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in the past

all kinds of fucked up and downright disgusting

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What a messed up VN. The setting is already gruesome but yet it gets worse deeper into the story. And I'm not even had gotten through with the 18+ patch (because there are scenes with Saya are IMO not something i should read due to her appearance) which would made it even more dark/gruesome.

About the story: What i like the most is how a person can be so messed up due to a change in his worlds' view. How he lived is something i will never want to live and i can definitely see why he become the way he are. It's still messed up on how that perspective can degrade the main character during the story.

The story still was an hentai though, there's hentai elements here and there even if you read the Steam version. The censorship isn't that bad, you still know what happens even though they skip all hentai scenes and censor the really explicit parts (shadow/zooming on the non-explicit parts). That's good since otherwise the gruesome stuff would be ruined a bit. Still, it's better for me to not see them for my sanity.

I think the first half was stronger than the latter half, yet it didn't stop being messed up which means i was getting accustomed to what the VN offers and the focus became more on the side characters how to deal with the main character and Saya.

I didn't feel really for MC and Saya TBH. After all what they've done and the "tragic couple" smuck. Some character designs felt "Hentai-ish" because of the female designs, it were only Koh's and Omi's designs that had this for me though.

Overall. Messed up. Not as strong as i had hoped to be in the end. Still, good story for what it was though. I do feel the story really wanted to be Saya and MC happy since the other endings considering "good" were "bad". But even still it's kinda up in the air if that was the case.

Lo siento... Simplemente no...

Una obra sobrevalorada y no por NitroPlus, sino gracias a la gente que habla de ella la cual estoy seguro de que ni siquiera entendieron el significado de la obra, solo la leyeron por el morbo o porque su ídolo favorito hablo de ella.

Al menos le doy sus méritos al hacer implementar un estilo artístico que se siente atemporal, tener un OST muy bueno, tener escenas retorcidas que juega con el tema del horror cósmico antes de que eso se volviese tan popular y un final que lejos de ser bueno, es crudo y apresurado (cosa que no me parece mal el final que se le dio, puesto que no es una historia que te cuente el incio y final, es una historia la cual vez desde un punto avanzado en la historia del protagonista, tu solo eres un espectador mas en la decadencia como humano del MC)

En su momento cuando la termine mi opinión era mucho más negativa, pero ya casi 1 año de eso y mi opinión se ha enfriado un poco y ya no la considero una obra mala, solo pretenciosa y un tanto mediocre, pero es que al final me ha generado un odio por ella gracias a las personas que hablan de ella como si fuese algo del otro mundo diciendo que es lo mejor cuando las únicas VNs que han leído esa gente son Danganronpa, DDLC y Katawa Shoujo...

Plusy: wciągająca historia, super muzyka, niezły VA
Minusy: brak

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An amazing read. Probably the most tense I've felt reading anything. The writing builds tension and suspense wonderfully while throughly disturbing you with moments of horror and the mere idea of other aspects of it. It toys wonderfully with lovecraftian esque horror and the deep rooted psychological fears of what lies beyond the veil of human reason. It does bother me that at points characters will be stupid or act stupid for little reason, such as how the final and best written ending only happens if Koji decides to act retarded. Yoh's "death" also feels a bit lackluster in terms of her reasoning for going there. Has the same issue most horror movies have where when people die it doesn't feel like it was out of their control. Might be a personal issue though, still a fantastic read! - 2022

Horrible, pero el segundo final me gusta....

Ca ma marqué, mais pas avec les bonnes choses, c'est assez dérangeant. (La scene Hard entre sayu et son voisin me quitte jamais(aled))

My first real visual novel, and one of my favorite stories I've ever experienced. I feel like every aspect of the game perfectly compliment each other to deliver an amazing experience. The first half of is basically perfect in terms of my enjoyment. However, after you are given the first choice, it feels like the story slowly dips in quality. In the the end it's still a fantastic experience and I wouldn't change any of the endings even if I was given the choice, but it's definitely not perfect.

good VN, had some very interesting hours with it and was actually my introduction to the real disease which led to me a whole different rabbithole. the steam version is the censored version so make sure to get it somewhere else

short VN,life long trauma
(but it is very good,hard to explain why its a strange story but good one )

Saya no Uta possui uma escrita muito insana, e sem dúvidas, um desfecho enigmático satisfatório. Certamente o maior (e único) problema da Visual Novel é as H-Scenes com a Saya, que é uma menor de idade, mesmo que ela seja uma "entidade" o seu visual não apaga o fato que é uma loli.
Mas, se deixar isso de lado (por mais que seja difícil) Saya no Uta nos presenteia com uma história e um mundo grotesco bem escrito, sendo bem rico em detalhes e ótimos desfechos pros personagens. Sendo bem sincero, cada final que fiz, não senti que foi um péssimo final, e sim que ambos de certa forma são bons do jeito deles.
A atmosfera que a visual novel cria me arrepiou bastante, seja pelo "vazio" que as artes passam enquanto eu lia os diálogos, ou também a trilha sonora, que são ótimas e passam uma sensação de desconforto gigante. O artista que criou as músicas está de parabéns, porque fazer transições cleans entre musicas calmas e agradáveis pra puro barulho e agonia é algo de se impressionar.

