

Achava que seria pior mas o jogo até que é legal, curto bastante a mecânica do dynamax mas o gmax achei meio paia que você precisa capturar o pokémon específico em uma raid, o que foi arrumado na dlc mas já era uma mecânica necessária no jogo base. Um problema para mim nesse jogo são as animações em geral, são simples demais e é algo que poderia ser bem melhor. Outro problema são os pop-in de npcs que é algo bem tosco e tira a imersão do jogo. A história achei ok, e curti que não é você que tem que arrumar todos os problemas que acontecem na região e sim o campeão que vai cuidar desses problemas, o que dá mais importância a ele na história, mas lógico que quando você se torna o campeão aí é contigo. Curti bastante os novos pokemons e outra coisa que achei massa são as batalhas de ginásio que são iguais um jogo de futebol. Pokemon Sword é um jogo medíocre que até tinha potencial mas foi desperdiçado.

The most average Pokemon game to have ever averaged.
At least it's not Pokemon Scarlet/Violet...

Get's too much hate, because it's a good time for what it is. It's nothing revolutionary or amazing, but it's worth seeing all the Pokémon roaming around.

Follows the same basic pokemon formula but its still fun

this game was made for all the dogs (get the Drake reference)

Please save me from Pokemon Jedward.

Pokémon!! You are my childhood!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please Nintendo Make this as good as Zelda

I actually thought it was pretty good

Best mainline pokemon on the nintendo switch, the wild area wasnt all that to be fair but it was fun

an underwhelming, overly conservative, minimal effort project, much like the real-life region it's based on

this game sucks so bad im sorry😭 its by far the worst pokemon game imo

Pokemon games are generally stupid. This is no exception. I enjoyed this game because it looks like my home (the UK), and you run around the countryside jauntily battling Pokemon before visiting a grand town, doing a mini game and then solving some other mystery. Keeps all the useless arbitrary stuff from other Pokemon games but adds in some plot points about a man using some sort of nuclear weapon allegory. Oh well, I’m sure the hardcore fans loved it.

"Pokemon is a very low quality franchise."
- Bede

the box art legendaries have weak designs, weird ass gigantamax mechanics, the gym leaders are aight, the pseudo legends are awful, but the setting is good

Divertido e feio. Pokémon Sword talvez tenha um dos loops de gameplay que mais estimule a rejogabilidade na franquia, sendo um jogo rápido de começar e zerar, sendo competente nesse questio "de história".

Diversos problemas caem sobre este título, a responsabilidade por ser o primeiro jogo em um console de mesa, a falta da dex completa, ausencia de dublagem (que se manteve na geração seguinte), porém mesmo sendo PODRE, ainda é pokémon, ainda é divertido.

Story is meh, probably the stupidest villain of any mainline pokemon game with dumb motivations, the dynamax gimick got annoying real fast for me aswell, not as annoying as terrastal but its up there

I find this game wildly boring, and I don't enjoy saying that, I love Pokemon, though I think it peaked on the DS. The region/route design feels incredibly simple and not at all mechanically engaging. The closest the game comes to feeling innovative is the Wild Area, but it feels very underwhelming, not cleverly designed or fun to explore just a neat concept that serves better to daydream about than actually experience. The presentation leaves me wanting at about every turn, and makes me not want to spend time in this world. Very personal, but I am not a fan of most of the designs in this game, which is unfortunate, I usually like to do my first playthrough with a team comprising only pokemon from the region. The pacing is atrocious, innumerable "press A over and over and over and over..." conversations that cannot be skipped with the writing offering very little worth paying attention to. I felt this issue most in Sun and Moon, so it is somewhat improved here, but that's like saying getting punched once is better than getting punched twice, you're right but you still have a black eye. Overall, not very engaging, but the Pokemon formula does have a base level of fun associated with it.

Franchement les gens sont aigris car c'un bon pokemon. Alors oui les graphismes 0 mais le reste franchement c'tres bien pour un jeu pokemon

I have played my one Pokémon game. I can now rest, and never do that again. Yes I also played the shield one, no I'm not changing the first sentence. Or the other review.

It was really good. I loved the vibes of it. Story was alright, characters were worse, but the Pokemon, areas and vibe were amazing. Had me in a chokehold for a solid 3 days before i finished it.

the story may be a little lacking but i still really loved it