Enfim, é uma VN Eroguro muito boa, mas, que infelizmente se perde em seu conteúdo erótico com menores de idade.

A Saya é vesga.

One of the scariest experience in media

Creator has weird fucking fetishes but overall a actually good novel game ( I am not weird pls)

Короткая, но достаточно занимательная внка сразу с кучей настроений и жанров. Отличный саундтрек, благодаря продолжительности не успевает надоесть. Ну, может быть только чуточку.

Очень понравилась вторая ветка, когда внимание смещается на Кодзи. Их с докторшей сюжетка, в отрыве от основной линии, воспринимается как такой необычный приземленный хоррор с таинственной страшной ебакой. Сама бэкстори и лор мне кажется крайне интересным. Обычно аниме и внки если и делают что-то интересное, то потом до бесконечности эту хуйню всячески задрачивают до такой степени, что тебя заебывает. Тут же наоборот - инфы выделяется сколько нужно, грамотно расставлены акценты, всё заебись.

Проблема в том, что это всё - меньшая часть новеллы. А большая заключается в той самой чернухе и порнухе, благодаря которым вы скорее всего и знаете о Сае. Так что не знаю нахуя я вообще ща расписывал всю эту поеботу, если в остальном вн - это "ебучий психопат ебет ребенка в комнате из плоти (и это еще не всё!)"

Если у вас твердое и четкое отторжение всего, чем эта вн известна, то просто забейте хуй. Вы только 10 раз ущемитесь, понегодуете и всё равно продолжите жить свою беззаботную жизнь. Если же вам интересно опустится в этот грязный омут с головой и вас это не пугает - милости прошу.

p.s. а вообще в интернете есть вещи В РАЗЫ более хуевые и мерзкие чем это. Я не хочу нормализировать или как-то поощрять эксплуатацию лоликона, фетиша на изнасилования и прочей извращенной хуйни. Но хэй, в конце концов игра не скрывает своего содержания от игрока и тем более она не ограничивается ТОЛЬКО ЛИШЬ этим. В мире есть куда более уродливые и опасные вещи. Опасные потому, что не раскрывают свою истинную натуру. ДуМаЙтЕ

im not a huge VN fan if there isn’t any actual gameplay, but i did enjoy this one. pretty gross and i love the concept. the fact that there are only 2 or 3 choices is BAFFLING. i have no idea if thats normal but im shocked by it.

First "anime" visual novel I read. Terrible scenes but entertaining at the same time

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to me saya no uta is nothing more than just a pedophile trying to find ways to justify pedophilia and the answer he arrived to was to make a protagonist sticks his dick in a child but nooo!!! said child is actually a cosmic horror monstrosity with tentacles so were supposed to think its reasonable

pedophilia is not the way id deliver the message that pedophilia is bad idk!

I don’t even think you can call this a porn game because it somehow is gross, disgusting, and vile and makes all of that look genuinely beautiful.

Saya no uta, é uma obra bem direta então é meio difícil eu tentar tirar uma filosofia dela, mas a forma que ela toca na arte é insana, como que os olhos e seus sentidos acabam fazendo você mudar completamente, e isso faz até você duvidar da sua consciência, veja bem, a saya tecnicamente só tem uma "alma" pois adquiria o ensinamento humano, teve gostos como literatura e matemática e diversos conhecimentos, a cultura para o humano é tão importante que o maior choque desse jogo não é somente a "maldade" do protagonista, mas sim como é grotesco tudo isso, como que a saya é na realidade, e os sentidos dele foram tão perturbados nisso que ele conseguiu amar a saya, partindo de um ponto superficial ele não amaria a saya eu creio se visse ela com a visão normal, porém tecnicamente terá que amará no final verdadeiro, creio que o final verdadeiro tem como o objetivo uma agnosia em todos os seres humanos ou não, apenas fazendo eles se tornarem grotescos e o mundo ao redor, é uma grande obra, mas eu não consigo citar diretamente o porquê disso, é uma experiência incrível, você se sente ali dentro e tem empatia por todos e ódio por alguns, as emoções se deixam levar nosso, porque é algo que entra em uma pauta estranha, a aparência, importa sim, se não importasse a saya não teria problema em ter conseguido o plano dela, a aparência dela é estranha aos seres humanos, imagine ter que viver como um fumanori da vida, que tem essa agnosia totalmente problemática que engana os sentidos dele, é estranho pensar nisso de fato, não consigo discernir o certo e o errado nessa obra, quando é ruim para alguns é bons para outros e vice versa.

so disturbing and weird ans fucked up... 10/10

Just very unimpressive for modern standards IMO, don't care much abt it's impact.

Despite some unnecessary scenes I really like it! I'm weak for Cosmic horror stories and disturbing romances

Not for me, the music was really great tho i'll give it that.